The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 94

Chapter 94: A Team Called "Masters" is Created

“Look! It’s an anonymous request!”

“Mission Details: Prevent Sir Germaine’s wedding to Lady Minerva. Reward: 200,000 gold.”

“It doesn’t say there’s a sign-up cap. There’s nothing about a level restriction either. What luck! That means we can take this mission too!”

No minimum level requirement? When Jier heard this he ran over to the registration desk to register for it.

“I’m terribly sorry, but you cannot register for this mission,” the receptionist told him good-naturedly.

“What?! Why not? I thought there was no level restriction for it.” Jier was annoyed but he kept himself in check. To dangle such a great carrot in front of him then take it away was too much!

Feng Wu stood to the side as she watched Jier get angry.

“You’re correct. There is no level limit, however there is a size limit. Only teams of 5 or more are allowed.” The young receptionist pointed to the requirement that was listed clearly in fine print at the top of the flyer.

“Rats! What a rubbish requirement!” Jier cursed out loud.

“Hey little bro, you worried about forming a team for that mission? We’re a group of three and we’re trying to sign up for it too. But we’re short two people. How about teaming up?” A guy with silver hair and dark eyes called out to Jier. He looked very handsome and confident.

The girl in the group spoke up. “Yeah! Yeah! If the two of you join us that’ll make five. How about it? Wanna join us?” She was a stylishly dressed sword user with porcelain skin and impossibly long legs. Though she wasn’t a great beauty she had charm that made her pretty.

Jier thought about it before quickly nodding his head in agreement. It would be hard to find three people to fill a team. Since they were available, may as well take them up on the offer. Even if they had evil intentions, Jier wasn’t afraid.

“Team name please,” requested the receptionist.

“Righteous Battling.” josei

“That name has already been registered.”


“Already taken.”


The receptionist shook her head.

“The Nine Heavens.”

Another head shake.

“Soaring Dragons.”


“So much hassle just for a name! Let’s just call ourselves Masters.” Jier couldn’t watch the woman shake her head anymore. Although the trio came up with many names, he only came up with one. Why couldn’t they just be Masters?

“Your team has been successfully registered.”


And so their small team was successfully registered under the name Masters. Finally, just getting a name registered felt like an accomplishment.

After they paid the fee the group went to a noodle shop.

There weren’t many people in the shop so they had the whole first floor to themselves.

“Alright! First introductions! I’m Rain and this is my older twin brother, Wind.” She pointed to the cute boy with dark blue hair next to her.

Indeed it was easy to see the family resemblance upon closer inspection. They had the same dark hair and eyes.

“This other guy can introduce himself,” she said pointing to the third member of her group.

“My name is Pei Qing but you can call me Xiao Qing. I’m a magician specializing in dimensional space.” He toyed with his waist length hair as he spoke.

“You can just ignore him. He’s only interested in girly things like makeup, clothes, and pretty decorations. He’s a total pervert.” Rain said as she glanced down at Pei Qing.

Pei Qing acted like she hadn’t spoken.

Wind wiped his mouth with a napkin after slurping his noodles. He smiled adorably as he asked, “The two of you guys, from the way you look, I’m guessing you’re students at Xingguang Holy Academy right?”

Jier was silent for a moment. It was the first time he’d seen someone eat like Feng Wu.

“My name is Jier, fire magician. This is Feng Wu, sword user. How do you know we’re students from the academy?” Jier frowned. They weren’t wearing their uniforms, so how did this guy know?

“I was right! I knew it. Every year the freshmen class come to the guild for missions to earn money. If it’s an adventurer that just enrolled and they’re young, odds are nine times out of ten they’re going to be students from the academy.”

“Xiao Wu, how come you’re not saying anything? It’s OK for you talk,” said Rain cutely as she sidled over to Feng Wu.

Feng Wu looked at the trio and gave her greeting seriously. “Hello. Nice to meet you.”

“Oh wow. Not so seriously though. We’re all just friends here.” How did the atmosphere get so serious? Rain reached over the mussed Feng Wu’s hair.

“OK enough chatter. Let’s talk about the mission. What are your plans?” Jier just finished his bowl of noodles. He wiped his mouth and waited for the trio to talk.

“Whatever captain thinks we should do.” Rain’s face was full of innocence as she smiled.

Wind and Pei Qing also looked at him the same way.

Their expressions… made Jier want to knock them on the heads a few times. “So what you’re telling me is you don’t plan to do anything, that your idea was to form a team together and leave it at that? Hm?” Jier smiled coldly. He had no interest in being anyone’s workhorse.

“What?! No! We supply the manpower and captain can supply the brains. We’ll faithfully and diligently execute the plan! How can you think we’d cheat you like that?!” Wind was quick to reassure and suck up to Jier.

“You will follow my orders?” Jier looked at the trio thoughtfully.

“Will do!” They spoke in unison as they energetically nodded their heads.

“Alright. Good then. If I heard correctly, the mission was to break up Sir Germaine and Lady Minerva’s wedding. Who knows when they’re getting married?” Jier didn’t know much about either of them, so he was hoping these three wierdos had some information.

“Oh I know! I know!” Wind raised his hand excitedly and answered. “They’re getting married two months from now.”

“Two months? That’s a lot of time.” Jier nodded. “What do you guys know about them?”

“I heard Sir Germaine is a young aristocrat. He’s rich and popular with the ladies. As for Lady Minerva, there aren’t many rumors about her. Some say she’s a peerless beauty and is related to the queen of the Souya kingdom. I believe she’s the queen’s younger cousin so she’s pretty amazing!” Pei Qing sighed thinking to himself. He was a beautiful man. Why wasn’t he rich with ladies eager to marry him?

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