The Perverted Evil Cultivator

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Fall of Wei Yan Part 4

"You're enjoying this, aren't you bitch?"

To this question, Wei Yan didn't know what to say. Because saying yes would mean that she herself was admitting that she liked it.

But saying no would definitely make Bai Long angry, and most likely do something even more perverted.

"Ummm... Master?"

"What is it, slut?"

"Can't you forgive me? This is very humiliating."

Without even Bai Long knowing, by now his face had a cruel smirk on it which perfectly suited what he was doing right now.

"Forgive you? If I forgave you so easily, I'm sure you'll definitely repeat the same mistake."

Saying so Bai Long began pressing down even harder on the wet and slimy pussy.

"Mmmm Master...!"

Knowing that the pitiful look wasn't working, Wei Yan started acting as if she was enjoying it.

"I know my mistakes, Master! So please forgive me this time. I really won't repeat it."

Using her hands to hold Bai Long's foot in place, Wei Yan who got too into the character started moving her waist and began rubbing her pussy against it.

Despite knowing that Wei Yan was acting with the intention to please him, Bai Long couldn't help but admit that this felt very pleasing to his vanity.

After all how many men could ever claim that a woman voluntarily rubbed her pussy on their foot?

"Fine! I'll let you off the hook just this once. But mark my words, if you ever do something I don't like again, the punishment won't be so lenient."

"Yes, Master! I swear I won't ever go against your words!"

While saying so Wei Yan found herself unable to stop moving her waist since she was very close to cumming in a long time.

Therefore, right in front of Bai Long's eyes, Wei Yan pushed her waist up and pulled on his foot with her hands to increase the pressure on her pussy which managed to successfully make her cum.

With both of her hands occupied, Wei Yan wasn't able to close her mouth in time. So, she ended up moaning like a whore from orgasming on Bai Long's foot.


Once she cummed, Wei Yan regained her senses as shame and humiliation appeared on her face.

Unfortunately, she didn't have enough time to think about what just happened to her, when Bai Long started laughing.

Pointing at Wei Yan, Bai Long began loudly laughing.

"I thought you were acting! But you really are a whore! A good for nothing whore! Hahahaha! I can't wait to see what kind of look your son will have, when I tell him about this."

Listening to Bai Long, Wei Yan's eyes trembled with fear. Hugging his leg, she almost started crying.

"Please don't do that Master! Don't say anything to Bai Yu! Please!"

"Hehehe, so you want to keep the fact that you're a slutty bitch, a secret?"

Nodding her head, Wei Yan could only agree with gritted teeth.

"Yes, Master."

"When making a request, don't you know that you should offer something good, like your loose pussy first?"

Letting go of Bai Long's leg, Wei Yan crawled her way away from him and looked at Bai Long with vigilance.

Everything else might have been okay, but having sex with someone other than the man she married was definitely out of the question!

Especially with who was almost a step son is relation!

"Huh? Does this mean you want your son to witness this side of yours?"

Looking down, Wei Yan could only shake her head feeling that she was stuck between hard places.

"Can't you be satisfied by using my mouth, like you were yesterday, Master?"

Snorting coldly, Bai Long said, "Don't try to act smart before me slave. I haven't forgotten how you just cummed on my foot. So before I turn angry, get on the bed and spread those fat legs of yours apart."


Stopping midway since she once again saw the same bone chilling murderous red haze covering Bai Long's eyes, Wei Yan struggled her way to get up and reluctantly stumble her way towards the bed.

Lying on the bed Wei Yan for some reason remembered just how good Bai Long's foot was, and how pleasurable the orgasm was.

And therefore she unconsciously started thinking about how good sex with him and that huge monster of a dick would be.

So, by the time she recovered her senses a naked Bai Long was right on top of her, with his huge dick waiting in front of her pussy to eagerly pierce it.

"Ummm, Master... I've never taken a dick so big inside me... So could you be gentle with me?"

Unlike what she expected, Bai Long didn't do what most men would do and say yes. But instead, he smirked and held her by the waist. josei

After which I'm one swift motion plunged his dick inside her!


There was zero pleasure in what Wei Yan felt, because her narrow and tight pussy was forcefully spread apart to accommodate something which was as thick as an average wrist.

To Bai Long, that pain filled moan sounded like intoxicating music, which he just couldn't get enough of.

Due to this, Bai Long didn't even wait to let Wei Yan get used to how his huge dick felt inside her, and instead repeatedly pulled his waist back and rammed his dick inside her.

"Stopppp! Oh my goddddd!!! It's soooo biggggg!!!!"

Ignoring the screams of pain, which were slowly beginning to show signs of pleasure, Bai Long continued the process of forcefully making Wei Yan's tight pussy take the shape of his dick.

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