The Player's System

Chapter 5 - Earning EXP

Chapter 5 - Earning EXP

Earning Exp

In the middle of the night; Jake woke up and felt hungry. His arm was still injured and the medicine perhaps lost effects. The arm was hanging like boneless flesh. Pain was increasing with the time. Jake dragged himself toward the kitchen and found some crumbs of the bread. Fortunately the icebox was half filled with various eatable items however he could only address the empty stomach a little. A drop of tear fell when he was sipping on the juice. "System where are you; tell me how can I decrease the pain else I will die." The continuous stream of tears was flooding and rolling on the cheeks. 

A visual screen appeared in front; Jake heard the voice, "First of all; clean yourself and change clothes; you are stinking." Jake gritted his teeth on this nevertheless there was no way refuting the words. Taking wet towel he cleaned his body and the blood stains then changed in to fresh clothing. Before he could sit and ask the system; a message appeared in front, "You fulfilled the task and gained 10Exp." 

Jake felt there was slight difference and his pain decreased though not much. "Give me more task." What Jake understood that fulfilling task gives Exp and it affects his body subsequently he was willing do these tasks. 

"Your next task is to raise your voice for the sake of good. Use your phone and defend the innocent." The system gave another task which was vague. Jake did not understand the aspect of the task still he opened his phone and checked the group. It was created by Patina for fan base. Jake read through the floating text and got shocked. Players from all over the world; hell knows how got the invite of the group and talking things about Patina. 

Initially he could not understand a thing but then throw the phone aside. Perhaps he got some of their conversation or he was too afraid to read it all. His left hand was terribly shaking in fact his entire body was shaking with the fear. He was too scared to continue reading the chat. Jake tried to remember the events one by one to comprehend the situation. There was something that Patina wanted to tell him but then she did not. 

Jake picked his phone again and read through the chat. He knew that people were only blaming Patina for something she never could think off. She was not spy of any other company or working against the 'Sovereign Rulers' yet these gamers were accusing her. After some time he lost his patience and started typing with his trembling hand. 

Jake was not afraid anymore. He typed the text and aired. Typed the text again and cursed the one who was speaking bullshit for nothing. Suddenly all the attention got on him and they asked who he was? What relation he has with the girl? And many rude accuses turned on him. With only one hand and it was trembling immensely; Jake could not follow up with the chat. He threw the phone aside. 

Jake wanted to stop his flooding eyes and think rationally. He got another system message. 

(Congratulation you completed third task and gained 25Exp) with this his pain reduced more than half. Now it was visible difference and Jake heaved a deep breath. Previously he was following the words of the unknown voice because he has no other choice however this time his trust increased for following the tasks. Jake cleared his face wet with the stream of tears. He could relay what fate brought for him. Jake was not in condition to return and collect the dead body. He vowed that soon everything will disclose and he will make sure to punish the real culprits. 

Five of the gaming lords were sitting in a room. They agreed on the rough plan demanding the comprehensive summary and how they will proceed. They were heartless gaming lords; after years of doing emotionless business of gaming; they were ready shake away the losses of the people and propose another business instead. "None of us should neglect some of the aspects while choosing the gamers from the respected servers. Make sure that those who were running big in-game federations having millions of fan base should be included in the last game." Gueman reminded important point. 

He was writing down detailed plan and the others were sipping on the tea. They were bearing thoughts about this plan and how they should use it in their favor. "The conclusion of this game will be plain and planned. Only one company will keep the business going on after this event and it depend on the winning team." Gueman looked up after speaking this. 

He wanted to see their expressions. They stood up from their seats immediately. "When everyone is involved why one of them survive?" the fifth president called Minghu almost shouted. Well Kyle was about to yell but the fifth president took the day. "This option will be fair in the eyes of the public and this is only option which can cover the shortcomings of the others." Young CEO Gueman also shouted with the same intensity. 

The others heard his logic and sat down on their seats slowly. There was hatred in his heart which wanted to hover on the surface but he was stifling. These oldies were in this business from ages and he cannot directly beat them. This was the reason that he came up with this plan. They could buy jury. They could shower money and buy the supporters. Gueman was fresh in this industry. His designed game 'Sovereign Rulers' earned success overnight and now he was on the brink of losing everything. Gueman was not worried for his assets instead he was fighting for the users of his game. Taking advantage of the weakness of others was crime in his eyes and President Kyle did this crime. The others were equally involved for the sake of their earnings. Gueman was using his brain as to how set everything in right order. 

Four others started to think various plans in their heads; what possible measures they could take for winning the game. They passed the drafts of the plan and sent to the court. The court gave permission for proceeding also ordered them conduct press conference and announce for the protestors to stop damaging public property and the peace of the cities.            


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