The Player's System

Chapter 31 - Blank Battle

Chapter 31 - Blank Battle

Blank battle

The cottage was not in good condition or broken that could easily made the players think it was worthless to clear it. It might have been similar fashion however the eyeless serpent was on duty. 

Its job was to stop these players and get rid them by using all means. The eyeless serpent was hiding in this broken cottage with the allies. The presence of this specific eyeless serpent was enough to create the dark smoke. 

The ogres were the main threat while the eyeless serpent was their boss for orders. The main purpose of creating these eyeless serpents was to create threat. They could expel black smoke from the shingle threatening for other creatures. 

The shingle has two benefits; it could expel black smoke and also absorb it in case it was no more in need. The purpose was straight; kill players or unruly creatures in dark. Now that the players ended up there, the eyeless serpent would carry it for them. Junan and his team members were at the second street. 

By clearing it they would be heading toward the third street. If this went on, in no time he would be able to reach the fifth street where the Cobra Lord was guarding the Second Heart. Second Heart was not just essential for the Hidden Python but the whole third colony. 

In case Cobra Lord failed in protecting the Second Heart, the third colony would collapse along with the remaining poison in the air. It would greatly damage the Python influence in the district. The lesser poison in the air would wake up the silent creatures against the Python. 

The scenario would turn against the Python. Though the creatures were weaker than the Python and they could not attack in the Dark Colony. However it would benefit the players. Junan and his team members were intact from any damage, with the collapse of the third colony and the destruction of second Heart, the players would be in advantage. 

They could advance forward without the fear of poison. The Python had been ruling this district by creating the fear of poison; once this fear vanished it would loss the control over the creatures in true sense. Considering all aspects, the Python forced Cobra Lord to use all means in killing the players. 

Three eyeless serpents were given separate orders for this purpose and they spread in various parts of second and third street. The worst aspect of this team was that the team head always take opinions from team members while team members were very prudent in giving suggestions. They were not reckless just like the other two teams. 

They listened to each other before any action. The creatures, slaves and the ogres along with Python all of them were furious at this worst aspect of this team. The Python had had done damage to half of this team, unfortunately even the youngest player was sober in his actions leaving no choice for the Python. 

The only method was to attack in the dark. The eyeless serpent would lead hundreds of ogres to defeat the team. "Use your senses to feel the surrounding. The ogres might be around." Junan guided again. Sashi lit up the weapon and it barely gave off some glimpse of light not letting them clearly see through. 

However it was better than not having the light at all. At least they would not use their weapons against the team members in their ignorance. "Ah it is helpful." Junan gasped. Previously when they used this weapon which actually should not labeled as weapon they were in the dark tunnel. 

"This is the benefit of having a full team. I wonder if all members had had taken real weapons then what had happened with us in the tunnel." Albert chimed. He was literally feeling blind. With the small light source it seemed his spirit returned. 

Sashi barely hid her blushing cheeks. She was professional gamer and did not want petit image of gamer girl just like other girls. Earlier she was sure that if they came to know they would rebuke her for picking irrelevant item from the extras category of the weapons. Now she was reassured once again for picking beneficial item.  historical

"This would be blank battle. Keep your eyes open and your senses focused. I can feel the presence of the 'dudes' they were surrounding us. Make circle and reserve the other sides by joining shoulders, let's face these over smart chicks." Junan guided. This was the best idea came in his head seeing the situation. 

This kind of formation would ultimately restrict the three sides from attack. Team members listened and hurriedly formed their places for the formation. The item was barely gave glimpse of light and they were still unable to see the ogres directly though they could feel the presence. 

The ogres noticed this formation and wanted to seriously curse only if they could. All of them were holding green sticks as weapon. There were sharp blades on the tips of the sticks, all poisonous and dangerous. Once the tip of the sharp blade pierce through the player, it would poison and take small share of hp. 

However consecutive attacks could easily make the player fall complete hp, the effects completely depending on the type of the poison. The cottage was not small and it could accommodate hundred ogres in one go while the others waiting outside of the escape path so that team members could not make it this time. 

Junan and other team members were not completely aware of the situation because of the dark smoke. It seemed that the ogres surrounded them not to leave single option of escape. The eyeless serpent was standing at the some distance trying to maintain the dark smoke by using shingle. 

The system already informed Jake about the source of dark smoke and he was sure that the eyeless serpent was near or if possible inside the cottage. Now that he was aware, he was bound to get the first shingle at any cost.          



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