The Perverted Evil Cultivator

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Sun Hai's Gift

After ordering Yailing to kill her father and take over the Clan Master's position, Bai Long didn't leave her alone and sent Zhenya to her, with a plan to assist Yailing.


"You... "

Looking towards Zhenya, Yailing first had the desire to kill her on spot due to remembering how she treated Liao He.

But looking at his tied up body which was under her feet, Yailing felt that she would be a hypocrite for trying to attack Yailing, when she was right now enjoying herself by hurting Liao He.

"What are you here for?"

The same as Yailing, Zhenya didn't really have a great impression of Yailing.

"I'm here to help you kill your father, dumbass. My Master has given me both a plan to follow, and an order to execute. So, just do as I tell you to, and you can become the next Clan Master before the sun even rises tomorrow."


Raising her eyebrow at how confident the woman who was called Zhenya seemed, Yailing thought that she had too much faith in her Master, Bai Long.

Standing up and gently pressing down on Liao He's balls, Yailing trembled from a tinge of pleasure and said, "Tell me about this plan of yours."

It was close to sunset when Bai Long who like always was sleeping with his head between Linxin's naked breasts said, "It's time to start."

As soon as he said those words, Bai Long opened his eyes, but what he saw was no longer through his vision, but through his Yin Puppet, Sun Hai's eyes. 

It took Bai Long a while to get used to what he was seeing, and controlling Sun Hai properly, but Bai Long managed to do it without taking too long. 

Once Bai Long felt that he could properly control Sun Hai, Bai Long snuggled a little deeper between Linxin's breasts and put his plan into motion. 

Using Sun Hai to run as fast as possible, Bai Long made him jump across the various house's roofs to reach the Zheng Clam as soon as possible. 

Ignoring the surprised glances and fingers pointing towards him, Bai Long controlled Sun Hai to finally stop in front of the Zheng Clan. 

"I'm going to meet the Clan Master."

With those words, Sun Hai didn't even bother looking towards the stunned guards who hastily broke out of their stupor and ran to inform their higher ups that the second strongest general had come to visit the Clan Master. 

... josei

By now Yailing and Zhenya who went along with her, had already entered the Zheng clan, where they were waiting for Sun Hai to appear according to the plan.

Therefore, once they saw him, the two split up and Zhenya entered a room close to the scenic pond, while Yailing went to inform Sun Hai about the room they had chosen.

Nodding his head Sun Hai didn't say anything else, but made Yailing feel confident about him being involved in the plan.

Not saying anything else either, Yailing went back and entered the same room as Yailing and hid herself inside a cupboard, while Zhenya began preparing herself. 

It seemed like everything was going according to the plan.


After making note of the room Zhenya had chosen, Bai Long made Sun Hai stay there and wait for the Zheng Clan Master to come and meet him.

And as expected, it didn't take long for Zheng Chen to walk up to Sun Hai with a wide and warm smile.

Behaving as if they were old friends, and even possibly sword brothers, Zheng Chen said, "Old Sun, what are you doing here? You could've just called me, and I would've come to meet you with the best wine."

Laughing in return, Sun Hai showed a huge smile, which Zheng Chen had never seen before, or even imagined to be possible, given how strict and angry he always looked. 

"I came here to give you a gift, Zheng Chen. After all, your daughter has taken very good care of me."

Staring towards Sun Hai who had a perverted smile on his lips with wide eyes, Zheng Chen was unable to believe that his daughter had slept with Sun Hai. 

But, there was no other way he could think of which would make Sun Hai behave and speak like this. 

"Re... Really? Hahahaha, that girl didn't disappoint me! Hahahahaha."

Not at all caring that his daughter who was married to the King was having an affair with Sun Hai, because their clan needed his support in this time to take over the Bai Kingdom, Zheng Chen began praising his daughter for how witty she was in the inside.

"Indeed, I haven't once been disappointed with her."

Once again, Zheng Chen didn't care how Sun Hai was talking about her daughter with obvious perverted memories, and said, "Since that's the case, I won't reject your gift either Old Sun! But make sure to wait for me inside the clan, we have a lot to discuss."

Speaking his last words with a great amount of seriousness to let Sun Hai understand how important it was, Zheng Chen once again boisterously laughed and began walking towards the room Sun Hai pointed him in.

Entering the room without the slightest fear due to confidence in his own strength, Zheng Chen was lightly stunned before laughing even louder.

"You fucked my daughter, and gifted me a sexy bitch. Thanks for the gift Sun Hai, I'll make sure to use it properly."

Entering the room while licking his lips, Zheng Chen closed the door behind him.

Seeing this Bai Long gave Sun Hai the order to go back to his residence, and behave normally as he stopped controlling him.

At the same time, he closed his eyes and reopened them.

Having been looking towards her son the whole time, Linxin immediately noticed the difference between his eyes which were previously blank and seemed to be looking at something far away, and his piercing eyes which were looking straight at her.

"Welcome back. I guess your plan worked out."

Not bothering to ask how she knew, because Bai Long knew he was grinning, he said, "Of course it did."

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