The Perverted Evil Cultivator

Chapter 203

Chapter 203: The new Cui Clan

By not finishing everything he needed to do in one day as everyone else did, Bai Long other than feasting on the goring amount of fear by the days passed also killed more individuals by the passing days.

Having just killed four men yesterday, killing four hundred the next day caused every man inside the Cui Clan to shake from fear at the possibility of them being the next one.josei

Unfortunately, even though they all knew that their death was imminent, none of them dared to step forward and rebel against this reign of terror.

After all, one more day survived was still one more day alive, right?

Not to mention, all of them still had hope in some sort of miracle occurring and saving then from this pair of monsters.

Yes. Other than Bai Long who was doing everything, the Cui Clan members considered Feng Wen who wasn't allowing them to escape as the more evil one out of the two.

In fact, some even though that she was forcing Bai Long to do what she didn't want to personally do.

Obviously, this was only the stupid women who found themselves falling in love with Bai Long that thought so, but since no one ever kept their mouth close the information spread so far that even Feng Wen finally heard about it.

And when she did, she almost flipped out and killed the remaining members of the Cui Clan.


With every passing day, the hope in the eyes of the men kept on decreasing until there was nothing more than pure despair in their eyes.

The women however had long since grown numb to the deaths of the men and therefore instead only focused on enjoying themselves.

With Bai Long not taking even a single one of the resource inside the clan, the women who usually couldn't do as they wanted due to the oppression of male members started spending each day as happily as they could.

Having gotten used to being naked and actually quite liking it, the women whose potential had been forcefully repressed until now burst out at once making each of their strength slowly skyrocket.

At one point, due to the cultivation of many women reaching the Sage Realm, the still alive men started thinking that they were dreaming and that none of this was real.

As for Bai Long, he didn't really care much about this due to the fact that none of it mattered to him.

After having spent so many days having sex with literally almost all of the women inside the Cui Clan, Bai Long had long since given up on the idea of killing them the women.

Therefore, the plan right now was to only kill the men.

And since most the clan's army and elite cultivators were men, it was more than enough for him to turn his Sword of Extermination completely red in colour. 

But, Feng Wen however had a different idea.

Since their mission of exterminating the Cui Clan could no longer be finished due to Bai Long deciding on sparing the women, she didn't want to just let them alone to do whatever they wanted.

Instead, she planned on making them set up their own force which would easily be considered as the strongest force in the city and then turn it into a subsidiary to their Divine Night Sect.

At least in this way, she would be able to help Bai Long obtain some contribution points for all the time he spent here.

And without any surprise, the contribution points he obtained from that would be more than he would've from finishing the mission.


By the time the last remaining male member inside the Cui Clan was killed, Bai Long who had spent two months here has received a huge boost in his strength reaching 25% of the Qi Saint Realm.

At the same time, his Sword of Extermination had long since passed the stage of being pure red in colour. It was now one-third dark red in colour, and just brandishing it filled the area around him with thick killing Intent which felt like it could be touched with one's bare hand.

With this, the Sword of Extermination had almost reached the limit of the true strength it could ever possess.

Now all that was needed was for it to turn completely dark red, and once it did he would really be able to cover his surroundings with palpable killing intent.

The details regarding the plan which Feng Wen had however was something that Bai Long didn't really want to use, but considering that this wasn't the right time to bring out his Futanari Army, he chose to follow Feng Wen's plan and think about what to do with the Futanari Army after he became the next Sect Leader of the Divine Night Sect.

And considering how fast his cultivation had improved, not just Bai Long but even Feng Wen believer that it wouldn't be long before he became strong enough to compete with the current Sect Leader to become the next one.

But that was all for later.

Since Bai Long had finished doing what he had set out to do, and the time for the Treasure Lands to open was soon approaching, he needed to quickly get back to the Divine Night Sect if he didn't want to miss this opportunity which only made itself available once every hundred years. 

In fact, even spending so long here was actually stretching Bai Long's time thin and coming dangerously close to missing the chance to enter the Treasure Land.

Still, since he had spoken with Hu Lifen through the Ring of Transmission, he knew that the Divine Night Sect would be taking all of its disciples to the portals of the Treasure Land during today's evening which gave him just enough time to go back to the Sect.

This was also the day during which the Cui Clan which had completely changed during the past two months finally opened its doors to the outside world.

In fact, it couldn't actually be even considered as the Cui Clan, but since no one was able to come up with a name yet they let the same name remain for now until they decided on what to change the name of this all-female group into. 

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