The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: The Spirit

The fact that Feng Wu continued to eat, completely ignoring her, made her blood boil. She was nobility. How dare this girl ignore her?!

What a hateful commoner! “What are you doing? Stop ignoring me. Don’t you have any manners? Why did Angel even invite you to her party?”

“Yue-er! Don’t make a scene.” A cold voice came from behind the girl.

Both girls turned at the sound. Approaching was the blue-eyed blond from earlier. With a body that exuded an unapproachable aura and grace, his was the kind of beauty that transcended genders, the kind that attracted swooning admirers.

The girl addressed as “Yue-er” was stunned. The expression on her face clearly showed she felt wronged. She gave Feng Wu a glare before walking over to the blond.

After the initial surprise, Feng Wu completely ignored the two of them. She went back to quietly eating her food, thinking that the place wasn’t bad. There was so much food and it was all so tasty. Next time she had to bring Tian Ke along so they could eat together.

The conflict between Feng Wu and Yue-er was minor. The music continued playing and people continued dancing. It should not have been a big deal, but because of Yue-er’s identity, it was.

Yue-er felt Feng Wu didn’t belong at the party. She recruited the guest of honor, Angel, as her ally. After sharing her opinion of Feng Wu, Angel too felt that Feng Wu didn’t belong, and was in fact dragging the prestige of the whole party down.

Angel ordered some servants to humiliate Feng Wu.

Feng Wu had no idea she had accumulated another enemy. After they finished eating, the three of them, Pierre, Feng Wu, and Jier returned to the inn.

The mayor was good on his word. A necromancer, accompanied by several high-level guards, appeared at Ice-Rime to lay the dead spirits to rest. He was an old man dressed in a white robe with a beard that trailed all the way to his stomach.

The village chief welcomed them warmly when they arrived. Jier and Feng Wu had told him where the cave was, so he knew he would be able to lead them there. He called several of the stronger young men over and together they went into the mountain forest.

The polar bears lived in the deepest part, but fortunately for them, the cave wasn’t that far in. They took a circuitous path around the forest and reached the cave without mishap.

They smelled blood the moment they entered the cave. The chief’s eyes filled with sadness while the young men from the village became grim and angry.

The necromancer and his guards took the lead. The chief and the other villagers followed behind. They exited the passageway ten minutes later. In front of them was the pool of blood and the pile of dead bodies mentioned.

“Oh dear heavens!” The chief nearly fainted at the grisly sight. Luckily the villagers behind where there to hold him up. It was the first time they’d seen such an atrocity.

“Those poor girls.” Being a necromancer, the old man could see every one of their spirits. He was shocked by the sight. He had been a necromancer for a long time, but even he had never seen a place with so much resentment and so many spirits. josei

“Spirits.. . rest your heart. Clear your souls.” The old necromancer chanted a verse and waved his staff. An intense white light suddenly filled the entire cave. This caused the spirits to shriek madly, making the scalps of those inside prickle with trepidation.

The old chief was so scared his face lost all color. “Master.. . this.. . the screams.. .” He couldn’t see the dead spirits but he could hear them, and their screeching was intensely alarming. Their voices were fierce, filled with fury, hatred, and despair.

“Do not fear. This is just their resentments being purified. Their suffering will not last long. Soon they will be able to rejoin the wheel of reincarnation and be reborn,” explained the old necromancer.

“Thank you! Thank you so much!” cried the old chief. The other villagers also gave their gratitude to the old necromancer.

It took fifteen minutes to clear the lingering resentment out of the cave and to purify the spirits enough to allow them to reincarnate.

“Later, find people to deal with the bodies. There are so many here. The girls who disappeared from the nearby villages must also be here.”

The guards returned to the capital and found people to deal with the bodies.

It created a huge uproar. The way they died was too horrible! The victims’ families beseeched the mayor to find the murderer so justice would be served.

“Mayor, I’m afraid this is a more complicated crime than we expected.” The old magician’s brow had remained furrowed all the way back.

“What do you mean?” From the expression on the old magician’s face, the mayor knew it had to be serious.

“An ordinary murderer wouldn’t need to collect the victim’s blood. To make a pool like that, the one that did this is probably an asura, an evil spirit.”

His words were shocking. It wasn't just a perverted murderer, but an asura then? This was bad. Asuras were bloodthirsty entities born from blood.

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