The Peasant Wife Is a Lucky Charm

Chapter 328 - 328

Chapter 328 - 328: Military Service (2)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Qin Silong and Su Ping returned to their hometown to enlist in the military.

It was a scene right out of Qin Silong’s dreams. This year’s spring recruitment directly involved their family.

However, speculation ran rife that the Qin family would likely resort to financial means to secure exemption from military service. It was widely known that the Qin family possessed the means to do so.

This sentiment stemmed from a common understanding that military service was far from ideal. The border regions were constantly fraught with unrest, and even the slightest misstep could result in the loss of one’s life.

Yet, the outcome left everyone perplexed: Qin Silong, the fourth son of the Qin family, had volunteered for military service.

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