The Pleasure Lord

Chapter 137 Lord of the Sea shell Island V

Chapter 137 Lord of the Sea shell Island V

Chapter 137 Lord of the Sea shell Island V

"As you all know, we had lost a great opportunity a week ago to acquire Yandel family’s wealth in our hands. I’m still furious about it, but that’s a thing of the past now, so don’t make such mistakes again in the future, or I’ll not be lenient like I had been this time." Captain Torrento stopped to take puff again and then he continued.

*Gulp* The pirates on the lower rung of hierarchy could be seen fidgetting on the chairs as if they were sitting on needles.

’Lenient, my ass! You killed eleven of my men after torturing them for two whole days, just because they were not able to find in time that the Yandell’s family would be using a different route after leaving their home island. Why did he have to only pick my men not that shorty’s too?’ a dark-skinned middleaged man with a patch covering one of his eyes scoffed in his mind. But as much as he wanted to say that aloud, he did not say anything or even blink his eyes.

He was one of the three vice-captains of the Lion shark Pirate group that had strength comparable with the three City Lords of the Seashell island. His name was Pintel Pagitee, also known as the butcher. His two other counterparts were sitting right in front of him on the other side of the table.

On the left side sitting nearer to Captian Torrento’s position was the short but also bulky man with spiky hair on his head. His name was Ragetti Crook and like his surname, people called him Crooked squirrel because he had front row teeth like squirrels and also because he was really a crooked person. A spear that was twice his size was leaning against the side of his chair.

When the shorty felt Pintel’s gaze on him, he smiled showing his teeth as if he was laughing on his situation. The butcher gritted his teeth as he swallowed whatever anger he felt at that time and shifted his vision to the right. Another reason why the butcher hated him was because of how his surname rhymed with the name of that midget bastard.

And then there was this woman sitting on a seat adjacent to the shorty but there was ample space in between them that showed they were not close or related to each other at all. She was tall, at least taller than most of the men present in this hall.

The only two people taller than her were a low-level pirate leader having one ship under his command and the other person was the tall but lanky man sitting side by side with Captain Torrento.

Her name was Mary Read and her moniker was long-legged bitch. Though no one dared to call her with that name, at least not in front of her face.

Anyone that made this mistake would either get their balls crushed with those same legs or they would get their skull cracked open with a kick to their head. People did not add the word bitch to her moniker for no reason, she was as spiteful as women can get; though it is recognized by the majority of people in every world that all girls are spiteful in nature to some extent.

Mary Read did not have a goddess-like face that could bring down cities asunder with her beauty or anything like that nor was she ugly.

She had just above average looks which were quite common. What made her appealing or her prominent feature would be her long but toned legs and also how skimpily she dressed while only leaving little to the imagination.

Being a cultivator, she has maintained a very good figure and hardly any woman or girl out there having cultivators background would not have good figures.

Unlike Pintel Pagetti himself who hated Captain Torrento to the core in secret and wanted nothing more than to kill him and take his position for himself, Ragetti Crook was a staunch supporter of the Commander of the Lion Shark Pirate fleet, while Mary Read was more of a neutral party as she had never explicitly shown her preference to any side.

She would follow Captain Torrento’s orders most of the time and mostly stay in the region that is assigned to her. josei

Other than the three vice-captain’s, there were six more pirates leader’s sitting with them that had the cultivation of Early-stage Dantian Formation Realm Cultivators. In groups of two, they were assigned to work with the three Vice Captains.

"Yesterday, I had received a letter that was sent by President Kon of the Merchant Union from the Seashell island two days ago. In that letter, he is asking us to attack the Dorbank’s territory from the back. In return, other than the things which we could plunder by ourselves from his enemy’s territory, President Kon is also promising to deliver thirty thousand gold coins, two hundred and fifty Low-grade spirit stones, and three low-grade Black ranked weapons as the price for our help with other miscellaneous things." Captian Torrento than explained to them the reason why the president of the Merchant Union would need to find them this time.

In the letter, it was mentioned that they are now at war with the Dorbanks and it seems they are on the losing end.

Captain Torrento didn’t jump to the conclusion that the Merchant Union was really facing the Dorbanks or they were facing the Jordan’s. Though he had guessed that the latter party was more probable to come out on top.

And like he had thought, President Kon also did not mention it clear whether they facing Darren Dorbank or any other person as if he was also not sure on who was on the other side or who they were fighting with so he just wrote the territory’s name in the letter.

Though their pirate group had many dealings with all the three cities and their Lords, but in the past, they were never asked by any of the Lords to help them in destroying their enemies.

Whenever Captain Toronto tried to do so by his own choice, all three cities would instead come together to fight against him no matter if they were at war with each other or not at that time.

Captain Torrento always had his eyes on the Seashell island for a special reason. He needed to acquire it because he was ordered by a person to do so but he didn’t make any hard effort on his part till now as he had his own selfish plans with the Sea-shell island.

Even this time when the Jordans were about to start a civil war with Darren Dorbank, Captain Torrento was stopped by that person and was ordered not to interfere in it as the helpers of the Jordans that came from the Belmont Subcontinent were not someone he or his backer could afford to offend.

This had unnerved him for some time since if stronger people were able to capture the island before him than he would definitely regret his whole life waiting this long for nothing.

But what made him blow a sigh of relief was that news came from the same person backing him from the shadows that those outsiders were just helping Cole Jordan this one time.

They themselves had no interest in the island whatsoever. After they leave the Island, they won’t care if Jordan’s are able to keep it or not with their own strength.

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