The Player's System

Chapter 48 - Broken Gate Ii

Chapter 48 - Broken Gate Ii

Broken gate ii

"If I do not count it as coincidence then I might be speechless to think that younger player was leading toward the second gate. Can someone pinch me and yell that it is just coincidence and the younger player is clueless about it." Sashi spoke. Her emotions were crumbling or perhaps her expressions were no more in her control 

"We cannot determine about it. Just follow the flow. The end will make it and elaborate well." Junan did not want to talk about unclear things. He was also curious at this point however did not want to express. At first it counted as coincidence, at second it could be said instinct but at the third it was no simpler.

They were standing in the open forest with rare number of trees. The rare worn out houses gave some realistic feels. The creatures were randomly scattered however after noticing the team, they started to organize. Closing from the bigger forest towards the first gate followed extremely short time contrary to the expectations. 

It was clear that Jake walked through broken gate in the given time. He halted his steps after knowing that the team members also crossed broken gate. Though he wanted to run towards the second broken gate however the ocean of ogres glared. 

Previously they were facing lightening balls. Here it was insanely frightful. The ogres were particularly displeased to see the players. The dull darkness along with their flickering eyes added in the situation. Literally lightening was moving on the ground. 

The creatures were holding the skill unbundling and overflowing so that the stubborn and bull head players halt their advancement. The ogres were fed up one after the other defeat. These players were slapping them consecutively. The team members were looking at each other. They were agape to see the skill and how the creatures were controlling. 

They had been using their weapons mindlessly just so to advance. It had been the sudden suggestions that kept saving their day. To see the aggressive creatures they were stunned and concerned at the same time. There were big troops of ogres and then the creatures, all of them were very attentive toward the team members.

"Look at them they are sure of their preparations. One less or one more, for us they are same." Ahram sighed purely. His chain and the shovel were thirsty for another round of slaughter. "I am afraid if the previous collaboration would work anymore. What possible method could turn the circumstances upside down?" Junan was not sure for the first time. 

The aggressive lightening show was not something they could neglect. Jake was thinking the same. In no way they could follow simple collaboration. The second gate was looking much near earlier however now that the creatures were organized; it seemed impossible task to reach there. 

Short range weapons were not helpful. The ammunition and the grenades might do some damage however they might not be able to throw them afar. Jake did not get any clue from the system; it seemed he was abandoned in the middle of the enemies. 

"What should we do?" Sashi asked seeing the prolonged silence. There was no way that they could fight with the ogres and at the same time lightening gets away their hp. The drop of hp would result their slow movements and finally in-game death. They were imagining the horrible scenario in their heads. 

"Wait I don't need to fire the ammunition. It is readymade opportunity. How come I ignored it. It will definitely break the sequence of the lightening along. How is it?" Jake suddenly shouted with excitement. He was critically observing the available weapons and the situation. His brainstorming brought some idea that was workable. 

They looked at him anticipating what he was about to say. After a moment of silence, Junan coughed and said, "You did not share the idea yet." Jake shook his head and smiled. "Oh I forgot to share. If we can throw the ammunition in the middle troop of the creatures then they would face chaos for few moments then resume the attack. If we slaughter our way during the sequence break then I am sure the population of the nemesis would reduce drastically in few attempts." He explained.  historical

The plan was perfect and simple. This way they did not need to sacrifice their hp. Jake was thinking how he should find path to lead instead of following behind. He wanted to enter through the second broken gate as well. 

It might create some trouble if he directly asked for absurd demand. Jake fell in deep thoughts while the team members were looking at his changing expressions. He could not find idea and looked around after few moments only to see the questioning eyes directed at him. 

Jake got surprised however covered up. "We should get to it so to test the theory." He stuttered. They nodded. It was awkward that they were looking at him when he was in deep thoughts. He patted his hand on his cheeks. 

"To throw the ammunition at much distance the arrow and bow is good choice. However someone who has much experience should use it for the experiment." Jake understood why they were looking at him. They wanted to know how they should follow the plan. Sashi was best and she proved when snatching the shingle right from the head of the serpent. 

Later they came to know that Jake could not hand her the ammunition pouch because of the game restrictions. They fell in worry. It was not good. The previous thoughts again clouded their heads. "I guess we can still follow it. How about this, Jake should throw the pouch in the air and I will hit with the shovel toward the distance." Ahram spoke in the middle of disappointed conversation. 

It was lot better modification and none of damn restriction could stop them. Jake was not lending the weapon instead using it and the other weapon doing its task as normal as it could be. They agreed on this suggestion.            




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