The Player's System

Chapter 188 - Bluecliff 2

Chapter 188 - Bluecliff 2

Bluecliff 2

Other than occasional animals chewing grass there was nothing special about the bluecliff.

"There is nothing noticeable." Clark came back. He was done his investigation. Others spread in various directions.

Jake bent on the ground to listen some sound or understand why there was silence. If the silence and the peace remained there without boss coming to bother them, it would drag the time.

It was fifth quest so naturally they were eager to get along at the same pace. Each quest should necessarily maintain the time frame Jake could not feel reverberation in the ground.

He went back to the team head.

Apparently he was not in hurry to ask clue from the task panel.

"We should move toward the different part of the quest area. It might give some insights about the bluecliff." Junan ordered them to move.

Soon they saw some animals picking the grass but not chewing instead throwing on the ground. These animals ruined patch of the lush grass by repeating this.

"What could be the reason?" Junan thought and stepped ahead. The animals saw him and groaned. They were minding their own business yet Junan interrupted them.

Before retreating Junan happened to notice the ground since the animals removed grass the ground was visible which was surprisingly blue in color.

It was general idea in the normal thought process that if there is lush grass the soil would be fertile. Here the dry blue ground was just opposite of the lush grass.

Junan stepped back and twitched. "Is it possible that we are standing at some cliff?" he absentmindedly asked.

From the flat ground near and far it did not look some cliff. They walked around but no single mountain came in the view. "Can these animals provide some clue?" Albert commented.

"We can wait and watch." Junan shrugged. He was willing to wait and see if the animals could lead the clue.

The animals glared the team members while pulling the grass. Nobody had interrupted the peace of bluecliff and these people came out of nowhere.

Jake silently asked for the clue but the task panel did not give any notification. Jake pinched his lips and kept quiet. It was the will of the task panel to let the quest proceed as it was going on.

The host was not in danger so it was not necessary to interrupt. The animals kept pulling the grass. "We can continue our journey or should we attack these animals?" Junan halted his steps thinking.

He was in the middle to decide what to do.

Team head looked at Albert for suggestion. Albert spoke, "If we kept moving the bluecliff might never end in case we attack animals we might get some reaction in return."

Albert pointed the unending flat area.

Everywhere the grassy land was similar. There was chance that they might remain walking around and getting no outcome.

His suggestion was not bad. In fact if they kept walking they could not be able to understand the confusing structure of the quest area. They would keep walking in circles perhaps.

The bluecliff was famous for its eye reflection of the scenery. For this reason the animals were pulling the grass to make visible pinned location. They were living under the bluecliff but happened to appear on the surface.

For many days they kept wondering what to do to tackle the problem finally they started pulling the grass to see the difference of the ground. All part was blue however the certain entrances and exits were marked with normal soil.

Knowing that some human came to bother the peace of the bluecliff the animals were not happy.

The animals noticed that the humans did not retreat instead they were deciding to attack. The animals stopped pulling grass. They looked at the humans then the empty air of the bluecliff.

Suddenly they started running and disappeared. They vanished in the air or perhaps it was magical place again the team members stood agape.

They were planning for attack yet the animals left in front of their eyes. Because of the special characteristic of the quest area the animals entered in the space to confuse the humans. The space intervals of the bluecliff were broken.

Anyone could hide from enemies and reappear when the threat was over. The broken intervals could only be seen by the inhabitants of the bluecliff.

"We were going to attack. Are we too lazy to reach them and they escaped? Or there is no need to blame?" Junan put his hand on the chin and deliberated.

Albert sighed. He saw how the animals ran like heroes as if they already know the golden key and knew how to fool villains. "I might be villain for the animals but it is possible that the quest area has some special characteristic." Albert commented.

There was no other explanation for the disappearance of the animals. Junan nodded. Now in this situation they could bother their brains to solve the riddle of the quest area.

"All of you should give suggestions. This place should necessarily not remain mysterious for us. The longer it took us for decoding the harsher the quest could become." Junan spoke.

After speaking this he walked separately to note down difference of the quest area. Team members spread again. This time they were alert to notice each and every mark or something that could lead them any clue.

The words of team member Albert gave some idea what they could expect.

The quest area was the first mystery for them. Orin moved his weapon in the air. His actions were not appreciated however it might give him some clue. josei

The broken intervals in the air could only be the save point for proceeding the quest. But the problem that Orin was not giving much attention. His weapon faced resistance in the air at his left while there was no resistance at his right. He walked ahead without noting it down.

Jake used his shield. His actions were related with the fact that animals disappeared in the air.

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