The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 589-590

Chapter 589-590: The Siblings Ferri and Goffmen; Xiao Chun’s Warning

589: The Siblings Ferri and Goffmen

Feng Wu ate very fast and in no time at all finished the delicacies on the table.

Ferri laid down her cutlery silently. She’d only eaten a few bites of the fish and was still hungry.

“I wonder if these foods are to Miss Feng Wu’s taste?” Ferri knew Feng Wu was Ming Xi’s future wife, so even though she looked down on her, she didn’t show any of it on her face or in the way she behaved.

“It’s delicious.” Feng Wu nodded her head seriously. After some thought she said, “The flavor is bit bland. Next time you should add some salt.”

If the grilled fish had more salt, it would have been even more delicious, thought Feng Wu regretfully.

Ferri. . .  was silent. What she expected was a comment along the lines of “The food was delicious, thank you for the hospitality,” but that was not what she got.

Ferri was overwhelmed. It was the first time in her life meeting someone who offered an opinion so seriously.

“Really? When next we have dinner, I must remind the chef to add more salt. My family has become accustomed to lighter dishes so the chef makes dishes that suit our tastes. It was my negligence. I apologize.”

Ferri sincerely apologized to Feng Wu. Had she been talking to anyone else, the other party would have politely answered back, but who was Feng Wu? This girl never understood the subtleties of social interactions so naturally she wouldn’t say anything polite.

“It’s OK, just pay more attention next time.” Feng Wu said.

Ferri was speechless. Was it possible to have a proper conversation? She pressed a hand to her forehead. She was a lady, a noble and elegant lady. She should not get angry.

When her brother Goffman showed up, she promptly tossed the responsibility of their guest to him and went back to her room under the pretext of feeling unwell and needing rest.

Goffman didn’t understand why his sister was behaving so strangely today.

As the future heir to Coral Island, Goffman had no problems entertaining Feng Wu. He took her around the island and quickly discovered Feng Wu was obsessed with food. Her eyes would sparkle whenever he casually pointed out a delicious item. It wasn’t hard to understand her thoughts.

Goffman was a thoughtful young man. He immediately took her to see the many different ingredients that could be made into food, then gave her a tour of all the local dishes. Feng Wu was pleased. She ate so much her stomach became quite plump.

Of course, she didn’t forget to pack a portion for Ming Xi. Goffman, looking at the pile of food, felt Ming Xi wouldn’t need to eat dinner or tomorrow’s breakfast with that amount of food.

After all that eating, Goffman said he was full. And as a responsible host, he took Feng Wu for a constitutional walk on the beach.

Goffman watched silently as Feng Wu caught crabs with a group of children. Looking at her sparkling eyes, he was willing to bet Feng Wu was thinking about all the different ways to eat the crabs.

“Boo. . . ” Someone suddenly appearing next to him surprised Goffman. Could you please make some noise when approaching people? Otherwise you’re going to scare them to death!

Although he complained in his heart, these people were here to help solve his problem, so he couldn’t roll his eyes at the other party.

“Tian Ya, where did you go just now? I didn’t see you when I took Miss Feng Wu around the island.” Goffman asked. josei

Tian Ya had accompanied Ming Xi to the island as well. He was Ming Xi’s personal guard; it was natural for him to want to be by Ming Xi’s side.

Tian Ya disappeared the moment he got on the island and didn’t even show up to have lunch with Feng Wu. Where had he gone so mysteriously?

“I didn’t go anywhere. I just walked around.” Tian Ya was tightlipped as usual. It was hard to tell what he was thinking with his cold eyes and emotionless demeanor.

Goffman felt the cold air rushing towards his face. Forget, just talk less to him.

“Why are you all catching crabs?” Ming Xi walked over from the other side during the lull in conversation between Tian Ya and Goffman.

Feng Wu glanced at him, then promptly threw herself wholeheartedly back into catching crabs.

“Accompanying Miss Feng Wu to play casually. Have you had lunch yet?” Goffman was familiar with Ming Xi as the two used to play together when they were little, but everyone grew up and pursued their own studies, so their interactions became less and less.

“I snacked a bit already.” After Ming Xi finished speaking, he looked over at Tian Ya again. “Tian Ya, I heard you didn’t go to lunch with Xiao Wu.”

“I was walking around.” Tian Ya said coldly.

Ming Xi didn’t ask the question to mean anything. He was just worried Tian Ya would be hungry. “Did you eat yet?”

“Yes.” Well, since he said so, Ming Xi believed him.

“I intend on leaving for Coral Island early tomorrow morning.” Ming Xi looked up at the sky.

“Okay, I’ll go with you. I am the future owner of the island so it should be expected.” Goffman volunteered himself up for the task. He would go no matter what. Coral Island was his birthright. Wouldn’t it be shameful if word spread that he hid?

“Yes, I had planned to ask you. We are not familiar with the terrain, and it would be difficult to navigate the island without an experienced guide to lead us.” Ming Xi smiled lightly.

“That I am. I grew up on the island you know. Who would be more familiar with it than me?”

It was the truth. Goffman knew many of the island’s hidden nooks and crannies. After all it was private property and there were places closed to the public, so even the islanders didn’t know about them.

590: Xiao Chun’s Warning

Early next morning, Ming Xi took Feng Wu and Tian Ya to eat breakfast, then they waited to go to Coral Island.

Goffman took a few skilled guards to go to the island with them.

Mrs. Normandy sent the extra people because she was worried about Ming Xi’s safety. She was being kind, so it was hard for Ming Xi to refuse.

Fortunately, Coral Island already had an established teleportation array with the island they were on. With thirty people in the group, they had to enter in batches. It took a few cycles to send everyone over.

“Is this Coral Island?” Ming Xi frowned as he looked at the plants covering the sky and blocking out the sun. A chilling roar sounded not too far away. The place could not be associated with the same beautiful Coral Island he knew.

“Yes. Whether plant or monster, everything on the island corroded by the black mist changes appearance. That includes any humans still here.” Goffman answered.

“What is the source of the mist? Do you have any clues? Have you sent anyone to look at the bottom of the sea?” Ming Xi asked.

The appearance of the black mist was so strange that Ming Xi suspected there was something at the bottom.

“Your Highness doesn’t know, but the madam already sent people down to look. The water by Coral Island is too polluted. Everyone sent was eroded by the mist in the water immediately, so much so, nothing was left of their bodies. The madam dared not send more people down in vain.

All of us know the root of the black mist was at the bottom of the sea, but there is nothing we can do. No one can survive submerged in the polluted water, let alone check the situation.”

The person speaking was a close friend of Mrs. Normandy. Mrs. Normandy had specifically sent him to the island along with the group because he was thoughtful and loyal and knew many things about the island. He would be able to stop Ming Xi and the others if they wanted to go anywhere too dangerous.

Mrs. Normandy did not want anything to happen to Ming Xi on the island so she thought of everything.

“Can’t go in the water?” Ming Xi didn’t expect the problem to be so serious that they couldn’t even go into the water to check. It would be troublesome. After thinking about it for a moment he asked, “Has this black mist appeared on the nearby islands?”

Goffman shook his head. “No.”

They had asked, but so far Coral Island was the only island with the black mist.

“Did anything strange happen before the black mist appeared?”

Goffman shook his head again. Things wouldn’t be so difficult now if they detected abnormalities earlier.

“Let’s go look around first. The black mist couldn’t have appeared without a reason. It must be because of something we don’t know about.”

Though there weren’t any clues, Ming Xi wasn’t disappointed. He asked Goffman to lead the way, intending to check around the island first.

Feng Wu obediently followed behind Ming Xi, but as she did so, Xiao Chun moved inside her dantian.

Leave here now, get out. It’s way too dangerous!

Xiao Chun’s childish voice suddenly sounded in her mind. It was rare to hear tension and anxiety in his voice.

Feng Wu asked what was wrong.

Xiao Chun replied telepathically with: There is something wrong with this place. I feel a strong aura surrounding this island. I don’t know where the aura is coming from, but I know it’s dangerous. You can’t handle it.

Feng Wu: You can’t deal with it either?

Xiao Chun: No, most of my purification abilities are determined by you. The previous things were easily purified because their master’s level was not as high. But the aura of this thing is too high. I can’t purify it. This place is beyond your strength, not until you reach Holy level at least!

Xiao Chun’s voice came urgent and fast, quite out of character for him.

Xiao Chun tried desperately to persuade Feng Wu to leave; whatever was here was beyond their abilities. Feng Wu was his master and she was still in her growth stage so he was limited. His purification powers weren’t at their peak yet.

“What’s wrong?” Ming Xi asked worriedly when he saw Feng Wu’s expression change slightly.

“There is danger here. We should leave quickly.” Feng Wu wholeheartedly believed Xiao Chun’s judgement. She didn’t hesitate to believe those she trusted and Xiao Chun had been a good friend and partner for a long time.

Feng Wu looked seriously at Ming Xi, hoping they could leave as soon as possible.

“No, I promised Mother Emperor I would help Aunt Normandy with the problem on Coral Island. I can’t leave yet. Are you afraid? Do you want me to have someone escort you back to Aunt Normandy?”

Feng Wu shook her head. She wouldn’t leave if Ming Xi wasn’t leaving too. She wanted to stay with Ming Xi!

“Why don’t I send someone to take Miss Feng Wu back to my mother first? The environment here is really not appropriate for young ladies.” Goffman said.

When Ming Xi said he would bring Feng Wu with them, Goffman had disagreed. He heard Ming Xi say during the introductions that Feng Wu was a second-year at Xingguang Holy academy. Her strength couldn’t be very strong and the island was so dangerous. Bringing a girl like that would only get in everyone’s way!

He enthusiastically stepped forward and suggested escorting her back.

Feng Wu shook her head. “No, I will follow Ming Xi.”

Ming Xi patted her little head and didn’t say anything else more about the matter.

On his end, Goffman was really disappointed; just when he thought they could get rid of Feng Wu. . .  The mutated creatures on the island were sensitive to sound and he was afraid Feng Wu would shriek when something unexpected happened. Women were without a doubt the loudest creatures when surprised.

He wasn’t worried about the men he brought along doing anything to arouse the hostility of the mutated creatures on the island. Everyone was briefed on the characteristics of the mutated creatures and plants, so they knew what to be careful of.

The only concern Goffman had was Feng Wu. She didn’t seem like the talkative type, but just because she didn’t talk didn’t mean she wouldn’t scream. The whole team’s safety could be compromised by her.

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