The Player's System

Chapter 3 - The Unfolding

Chapter 3 - The Unfolding

The Unfolding

"Are we going to dump this patient too?" the nurse, empathetically, looked at the unconscious young boy and his severed arm. It can be saved. They had enough medical knowledge to understand that this poor could be saved. They knew that they could operate the bones; injuries could heal, however, the doctors did not bother, instead, they kept on waiting. The purpose was clear; they wanted money in return for better medical facilities. historical

There were only two numbers saved in his phone. One was switched off and the second was, fortunately, active. The doctors dialed the number thinking that it must be of some relative. The other side picked the phone and the doctors mentioned the accident of the boy and his present condition. After half an hour, a man entered the hospital room where Jake Lin was laying unconscious. The man looked at his condition. He was about to leave the room when the doctor entered. "We were waiting for you; you can consent for the operations of the child and his arm can be saved." The doctors started to explain his condition and what they could do to save him.

"Do whatever you want; I have nothing to spend on strangers." The man hatefully answered and left the room.

For him spending money on his new family was better than on the hospital expenses of an ungrateful kid that always thought he was so much better than his father. And for what; he has already left both long ago. The reason was simple. He was afraid of bringing them up and wasting money. One was born with a defective arm and could never earn him anything in the future as payback; the second was a hopeless dreamer running after the self-deception.

He was happy that he abandoned them long ago. The doctor heard his cold reply and twitched. It turned out that the young boy was alone in this world.

What can they do now other than cutting his right arm?

It was the only less expensive route left to save his life. The right hand was already naturally defected and now the two broken bones, wrist fracture and unhinged shoulder had added in. For a proper discharge of the patient they need to provide the proof of medical treatment in the legal papers. The doctor's team called the appointed nurse and advised her, "Inform me as soon as the patient regains consciousness. We need to fast the medical treatment and get rid of this freeloader. Also, do ready the preparations for severing the right arm of this patient; there is no other solution." With those final words, she was dismissed.

The president of the 'Optimal Crown' was about to deny the blame when another CEO entered the courtroom. This old entrepreneur brought some strong pieces of evidence against the second gaming company. Seeing the matters getting complex; the judiciary announced, "The next hearing of the case and the relevant process will be held live for everyone to see it. Since the matter has managed to involve more than one reputed company, the court is obliged for the recordings of the procedure."

It brought pools of sweat on the heads of all five CEOs. 'Were they going to get their dirty laundry aired in front of the general public?' same thoughts ran inside their heads the very moment. None of them was free of guilt; there were many things which they were hiding and trying to blame others especially when the mastermind had planned it would land them in filthy deep waters.

"Respected Court; I ask for the arbitration before the public hearing." The first president said his voice trembling beneath a fake facade of confidence. The others also nodded consenting with the backstage agreement rather than publically disgracing themselves. The young CEO also got approved immediately. The court gave those fifteen days for the arbitration process and after the date, if they failed to settle the matters behind closed doors then the court would have to intervene. It was not a simple problem of these companies and their personal issues; it was related to the hundred billion users of these companies.

They sneaked at each other. Everyone was trying to damage the reputation and the stability of the other company, throwing arrows in the dark. To hide their true faces; they were ready to listen to each other first. Their social media accounts flooded with several possible outcomes. There was no end to the public dissing. Many social platforms and media channels devoted several TV programs to discuss the real issue and the outcome. The so-called respect of these companies was being ripped after the public knew that they were working against each other. Some secret backstage recordings got viral and ruined the last streak of the respect they held.

Several thousand users protested and demanded compensation for their losses. They tried to barge into the headquarters of the companies and broke the property. The situation worsened with every passing day. There was no supplementary solution other than the five presidents sit around one table and save their faces with the last decision. This was the only way they could save their reputes and their companies. They were silently sitting vicious wolves. If they were to be allowed; they would rip each other's intestines out. However, they could not do anything for the reason that they were under the strict eyes of the court personal.

They were not going to admit their shortcomings in front of each other. Their managers were sitting at the back seats ready to write down the instructions.

"The managers should leave the room." The first president spat arrogantly.

The things that they were going to discuss should not reach the second mouth. The others constricted their brows and gestured their managers to leave. The owner of the 'Sovereign Rulers' changed his sides on the chair.

"We all are equally evil for each other; correct me if I am wrong." The owner of the fourth gaming company cleared his throat and voiced sarcastically.

"I cannot let you ruin my reputation and hard-earned position no matter what; blaming that girl publicly meant that the owner has no face left to continue the company. I know you want this to happen but if it is decided then I will make sure that you fall in the same feet like the 'Sovereign Rulers'," the young CEO glared at the old owner of the 'Optimal Crown'.

"Wait! We are here to find a solution, not for a rampant blame game. Remember we don't have that much time and this is the last string to hold. The time is skipping." The fifth president intervened before these self-served people start fighting. They calmed down and silence resumed. They took the pages placed in front of them.. The legal papers were a rough draft of what would happen to them and their companies if they could not solve the matter during the arbitration period.

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