The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: The Troublemaker

An Lou was known as the ancient city of the east, and like Zhongyong, the people usually had dark hair and eyes. Based on the girl’s hair color and looks she was definitely not a native or a person of mixed descent, therefore she could only be a foreigner.

Her outfit and accessories screamed “rich girl” from a mile away. She had on a gorgeous dress accentuated with a lustrous string of pearls at her neck. While at her wrists lay bangles made from a mixture of golds and gems. Even her hair ornaments were bedazzlingly bright and blinding. And as if that wasn’t enough, to further highlight how rich she was, her belt wasn’t just an ordinary belt, but rather a dimensional belt. It was obvious nothing on her was ordinary. This left Feng Wu quite speechless. Onlookers who knew the girl’s mother felt sympathy for the two youths, however none made a move to intercede. They all knew that the girl’s mother was a local tyrant and messing with her would only bring trouble.

“Eh? You don’t know your own name?” Feng Wu asked confused. The people here were so strange, to not know their own names. If she didn’t know who she was, then as strangers she and Tian Ke were even less likely to know.

“Hahaha!” This question caused the onlookers to laugh out loud, even Tian Ke beside her couldn’t hold it in. josei

Feng Wu really was asking in all sincerity so she couldn’t understand why everyone was laughing.

“You! You’re courting death!” Ai Li couldn’t believe that these two country bumpkins dared to verbally taunt her. This made her, who had always had a high opinion of herself, feel stifled in her heart. No one dared give her sass before! She reached into her belt and pulled out a wand.

“A magician! That girl is a magician!” The crowd exclaimed in awe.

“Heavens! Those siblings offended a magician!” said another.

“Ay yi yi, they’re doomed!”

None thought the two had a chance.

“Do you want to fight?” Feng Wu looked at the girl and the wand confused.

“Tch! What nonsense! Get down on your hands and knees and beg for forgiveness. Then maybe this great lady will have mercy on you.” Ai Li haughtily waved her wand in Feng Wu’s direction. She felt a strong sense of superiority and that things were right with the world again. In her eyes the two siblings were mere insects. The fact that she was even giving them this chance to admit their mistake and apologize was already incredibly generous of her.

Tian Ke was nervous. He wasn’t sure what Feng Wu’s skill level was, but since the opponent was a magician, it was better to play it safe. If he’d known earlier he would have just swallowed the insult and turned the other cheek.

Because magicians were so few and far in between, those who appeared garnered a lot of respect. Unlike normal people, some were even directly conferred titles simply for existing and were exempt from paying taxes. They were only required to stand by the empire and assist should the empire need them. Now such a magician was standing in front of Tian Ke. Although he didn’t know what her rank was, she was still a magician, and that was enough to make him nervous and scared. His temper not only created problems for him, it also brought trouble for Feng Wu and Little Bun. Tian Ke was full of regrets.

Feng Wu furrowed her brow at the girl’s words. “Do you mean to say that you want to fight?” Her master said she was not allowed to use her martial arts to bully ordinary people, however it was a different story if the other party picked a fight. In that case she was free to do as she wished. Now a girl she’d never met before was brandishing a magic wand like a weapon in front of her. Feng Wu wasn’t one hundred percent sure so she sought clarification.

“Fight?!” You dare to even make such a suggestion?” Ai Li sneered with disdain. Clearly this bumpkin didn’t know the proper hierarchy, to act so recklessly in front of a noble magician, please. In the end Feng Wu just wasn’t sure! The people here talked a lot but their words were so unclear. “So… do you want to fight?”

“You’re courting death!” Ai Li had never seen such a stupid girl before, to not understand and appreciate her generosity but instead stubbornly persist in ignorance. She had truly underestimated the denseness of a country bumpkin’s mind! How dare this girl take her so lightly. It was tantamount to looking down on her. Ai Li opened her mouth and began to sing a song, intending to cast a fire spell. She would make this girl suffer and understand her insignificance.

Feng Wu felt the air fluctuate as soon as the song began. An energy wave was building up, ready to burst forth. Feng Wu was too lazy to bring out a weapon, instead she stepped right up to Ai Li and pressed a finger to an acupuncture point. Immediately the song stopped and Ai Li’s face flushed red.

She couldn’t believe it. “How is this possible?!” She lost? But she barely started! Although An Lou city didn’t prohibit fighting, it did prohibit grievously harming and murdering others, so at least she didn’t have to worry about that.

“I win.”

“Let me go! My father is the head of the Ai Ma business association. Touch me and he’ll never let you go.” Having lost, the only thing she could think of to prevent further humiliation was to bring up her illustrious father.

Unfortunately for Ai Li, Feng Wu had only recently entered the world. She was completely ignorant of the power structure and had no idea she was supposed to be intimidated.

“She’s the daughter of the headmaster of the Ai Ma business association. No wonder.. .” A middle aged woman standing in the crowd had an odd look on her face as she spoke.

“Hush! Do you want to die?! Remember where you are!” She was quickly shushed by the man beside her.

The woman came back to her senses and furtively looked around. She was relieved to see that no one noticed her comment.

Ai Ma raked in huge profits every year from various business ventures. In fact they were the largest international business association in many countries, including some in the east.

Everyone watching realized the seriousness of the trouble the siblings were in. Since the girl was the daughter of such an influential person there were bound to be repercussions.

“Let’s go.” Feng Wu grabbed Tian Ke’s hand and began to walk away. She didn’t get far before a scream sounded from behind.

“Hey! Come back here and release me this instant!” There was no mistaking it. The girl Ai Li engaged was not afraid at all. Never mind asking for forgiveness, she wasn’t even going to release Ai Li from her paralysis. It wasn’t only Ai Li that was confused, the crowd was also dumbfounded. What was this girl thinking just walking away?

Feng Wu spoke from over her shoulder saying, “The pressure point should release after half an hour.”She kept walking while behind her Ai Li kept screaming. It was no use though for no matter how hard Ai Li screamed, Feng Wu’s back just kept getting smaller and smaller as she walked farther and farther away with Tian Ke in hand and Little Bun on her back.

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