The Perverted Evil Cultivator

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: The Futanari Army

Now that Bai Long had decided on turning all the women inside the Yin Plundering Sect into his private army, who better to use the technique on for the first time than Meirong?

After all, from the entire Yin Plundering Sect she was the one whom he first met. And therefore, she deserved to be given this special chance.

When you thought of it, what Bai Long wanted to achieve wasn't really that hard.

If he didn't want other men to have sex with any woman in the entire world, he just needed to make all the women want to have sex with their own gender.

But, since it wasn't possible for him to turn all women into lesbian, and even if he did it would bring back the problem of no more humans being born, Bai Long chose the next best option.

Give females what was possessed by only men until now.

A dick. 

The technique Bai Long was about to use didn't actually possess a name.

In short, it was one of those techniques which could be considered as an experimental one because of how even the Ring of Darkness didn't reveal everything that would happen once it was used.

All it said was how when this technique was used on a woman it would give them the capabilities of having sex as men did, while not losing anything which their body possessed before it was turned.

As for why the technique once used on any woman would no longer be in Bai Long's control, it was because whenever the specially modified would have sex with another woman and cum inside her pussy, other than the chance of turning pregnant they would also obtain a dick.

And this would keep on repeating itself again and again regardless of how many women the specially turned women had sex with.josei

This was why Bai Long despite feeling very curious about how a woman with a dick would look, hadn't used the technique until now.

Flying down towards the courtyard, Bai Long quickly found Meirong who was rubbing her pussy against a Yin Slave to plunder Yin energy from her.

Smiling towards this, Bai Long guessed that the women of this Sect wouldn't mind obtaining a dick when all of them were lesbians anyway.

"Hey Meirong, how do you feel about becoming the first-ever woman to obtain something that no other female ever possessed?"

"Aaaaaahhhh... You're asking me, and not ordering me?"

Not stopping what she was doing, Meirong kept on rubbing tribbing while feeling that something was wrong.

Since the moment he placed that curse on her, Bai Long had never once asked her to do anything. He only ordered her to do whatever he wanted, and therefore Meirong couldn't help but think twice about what Bai Long was offering.

Especially when all of his words were completely ambiguous and mysterious.

Possess something that no other women did until now?

He wasn't talking about a dick, was he?

Chuckling towards herself at how stupid her thoughts were, Meirong decided to go out on a limb and accept the offer because Bai Long hadn't done anything to cause harm towards her since the first time she met.

"Good! In that case, stop what you are doing and come here."

"Hmmm... Okay."

Letting the Yin Slave go, Meirong walked close to Bai Long who was using a specially made needle to draw a peculiar symbol on his fingers using a mixture of crushed herbs. 

Following everything according to the technique, Bai Long once done said, "Spread your pussy and reveal your clit."

Not feeling shy in the slightest after everything that they had done together Meirong used her fingers to show the clit which had been puffed up due to what she was doing until now. 

Moving his hand forward carefully so that the symbol he drew wouldn't change due to his movements, Bai Long pressed that part of his finger on top of the clit which was more than big enough for the symbol to become imprinted on. 

Once Bai Long realized that the technique had been finished, he walked back to watch what would happen next while coming up with a name for what he would call these women who had a dick. 

Having decided to take inspiration from the world he previously used to live in and call Meirong who was one of her kind in the entire world a Futanari.

As for his army, he would call it the Futanari Army as well. 

While he was thinking such things, Bai Long other than spotting a peculiar expression on Meirong's face also began seeing changes down there.

While everything else remained the same, it was her clit which Bai Long used the technique on that started changing.

Stretching forward at a rapid speed, the button-shaped clit turned into something like a bamboo rod.

Once that happened, the pink coloured finger-like clit began turning wide until it was thick enough to be considered as a dick.

Slowly the finer details began forming on it like veins, foreskin, and so on, but Bai Long stopped paying attention to it.

After all, he was the kind who didn't have any interest in looking at a dick which didn't belong to him.

As for whether the technique would truly perform like the Ring of Darkness claimed, Bai Long would know about it within a few days.

But before that, he felt like he needed to say something to Meirong who looked like she was close to fainting from seeing what her sexy and cute little clit had turned into.

"What do you think of my gift, Meirong?"

Not waiting for an answer, Bai Long ordered, "Go and fuck as many women inside the Yin Plundering Sect as possible and cum inside their pussies. Expect my mother of course."

Saying so, Bai Long chose to leave since he had something he needed to say to Qingling before it was too late.

Leaving Meirong alone with a dick which was bigger than an average one, Bai Long was very curious to see what would happen next. 

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