The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Making Friends

“That’s too much. I don’t want it.” Feng Wu hung her head, her good mood gone. Turned out she was really poor! She couldn’t afford more than three outfits!

“Then please take care! You are welcome to come again!” The clerk had seen this scene hundreds of times before. Girls came in the shop but would leave empty-handed, having to abandon that coveted article of clothing they wanted because they failed to bring enough money.

The clerk knew better than to cross them out as potential customers though! Like the other day there was a girl in exactly this same situation. She left but came back later and purchased two outfits in one visit! It was foolish to dismiss someone just because they didn’t have enough money on the spot.

The clerk escorted Feng Wu to the door then went back to sorting out the clothes she had tried on before greeting more customers.

“Wait! Those in your hands, wrap them up for me.”

The clerk looked up to see a drop-dead gorgeous guy standing at the counter. Too beautiful! Too beautiful! This guy was definitely swoon-worthy!

“Yes.. Yes.. . of course.” The clerk’s face was beet red as she took payment from him. He exited the shop after paying, leaving the clerk to stare at his retreating figure in a daze. She was thinking:

Why did you appear you gorgeous hunk of meat you! Now my sense of aesthetics is completely ruined! How am I going to get married now?!

Wolf walked out of the shop and immediately looked left and right, trying to find the girl in the purple skirt. It wasn’t long before he saw her dispirited form looking down with her head hung low.

Strangely enough, despite the thick layer of snow she didn’t leave much of a footprint. He had to look really closely to even see the faint outlines of her shoe in the snow.

Feng Wu had inadvertently caught his attention earlier when she was following the girls. He’d never seen someone walk so lightly in the snow. It could certainly be done with magic, but it was obvious she wasn’t using magic.

He had bought the clothes expecting to give them to her as a present in an effort to create a good impression. He hoped she would accept them and they could become friends.

“Wow, I didn’t expect to see such a beautiful girl in a small town like Rime-Frost. Come, let’s be friends.” Wolf laughed offering his sweetest smile. He knew he was gorgeous and just how to play up his charm. There was no way she’d be able to resist.

Feng Wu looked at the stranger laughing in front of her.

Look at that dazed blank expression. She’s lost her mind from my charm, Wolf smugly thought.

“Ah-! A vulgar smile! Is this the vulgar smile Auntie Lian talked about?” She’d heard the word from Auntie Lian when she lived in the village. Back then there had been an uncle who looked at Auntie Lian that way. She asked Auntie Lian what he was laughing at and Auntie Lian had said, “If you see someone laughing like that, just run far away. That person has a vulgar smile.”

Auntie Lian never said what vulgar was so Feng Wu was still confused about it.

Vulgar?! Me?! The magnificent Star General Greedy Wolf?! What’s wrong with this girl’s eyes? She needs to get them checked!

“Little sister, you are using the word vulgar incorrectly. You shouldn’t use it to describe me. Instead you should say I’m unusually handsome, magnificent beyond compare, devastatingly beautiful!” The praises came flowing out of his mouth easily without any effort.

Feng Wu stared at him blankly. Another word Tian Ke used came to mind. It was a word he used to describe Jier: narcissistic. Tian Ke said narcissistic was a word used to describe an overly confident person, someone with a big head. Feng Wu felt this stranger in front of her represented the word well. josei


“What, no! Confidence! Call it confidence!” Wolf felt like banging his head on something. “Forget it. Never mind. Today this big brother will treat you to some cake. There’s a cake shop right nearby, so come on let’s go.” Wolf felt like his brain would bleed if he let her talk anymore.

“No. Jier said not to go with strangers.” Normally Feng Wu had a hard time understanding people’s words, but if their hearts were in the right place their meaning came through to her. She knew Jier said what he said out of kindness, that he was worried about people deceiving her, so she obediently followed his directions.

This man was a stranger so she wouldn’t go with him even if he offered cake.

“Well then, my name is Greedy Wolf. I’m young, beautiful, and am twenty five this year. I have a legitimate job, a steady career, and am strong and honest.” Wolf, hearing himself speak, realized how amazing he was.

“And you? What’s your name?” Wolf smiled like the Big Bad Wolf trying to tempt Little Red Riding Hood. He wondered what house she was from. How did they raise her? Was she one of those children who were mentally challenged?

That big wolf-like smile of his dwindled when he remembered how she had called it vulgar. I can’t have her disliking me already! Must stop smiling!

Feng Wu thought for a moment before replying. “My name is Feng Wu. I’m a student at Xingguang Holy Academy. I’m a sword user.”

“OK then. We’re not strangers anymore. You know my name and I know your name. Now let’s go eat cake!” Wolf went behind Feng Wu and nudged her forward directly into the patisserie nearby. Luckily there was one nearby.

The shop had good business with lots of young girls and couples inside. Wolf and Feng Wu walked in and immediately became the center of attention.

What an eye-catching combination: a handsome young man and a super cute lolli.

“What can I get for you two? The cake of the day is gooseberry cake. It’s very good. There’s a special too. Buy any five cake slices and get a free drink.” The pretty waitress eyed Wolf greedily while giving her spiel, all the while wondering how such a delicious looking man could exist.

“Xiao Wu, order whatever you want. Don’t hold back.” Wolf spoke like a rich young master.

“Miss, please. Here’s the menu,” offered the waitress. The waitress remembered to offer the menu just in time. Phew! Can’t let beauty distract me! Nearly forgot I was working! she thought to herself.

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