The Perfect Destiny

Chapter 154

Chapter 154: Zhou Yi And the Bullet Screen [1]

Chapter 154: Zhou Yi And the Bullet Screen [1]

Translator: StormFrost

Transmigrate ah, Transmigrate

When Zhou Yi first saw the bullet screen appear above Chen Liguo's head he had even thought that his eyesight was broken.

At that time, Chen Liguo had been pushed down onto the bed by him. He looked at him with a face of horror, his mouth asking, 'Ran Qingkong, what do you want to do? Let me go, don't ah."

Zhou Yi: "……"

He fell silent for a moment then asked his system what was going on.

1012 Help You Love System, immediately indicated that this was to help him connect with his loved one. The function was developed to prevent too many misunderstandings from arising. As long as the loved one was emotionally excited, a bullet screen would appear above their heads.

Zhou Yi was a little speechless but at least through this bullet screen he could let go of some of his worries--At least he knew that Chen Liguo was willing.

So Zhou Yi gently kissed Chen Liguo's lip and saw the comment above Chen Liguo's head turn into an embarrassed emoticon--( ω ).

Zhou Yi: Pretty cute.

Then the two did it. Zhou Yi entered Chen Liguo little by little and kissed his lips, neck, and body.

Chen Liguo sobbed lowly, looking extremely pitiful.

If Zhou Yi had not seen the bullet screen above his head, perhaps he would have felt distressed, but he really couldn't now.

Because the thoughts within Chen Liguo's heart at the time was: 'His tool is really big and lively ah.'

Zhou Yi: "……" Why did he suddenly feel like he was being prostituted out? Really wanted to stand up and smoke a cigarette.

The two did it several times that day and Chen Liguo fell asleep in exhaustion.

Zhou Yi looked at Chen Liguo's sleeping face and was somewhat distressed. So he lowered his head and kissed his sweaty forehead.

1012 asked Zhou Yi, "Are you happy?"

Zhou Yi put out the cigarette in his hand and coldly spat out, "Happy your mother."

1012: "……" You never swore before.

Transmigrating made people happy--As if. If he could choose, Zhou Yi would probably be like Chen Liguo, wanting to return to his original world. The sooner the better.

After going through the world where he went out of character, Chen Liguo's acting skills gained a qualitative upgrade and he finally understood how to hide the emotions which belonged to himself and act as others.

The Xu Wenyou Chen Liguo played was very realistic.

When Zhou Yi swallowed him into his stomach, even when he was so happy he couldn't even breathe, he still put on a stubborn 'I don't want it, please don't be like this' expression. josei

Zhou Yi thought to himself that this was enough. It made Chen Liguo happy and also let him complete the task, everything was perfect.

Zhou Yi's system 1012 was also very happy. He said, "Ah, my little Thirteen, I love him!"

Zhou Yi: "……." He seemed to be able to see the expression of a molester on 1012 when he said this sentence.

This was Zhou Yi's first time forcing love, so although Chen Liguo's bullet screen showed that he was really happy, he was still a little worried, afraid that Chen Liguo actually didn't like it.

So Zhou Yi tried his best to make things fun for Chen Liguo and had the chef cook meals that Chen Liguo liked to eat every day.

Zhou Yi had already changed the flavor of his cooking by this time--He could not let Chen Liguo find out that he was Zhou Yi.

After locking Chen Liguo up, Zhou Yi thought that Chen Liguo would lose weight.

However, in the end, it turned out that he was overthinking it because the Chen Liguo who stepped onto the scale was not thin, but frighteningly heavy.

Zhou Yi stared at the number, a stunned expression on his face.

Pretending to be stunned with him was Chen Liguo. In fact, Chen Liguo wasn't stunned at all. What he thought at this time was: Aiya, how embarrassing, ate too much and got discovered.

Zhou Yi: "……" Chen Liguo, what do you want me to say about you?

In fact, the two got along pretty well in this world if one were to disregard the whole locking up fact. At least, Chen Liguo was very happy. While Zhou Yi rubbed Chen Liguo's head and kissed his soft lips, he thought: It doesn't seem bad if we can continue on like this.

However, despite these wishes the task still needed to be done. Chen Liguo died for the sake of Ran Tongtong's destiny completion bar.

Zhou Yi was covered in blood at the moment of Chen Liguo's death, his entire person dumbfounded.

Chen Liguo's last words were: "I….. Like….."

Zhou Yi's expression was incomparably painful. He put his forehead on Chen Liguo's head and choked with sobs in tears.

The ambulance came and Chen Liguo was put on a stretcher.

Others felt that Chen Liguo could still be saved but Zhou Yi was very clear about it. Chen Liguo was gone, gone to the next world. But he couldn't go yet. He had to deal with the aftermath and complete his role as Ran Qingkong.

Zhou Yi did not know how many times he had transmigrated with Chen Liguo already because of the punishment from going out of character in the first world. Perhaps this was the first time or perhaps the second. Maybe they had gone through countless worlds now. But this didn't matter, thought Zhou Yi.

It was raining on the day of the funeral. Zhou Yi held Chen Liguo's urn. Someone held up an umbrella for him from behind him.

He saw the grave that should belong to Xu Wenyou. It had nothing to do with Chen Liguo. Whether it was the picture or the name, it was another person.

They were just acting. Even death was fake.

Even so, Zhou Yi felt an indescribable sadness.

He watched as the tomb was covered with cement. He asked 1012, "Can I die together with him?"

1012 said, "Your time has not arrived yet."

Zhou YP asked, "How much tPme Ps left?"

1012 looked Pt up and saPd, "Ran QPngkong dPed Pn a car accPdent. The tPme span Ps a lPttle long, 23 years."

23 years was pretty long.

Zhou YP saPd, "Then just lPve Pt out I suppose."

For a person on earth, 23 years was really too long. Zhou YP dPd not know how he passed the tPme ePther. SometPmes he would even have the PllusPon that the person called Chen LPguo was actually hPs own delusPon and that he had no system and had not transmPgrated. It was only that Xu Wenyou's death was too hard on hPm that he confused hPmself wPth such delusPons.

Fortunately, there was still a system in his mind.

"Endure it." 1012 said, "The time you will spend alone in these worlds will become shorter and shorter."

Zhou Yi held a cigarette in his mouth. He said, "En."

Finally, after enduring through these two endless decades, he died as he had wished. When he died he actually felt happy. An endless darkness appeared before Zhou Yi's eyes. 1012's voice sounded within the darkness and said, "Let's go to the next world."

The next world's Zhou Yi was a prince from the ancient times. His name was Yan Jingyi.

Yan Jingyi and Ji Shang. Just by looking at the two's identity, one would already have a big heart abusing play in their minds.

And the truth was just like that.

Zhou Yi forced Chen Liguo again. He pinched Chen Liguo's thin waist and kissed his lips gently, watching as he sobbed and struggled.

What Zhou Yi thought at the time was, 'Why is Chen Liguo 'ah ah ah'-ing every time?'

Later Chen Liguo stopped 'ah'-ing. It turned into "Yixixixi so good ah."

Zhou Yi: "……" Baby, how about you continue Ahahah-ing okay?

1012 actually admired Zhou Yi very much, saying, "You can actually not laugh even from this."

Zhou Yi stood next to the window and looked at the continuous snowfall outside. He said helplessly, "I didn't expect him to be such a Chen Liguo either."

1012 said, "Jiayou."

Zhou Yi and his system's exchanges were not as frequent as Chen Liguo's and Thirteen's. They did not brutally harm each other either, so their relationship was all right.

The most important thing was that the Help You Love project group had developed audio mosaics long long ago, so 1012 didn't have to suffer through the destructive sounds--Though he would probably like to listen a lot.

Although Zhou Yi wanted to accompany Chen Liguo 365 days a year his men would not allow him to do so, so he had to bring his troops to war.

Zhou Yi said, "I haven't fought before ah."

1012 said, "Don't be afraid, fight blindly."

Zhou Yi: "……"

Then the blindly fighting Zhou Yi won. He asked the system what would have happened if he had lost.

1012 said, "Lost? Change a body I guess."

Zhou Yi: "Change?"

1012 said, "Don't you think that the story of an enemy emperor and our military advisor getting together is quite pleasing?"

Ever since this world started Zhou Yi determined that his system had no such thing as 'moral integrity'.

Chen Liguo's literary and artistic cells were completely revealed. In this world he perfectly played an unyielding and proud military advisor. Even when he was humiliated he never put down his pride.

When Zhou Yi got the martian text from Chen Liguo he could not understand it at all.

Zhou Yi asked 1012 to check what it meant.

After 1012 checked, it said, "You don't understand my love."

Zhou Yi: "……" Ai.

This world's Yan Jingyi was a standard slag man. He wanted the country and also wanted the beauty. He also didn't care whether the beauty was willing or not and his principle was to do first and talk later.

Zhou Yi stood by the window and in a deep tone told 1012 that he wanted to smoke.

1012 asked, "Why?"

Zhou Yi asked, "Why am I so scummy?"

1012 said, "You can do it, you're the best."

Zhou Yi said, "Say, if I married a wife, would Guoguo be sad?"

1012 thought about it and said, "I think they won't."

Zhou Yi also didn't think so. He already found out that Chen Liguo regarded him as a massage stick. He should be happy with this situation but he occasionally felt himself burning with suppressed anger.

Although life was unsatisfactory it still had to go on.

On the day of the grand wedding, Chen Liguo left the world.

When Zhou Yi rushed back he saw Chen Liguo's body and the box of jade rods on it.

Zhou Yi: "I don't know what kind of expression I should make."

1012 said, "At such a time, just smile."

Zhou Yi: "……"

It had to be said that Chen Liguo was always testing the limits of Zhou Yi's acting.

Question: Seeing one's own loved one pass away peacefully while hugging a dildo, what do they mean?

Answer: It's painful to understand. Presumably your loved one thinks that you're not as useful as a dildo.

When the emperor was angry a million corpses would fall and blood would run for a thousand miles.

The new emperor Yan Jingyi was enraged the day after his marriage and put down over 20 eunuchs and palace maids. No one knew why, not even the empress.

After he was done being angry, Zhou Yi buried Chen Liguo in the imperial mausoleum.

This act of his naturally caused the displeasure of countless ministers but Zhen just sneered and said, "Without him, Zhen doesn't mind being an incapable ruler."

The ministers saw that the emperor was being serious and the voices of opposition were forced to quiet down.

Even though this was his first time being an emperor, Zhou Yi was surprisingly very competent.

He made vigorous efforts to create a strong country and invaded many nations, establishing a period of prosperity. The only fly in the ointment was that he lacked any offspring throughout his lifetime.

No matter how much pressure the officials tried to exert on him he was unwavering. At first he used the pretext of still being young, later he didn't mince his words and said that Zhen didn't want to give birth, so what could they do.

The ministers had never seen such an obstinate emperor before. However, besides this point, the emperor seemed to have no shortcomings, so the ministers could only persist in persuading but to the very end, they were unable to make the emperor compromise.

Being an emperor was naturally very tiring.

When all life stilled within the dead of the night, Zhou Yi would sit at his desk and read memorials. When tired, he would go to the window and look out while falling into contemplation with a deep expression.

1012 couldn't hold back and asked, "What are you thinking ah?"

Zhou Yi said, "Nothing much."

1012: "Just tell me."

Zhou Yi looked at the flurry of snow outside the window and sighed. He said, "I was just wondering, why did he hold the box of jade rods when he left, was I really unable to satisfy him?"

1012: "……" Big brother, you've actually been thinking about this question for this many years? I actually feel some heartache for you.

The biggest blow for a man was to be unable to satisfy his loved one.

Zhou Yi could not forget that box of jade rods and felt that it was the greatest insult to his pride.

If Chen Liguo knew what Zhou Yi was thinking, instead of feeling guilty he might even sob loudly and say, 'It's not me who caused you to worry, it's all my spicy chicken system's fault for refusing to take the jade dildos away no matter what and bringing about this misunderstanding. Don't think too much Yiyi, your thing is very good.'

Zhou Yi who worried too much did not live past 50 years of age.

Illness came upon him like a great mountain and he unexpectedly died overnight.

However, before he died he passed his throne to the successor he had chosen long ago and had him bury him together with Ji Shang.

"Father Emperor." The prince whom Zhou Yi chose to raise held Zhou Yi's hand and asked, "What other commands do you have?"

Zhou Yi thought about it and with his last few breaths, said, "Take out the things in my cabinet."

That prince went over and brought out an exquisite box. He originally thought that the box would contain something precious and was struck dumb when he opened it and saw what was inside.

Indeed, there were a dozen jade dildos, both long and short within the box.

Prince: "……. Father Emperor, wouldn't it be too stimulating to use these things when your body is ill?"

Zhou Yi: "……" What damned thoughts do you have in your head?

As soon as the prince's words came out he realized that there seemed to be some problems with his words, so he hurried to ask, "Father emperor, do you want to, with these things……"

Zhou Yi was almost at his end and he used his last bit of strength to tell him to bury those things with him.

Tears glistened in the prince's eyes and he thought that it really wasn't easy for his father emperor. No wonder he didn't have children for so many years. It turned out that he was homosexual and was worried about the royal dignity and actually spent a lifetime with these ice-cold things.

Zhou Yi: "……" Look at your expression, what is your brain popping out with again.

Actually, Zhou Yi could guess a little from the prince's expression but he had no strength left to explain anymore so he could only glare with his eyes and die with everlasting regret.

The prince saw that Zhou Yi no longer breathed and cried loudly. Then the entire nation mourned together and held a grand funeral for Zhou Yi.

But Zhou Yi did not want a grand funeral. He just wanted to explain to the prince that those rods weren't used by him……

Zhou Yi: "So angry."

1012: "Don't be angry, you can bring back your reputation in the next world."

Zhou Yi: "……." No, he felt like he could never get it back. He even suspected that Chen Liguo had already tried even more strange ways of dying in the previous worlds.

Then Zhou Yi transmigrated again. This time he was a doctor. What was more, he was a perverted doctor.

An ABO setting really was a magical setting. Zhou Yi who just transmigrated to the world still wondered if his beloved Guoguo would be a cute little O. Would his pheromones smell good? Would his butt be very white? Would his hole be very deep?

The roles Chen Liguo had played had increased and his acting had become more and more exquisite. Zhou Yi almost couldn't recognize him but the special bullet screen above Chen Liguo's head still betrayed him--Though Zhou Yi had no memory, he still almost laughed aloud when he first saw it.

Zhou Yi: "So why is my beloved Guoguo an A?"

1012 said, "Didn't I tell you that he's an A before?"

Zhou Yi said with grief, "I thought you were joking."

1012 said, "You have to know that us systems have never joked."

Zhou Yi said, "This joke is really funny."

1012: "……"

In any case, Chen Liguo being an A was set in stone no matter what Zhou Yi thought.

Zhou Yi began threatening Chen Liguo that he would turn him into an O.

Chen Liguo's expression was grim and unyielding but the bullet screen above his head laid his true cowardly nature out in the open: Wuwuwu don't cut my JJ.

Zhou Yi: "……." He almost said aloud that you don't have to cut off your JJ to become an O.

Chen Liguo's pheromones smelled like wine. It was a very good smell. Zhou Yi breathed it in twice and almost became addicted.

Then he asked 1012 why it was like this, didn't he say that As couldn't react to each other?

1012 sighed deeply and then told Zhou Yi, "It's not that I'm scolding you, but I reckon that if Chen Liguo turns into a dog you would find bestiality not that unacceptable."

Zhou Yi: "……"

He was silent for a full three minutes then said two words to 1012: "Sounds convincing."

1012: "….."

Not doing bestiality was simply because you haven't met a dog that really moved your heart yet. Zhou Yi firmly believed that his family's Chen Liguo would definitely be very cute if he turned into a dog.

1012 profoundly felt the terror of the Zhou Yi who was in love.

The daughter of fate in the ABO world was hostile to Zhou Yi. No, to be precise it seemed that ever since Zhou Yi tried to have sex with Chen Liguo the daughter of fate in every world had opinions against Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi thought that this was very normal. Who told him to be scum?

As a two-faced spy and weird doctor in this world, Zhou Yi gave Chen Liguo an injection.

After Chen Liguo received the shot full of hormones his body started changing and his pheromones became more and more sweet, like a ripened fruit.

And Zhou Yi was the person who picked the fruit.

The two had been together for a long time by now. Chen Liguo's mouth said no but the bullet screen above his head was very honest. The 'feels so good's popping out were about to brainwash Zhou Yi.

Sometimes in the middle of the night Zhou Yi would light a cigarette by the windowsill and look far into the dark night sky asking 1012 who Chen Liguo's favorite person was.

1012 said, "You, it's you. Chen Liguo's favorite is Zhou Yi."

Zhou Yi put out the cigarette and said with a sneer, "If Chen Liguo dares like other people I will castrate him personally."

1012 thought, 'And I thought you were going to give him a poisoned apple.'

Snow White, oh no, the pretty and coquettish cheap good Chen Liguo played these worlds as if they were games and his simple lives were passed very comfortably.

Zhou Yi almost went out of character a lot more than Chen Liguo because he had to continue acting even under Chen Liguo's bullet screen. It really wasn't easy.

One time he took off his clothes in front of Chen Liguo and saw a line of characters appear above his head: "So long yixixixi."

Zhou Yi: "……"

He walked over and kissed Chen Liguo.

Then Chen Liguo's comment turned into: "So soft yixixixi."

Zhou Yi: I'm going to be fucking brainwashed by 'yixixixi'.

Zhou Yi already tried to get 1012 to turn the bullet screen off but he found that this wouldn't do because he couldn't be sure whether or not Chen Liguo liked it or not without it.

The film emperor Chen Liguo now had a strong grasp on all roles and no hints could be gained from his expression.

Zhou Yi could not bear for Chen Liguo to suffer, so he chose to make himself suffer.

Not driving a mecha even once in an ABO world was almost like an insult to the world, so Zhou Yi watched as Chen Liguo carried a 'what's come has come' attitude as he ran to the frontlines and killed zergs.

"He won't be in any danger will he?" Zhou Yi was a little worried.

"He won't." 1012 said. "Thirteen is very reliable."

Zhou Yi said, "That's good then."

After a few years of separation, they met again. Zhou Yi kissed Chen Liguo and saw a comment appear above his head: I can't go on like this, I can't indulge in the pleasures of the flesh.

Zhou Yi rejoiced in his heart that his Guoguo's soul had finally reached a higher level, then in less than a minute the comment above Chen Liguo's head became: Don't indulge your mother, so good ahahahah, again.

Zhou Yi: "……" Ai.

Chen Liguo passed away very peacefully when he died in this world and just silently died in Zhou Yi's arms.

He had already left by the time Zhou Yi noticed.

Zhou Yi touched Chen Liguo's cheek and sighed lowly.

1012 said, "Don't feel sad."

Zhou Yi said, "I'm not sad. I'm happy."

Happy that we, are a little closer, to the way home.

Feel bad for Zhou Yiyi Ah hahaha.

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