The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Magical Beast Mountain

Years?! That was too long. “Is there no other way, a short-cut?” Feng Wu knew she needed money if she wanted to buy food, so she couldn’t risk spending it on a beast carriage ride.

“You want a short-cut?” The innkeeper frowned at this. “Come with me.” She brought Feng Wu over to the open door and pointed to a distant mountain range in the horizon asking, “Do you see those mountains over there?” Feng Wu nodded.

“That mountain range is called Magic Beast Mountain. If you cut through it you’ll be able to get to An Luo city straightaway. Once you’re at An Luo city, rent a flying beast and head east. It’ll cost twenty coins per head for the ride, and you’ll be able to get to Zhongyong much quicker.. . But young miss, going through that mountain is dangerous. As the name states, there are a lot of wild magic beasts living there. It’s not a good idea. If you’re really set on going through the mountain then I’d recommend hiring a good mercenary group to escort you across. Don’t you and your brother be foolish. Many have perished on that range every year.”

Feng Wu was wayed by the innkeeper’s logic, but she had such an excellent poker face it was hard to discern what was going on in her head. Because of this the innkeeper felt the need to keep explaining in hopes of persuading the young miss. Feng Wu was very well behaved and listened quietly.

Originally she just wanted the cheapest way to get to Zhongyong, but after listening to the innkeeper’s reasoning she felt her previous actions were short-sighted. The cheapest way would take too long! She knew from Auntie Lian that she would get twenty gold coins every month for her living expenses. She hadn’t touched her allowance for the month yet, and Auntie Lian had been frugal and saved all her allowance from the previous months. So in total she currently had 60 gold coins on her card. It would be more than enough to purchase fares for two people once they reached An Lou. josei

Feng Wu waited another fifteen minutes before the parched innkeeper finally stopped talking. She learned that Tianfeng was a large continent with numerous countries throughout. Instead of getting a map of each country individually she preferred to deal with just one continental map. So at the pause she grabbed the chance to ask where she could buy a map of the continent. She was given a tip for a good shop to visit and a bit of information about her destination as well.

Zhongyong was unusual in that it was a self governed independent city, home of the temple’s headquarters. Because the city was rumored to be established by God, it didn’t belong to any specific country or territory. Most people living there typically had dark eyes and jet-black hair, although occasionally those with different characteristics would appear. These people were usually foreigners or citizens with mixed blood.

Legend had it that people in the Sacred temple were chosen by God. The chosen few were given special powers to fight against the onslaught of monsters and to defend people and maintain peace on the continent. With such an outstounding job description, how could these warriors not be adored and venerated by the public?

Aside from the Sacred temple one other place of note was Xingguang Academy. The academy was the largest dual discipline school in the entire continent, teaching both magical and martial arts. Only the most talented magicians and sword users made the cut and attended the school. Those who graduated were allowed to take a special assessment. If successful they were invited to join the Sacred temple. For those able to gain membership, it was a glorious thing.

Feng Wu wanted to purchase a generic continental map so she could calculate the most money-saving route while still taking safety into consideration. Based on the innkeeper’s suggestion, she went to a store specializing in groceries and was able to purchase one with five gold coins. Feng Wu looked at the map in her hand and gave a sigh. Such an expensive map! One meat bun cost two copper coins. With five gold coins she could buy enough meat buns to last a long time. Although she was distressed about the cost she eventually got over it. Feng Wu was an easy-going girl who never let troubles or worries drag her down for too long.

“When do we leave?” Tian Ke was so excited that he couldn’t help but dance around Feng Wu. He placed Little Bun on the bed and let the baby be. Except for a picky appetite, Little Bun was a surprisingly calm and easy to take care of child. He rarely cried or fussed at all.

“Tomorrow, we’ll buy provisions then set off right after.” According to Feng Wu’s calculations the shortest route would be through the mountain range, just as the innkeeper had said. However she was not willing to hire mercenaries, instead she was going to rely on her own abilities to stay safe. Feng Wu didn’t have that much money. If a map cost five gold coins then… who knew what other expenses they could incur along the way. Penniless children couldn't afford to get hurt!

“We’ll hire a beast carriage in the morning then.” Tian Ke had never ridden in a beast carriage before so he was really excited at the prospect.

“We’re not hiring a beast carriage. We’re going to pass through from behind the mountain.” Feng Fu took a big bite of one of her meat buns after saying so. Yum! So fragrant. She really liked it. Feng Wu decided to stock up on the buns and store them in her ring for later.

Tian Ke froze. Then he began to seriously think about what he just heard. He really wanted to understand, but it was beyond him. “No… that mountain is full of wild magical beasts. Just the two of us alone won’t make it.” It was as good as committing suicide! He might only be six, but he was still smart enough to know a foolish plan when he heard one.

“Not true. There’s Little Bun. He makes three.” Feng Wu pointed to Little Bun laying on the bed busy making spit bubbles and gurgling nonsensical baby sounds.

Tian Ke didn’t feel that the baby should be counted…

Little Bun glanced over at them with his big eyes. He seemed be asking, “Huh? What about me?”

“Well! Even if you add the baby, do you really think you can rely on him?! Just us won’t be able to make it out of the mountains alive!” Tian Ke didn’t think she was thinking it through properly.

He acknowledged that he was pretty mature for his age, however these few days spent with her really opened his eyes. Even if he didn’t use himself as a yardstick, she was still rather slow-witted! Now after their conversation his opinion dropped even further. She wasn’t just slow, she was actually really stupid! Tian Ke made a bun face. This sister! He had thought she was mature when he first met her in the well that night, now it was clear he was completely fooled by her.

“Don’t worry. I’ll definitely be able to protect you and Little Bun.”

In desolation Tian Ke hung his head. After traveling with her for so long he already knew that although she considered his opinions, once she settled on a decision she would not budge. In a way, he kind of admired her tenacious stubbornness.

“OK let’s just do it as you say.” Tian Ke was too defeated to argue. If both mother and son didn’t care, then who was he to make a fuss? He was such a minor character in this charade called life, might as well just follow her to the end!

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