The Player's System

Chapter 58 - Torch Light

Chapter 58 - Torch Light

Torch light

Junan sprinted back. The bleeding liquid could also bring damage. Albert used shield and they retreated. "Sashi aim at the torch and use your arrow. What are you slacking for?" Junan was stumped at the movements of the slave. It was now after team head.

Sashi was blankly looked until now. She wanted to render help however the huge slave brought threat. Junan intentionally did not ask Jake. He was sneaking toward younger player. Jake was trying best to take aim however he was unable to come near more than this.

He was unable to understand why it keep saying the unworkable attack range. The only remaining choice was that to stand in front of the slave and fire and the slave would trample under the feet before the bullet reach torch. It seemed the weapon was simply lower level against the torch or the slave.

Junan got the attention of the slave. It was no more after Clark. "We might can injure the slave and it would reduce the impact of the attack. I don't know if my theory is perfect or not. But we should test it." Junan commented. He wanted all players to take part so that they could injure this slave and get rid.

His theory was not wrong. With the powerful weapons this slave falls in the category of first type ogres. They were vulnerable from outside. The powerful weapons could help in the battles however they should take care to not get injured.

The team members heard and finally got relieved. They thought to attack from behind since the body of slave was vulnerable. Ahram attached few daggers with the chain and threw toward slave. His idea worked. The daggers left few injuries though not bigger. Jake noticed that every attack was useful. He dropped the idea to aim at the torch.

The small injuries did not bother slave. It reached near Junan and flipped him in front ready to cast the light. Junan felt that perhaps his feet gave up. He was unable to move or drag. Sashi aimed at the torch. She was facing same problem. Every time she wanted to attack with the arrow, it said that attack range was limited. The arrow would go to waste since the attack range was not matching.

It was strange because earlier they aimed and wasted many attempts but never received warning. "The designers are extremely sharp. I would never have cursed however please accept my apology prior." Sashi perhaps understood the reason behind this warning.

They could not use their long range weapons due to the reason that the npc falls in the first category. It was new revelation that stuck her after changing several sides for attack.

Their long range weapons would not work until they decreased questionable distance. It was equal of using sword or spear for attack. She wanted to praise the developers however time was short. Jake noticed the female player and understood. He chuckled at the limitations. historical

At every crucial point, they were given surprise doses. He was literally helpless for any short range attacks. Jake could only see Ahram and others sprinting and attacking at the same time. Albert left a deep injury at the time the slave tried to attack with light.

Albert dodged the torch attack with the help of shield. This gave him chance for attack. The big sword pierced the thigh of the slave. This injury was bigger than any other. Slave halted the footsteps and thumped on the ground. Its second hand shook open and small sized seed fell on the injury.

The seed sprouted in front of their eyes and concealed the injury. It stitched the body with the help of seed sprouts. The slave stood up and threw one seed toward Albert. The seed immediately captured and restricted his movements. Albert got baffled to see this. It was another weapon of the slave.

They were short of time to think anything because slave was strolling toward Albert. Albert shouted for help. Clark held his crooked blade. This blade was sharp enough to cut the sprouts. Clark hurried while looking at the slave. His hands were shivering with the threat.

He once faced the cursed light from the torch and lost his hammer. The last sprouts was cut and Albert jumped aside. The slave almost reached their heads. Junan heaved a sigh of relief. His heart was thumping that perhaps the slave would use the torch light for attack.

Thankfully it was on cool down. Jake was at the nearest point. He wanted to attack no matter how closer he need to stand. The huge slave looked around. It could not see what was near its feet. Jake thought to use this opportunity. He fired at the feet.

All bullets were fired before the weapon stopped for cool down. He literally created several holes in the left feet that the slave fell on the ground groaning. It repeated the stitching process. The seed sprouts changed the structure of the feet.

Several sprouts looked awful for walk. The slave stood up however staggered. The sprouts seemed become part of the body structure and the previous well shaped feet looked like shapeless rocky hill.

The players saw this and admired the effort of the young player. At least this rendered the slave from perfect chase. The slave was unable to properly stand much less chase behind.

Jake was feeling good. He was helpless earlier but knowing that his attack created trouble for the slave, he was more than satisfied. Now other players were attacking knowing that the slave might not be able to chase without staggering.

The slave looked at the awful feet. It was groaning helplessly. In its desperation, the slave used torch light but the players were sharp enough to evade the attack. Three of them attacked at the shoulders.

Bigger injuries were adding in. The slave tried to shoo away but it was no more under control.. Still slave used sprouts for healing the body and it changed the overall stature.

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