The Overbearing Chief Husband's Favorite: Baby

Chapter 155-158

Chapter 155-158

Chapter 155: Reflect on her status

Luo Yibei wentover her words again as he drove to the distance. His chest felt blocked.

Giving such anambiguous gift to another man under his nose?

He just wantedto punish her, to let her reflect on her current status, but after driving forprobably half an hour, he drove back.

Who knew thatat the place where he left her, Fang Chixia’s figure was gone!

Luo Yibei satin the car, quietly looking around the deserted wilderness. His eyebrows formeda line as he started driving along the road trying to find her.

It was the nextmorning when he tracked Fang Chixia down in a small hotel in the town of Provence.

She hasdisappeared for a day but she neither looked distressed nor pitiful after beingabandoned, instead, she was even quite spirited.

He wassurprised and impressed.

The differencebetween her and other women is that she was smarter than most. Even if hereally did throw her out in the wild, she still managed to live well.

Fang Chixia waspicking flowers in the garden in the hotel. Her hair was on top of her head ina ponytail, tied with a bowknot. Her long hair swayed neatly with youthfulvitality and brightness.

A bouquet offreshly picked white roses was in her hands with some crystal droplets of watershining on the petals. She was sitting next to a good-looking French teenager,chirping constantly as they chatted in French.

"Xia Xia, thisis enough!"

"All theflowers in the dining table and the hotel rooms were already picked today."

"Is it hot,would you like to go back to the room for a break?"

Fang Chixia’sgaze swept over the empty iron gate of the garden then across Luo Yibei who hasjust entered the hotel. The corners of her lips rose up in disdain. She raisedthe bouquet to her nose for a sniff, smiled at the boy, and together, they wentback into the hotel.

While walking,a French dialogue drifted by.

"Lan Xiu, if Iwork for seven days, how much would be my salary?"

"1500 Francs."

"Would it beenough for an airline ticket back to China?"

"It’s okay if isnot enough, you are welcome to stay here at any time."

"Thank you, butI only took a time off from school."

"Oh, so it waslike this. Then, good luck!"

The voices ofthe two got farther and further away as if Luo Yibei didn’t exist. From thegarden to the hotel, Fang Chixia never glanced in his direction.

Luo Yibei stoodin place, stared at her back for a while, and then followed them into thehotel.

The hotel wasvery small, similar to many other hotels in small towns in Southern France. Ithas character and style.

Fang Chixia wasbrought back by Lan Xiu, who happened to pass by yesterday. Everything she hadwas in Luo Yibei’s car. She didn’t even have a penny on her but she refused tostay in the hotel for free. Therefore, she proposed to give a hand in the serviceof the hotel, and earn a sum sufficient for a ticket back home.

Luo Yibeiwalked in and strode straight to the front desk where she was arrangingflowers, "Book a room."

The familiarvoice made Fang Chixia’s back stiff.

On the otherside of the counter, Fang Chixia returned indifferently, "Sorry, the hotelrooms are fully booked today."

She said so onpurpose not wanting him to stay in the hotel. Who knew that Lan Xiu who wasnext to her, turned around and exposed her barely, "Xia Xia, what are youtalking about? Early this morning, there were still a lot of empty rooms!"

"Lan Xiu,handle him yourself!" Fang Chixia reprimanded as she took the flowers to thedining room area.

Luo Yibeisnorted and coldly hummed. His eyes returned to Lan Xiu, "I want the roomclosest to hers!"

Chapter 156: We charge by the face here.

After booking agood room, Luo Yibei entered the dining area. Fang Chixia had her back to him,designing a flower arrangement.

Luo Yibei chosea seat by the window, ordered a meal and while eating, he quietly looked in herdirection.

Fang Chixia wasbent down to her waist as she arranged the flowers. The uniform the hotelprovided was somewhat loose. The looming scenery on her front was partlyvisible, and was somewhat dazzling for the viewer.

Luo Yibei’sthroat dried up. He averted his gaze and took a sip of the cocktail next tohim.

Fang Chixiaappeared unaware of his presence and still continued with the matter in herhand.

He didn’tinterrupt her but after the meal, he called her over for the bill.

Fang Chixiaobviously hated him. He called out to her three times before she responded.

Moreover, whenshe reached him, she didn’t directly wait on him on his table but processed thebill of another table nearby first.

"??20 Francs, Sir!" She politely handed thebill to the man across the table, collected the money and turned around toclean up the table.

Luo Yibeiordered the same thing as the next table, however, when it was his turn, FangChixia looked at his ordered and without batting an eye blurted, "200 Francs,Thank you!"

"Why is mine200?" Luo Yibei raised a brow as he dipped into her face.

Fang Chixiaclamped her jaws, lifted her chin slightly and said seriously, "I’m sorry, Sir,but we here, charge by the face. Like your cold, dark and ruthless face, ourhotel charges ten times the rate for regular people."

Her reasoningwas totally ridiculous, obviously biased against him.

For all that,Luo Yibei just smugly glanced at her face with not much of a change on his expression."Ten times if ten times!"

He handed her afew checks and turned upstairs.

Fang Chixiabusied herself downstairs during the day. In order to earn her airfare back toChina, she seemed very active. She turned in for the night at 10 o’clock in theevening.

Luo Yibeispecifically booked a room next to hers so he was well aware of her movementson the other side.

After FangChixia entered her room, she turned on the light and saw a dim projection ofthe light from his balcony.

She actedignorant to his living next door. She took a bath, changed into her pajamas,and walked out to the balcony then sat on the swinging chair.

Sitting andswinging herself, she thought back on yesterday’s events trying to figure outthe reason for Luo Yibei’s anger.

After somedeliberation for a long time, she ran back inside and took out the watch.

Studying thedial then around the watch carefully, also deliberately putting it under thelight for a look. She glimpsed of the special French line above then gawked atit for a few seconds. She thought nothing more about it and directly threw thewatch into the garden.

She stood upready to bed down when slowly, Luo Yibei’s figure suddenly came out.

Fang Chixiastumbled as she looked at him, surprise apparent on her face, "How did you gothere?"

"You can book aroom here, can’t anyone else?" Luo Yibei spoke nonchalantly as he stood on thebalcony of his room, his hands resting on the guardrail and eyes fixed on hercoldly.

Fang Chixiaactually wanted to ask how his room happened to be next door, but on the secondthought, he must have deliberately requested for it.

He left heryesterday. What is this now?

"Come here!"Luo Yibei asked.

Fang Chixiaignored him and stepped inside to her room.

Chapter 157: The so-called involuntary

"Don’t wait forme to come over!" Luo Yibei warned.

He obviouslywas threatening her.

It’s been so many days since their marriage that he last threatened her.

What he hintedat, she naturally understood.

Fang Chixiastood at the balcony, eyeing him through the hazy night. She hesitated butafter some contemplation, she dragged her legs towards his room next door.

She went overthere, just because she indeed was in the wrong in giving that gift to ShiJinyang, but it wasn’t surrender to his threat.

Before sheentered the door of his room, Luo Yibei’s figure suddenly stood in front ofher, an arm hooked around her waist and her body was pushed close against thewall.

Fang Chixia raised her arm to push him away, but he pressed himself against her even more tightly...



Fang Chixia’swhole body stiffened but in the end, he let him do whatever he wanted. Shestruggled no more and remained silent, but for a few times, she couldn’t helpbut groan aloud.

She remainedunresponsive on the first few moments but who knew; her senses were slowlyawakened and began to "involuntarily"....

After longhours.

In the end,Fang Chixia’s entire portrait was seemed to have fallen apart. She couldn’teven find a pillow to rest her head on.

The followingday, she got up to work earlier than Luo Yibei.

The room was ina mess and their clothes were scattered all over the place. A lot of thingswere also slammed to the ground, all evidence to the happenings of last night.

The ripples in theair have not dissipated and the temperature of the room remained hot.

Feeling sore,Fang Chixia cursed Luo Yibei several times inwardly, picked her clothes up thefloor and exited as soon as she opened the door.

Luo Yibeiwasn’t surprised to see her gone when he woke up an hour later.

He would bemore surprised if she were lying down quietly beside him and obedientlyaccompanied him till he wakes up.

When he wentdownstairs, Fang Chixia was again arranging flowers in the dining area.

The clothes shewas wearing had been changed, but were still large, probably the hotel owner’s.

Foreign womenare generally taller than the locals, plus the hotel’s owner has a somewhatchubby build. On Fang Chixia, the clothes appeared baggy, serving in a contrastto her petite frame.

As long as shebends a little, a lot of scenery will be exposed.

Luo Yibei stoodnot far from her quietly looking at the sight of her tiny frame. He frowned ather open collar and removed his coat with the intent of putting it on her. Hewas about to move past when Lan Xiu’s voice came from behind.

"Xia Xia, Ibrought you a dress. Would you like to try it on if it fits you right?"

The beautifulFrench teenager was very attentive and good to others. He was thoughtful andtakes care of others in all aspects. French are born passionate so when theymeet, they normally kiss and hug.

When Lan Xiumoved towards her, he put his arms around Fang Chixia and wanted to kiss hercheeks in greeting.

This kind ofetiquette was actually nothing among French acquaintances.

But, for thebystander Luo Yibei, watching this scene made his face sink so he advanced tothem several steps.

When theirfaces were about to touch, the hard-working Lan Xiu was torn away. josei

"What are youdoing?" He was born with a cold aura and with a heavy face; it would chillsomeone to the bone.

"I, we..." LanXiu didn’t know what was happening, and from the start knew nothing of his relationship with Fang Chixia. He looked at him and turned his eyes to Fang Chixia.

Chapter 158:Where are you going so early in the morning?

"Thank you, LanXiu. I’ll go and try this." Also ignoring that icy stare, Fang Chixia took theclothes with her and left.

The dress givenwas totally French in style. Lan Xiu probably hasn’t done much in helping girlschoose clothes because the hem of the dress he brought was too short.

Fang Chixia puton the dress and walked out. Luo Yibei’s mouth immediately parched dry.

The design ofthe dress was tight on the waist. Since Fang Chixia’s waist was already slim,it outlined her figure attractively.

Luo Yibei’seyes feasted on that slender waist which he could span in just one hand. Evenwithout touching it, a clear picture emerged in his mind of his hand circlingaround it for an embrace.

When his eyesfell on her long legs, those eyes turned even more dark and heavy.

Fang Chixiaobviously didn’t notice his reaction and went on with her job.

She busiedherself in the dining room for a while and after returning to the front desk,she laid partly on the countertop and watched Lan Xiu who was counting money.

"1 Franc, 2Francs, 5 Francs, 70 Francs, 500 Francs, Lan Xiu, we have earned a lot today."

"Yeah, let’s dobetter tomorrow."

"Am I close tobuying my ticket back?"

"I’ll help youcompute. There have been more than a thousand in the past few days. Plus today,it is almost two thousand. It’s almost enough."


Fang Chixiachatted with Lan Xiu more animatedly in French. It is in total contrast withhow she talks with Luo Yibei. The two chatted a lot and even talked quite congenially.

Her arms werestretched on the counter, her body half bent, her skirt was short, and withsuch a pose, her buttocks were a little high in the air.

Since meetingher in the morning, Luo Yibei’s mind has already been full with carnalthoughts.

Now, when hesaw in such a pose again, all his thoughts headed into how they could try thisposition once.

Fang Chixiadidn’t see him behind but still felt his excessively evil gaze.

When she leanedsideways to have a look at him, with just a glance, her heart started"thumping" and without her knowing, her face reddened.

Luo Yibeiwalked towards her and regardless of how hot the weather was, he took off hiscoat and draped it on her, "Wear it!"

He was muchtaller than her and with the coat hanging on her petite frame; it partiallycovered her legs as it was longer than her dress.

Though feelinguncomfortable at the moment, Fang Chixia didn’t reject him. Instead, shegathered the coat to her body and turned around, "I’m going to clean the roomsupstairs."

She addressedLan Xiu and as for Luo Yibei, she was still simmering at his behavior the daybefore so she still hasn’t spoken to him.

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