The Pleasure Lord

Chapter 353

Chapter 353: Unspoken Rules - Part 1!

Chapter 353: Unspoken Rules - Part 1!

An hour later, a group of three hundred Barbarians packed up their belongings and embarked on returning to their tribe, not before getting a promise from a certain Barbarian warrior that he would help them retaking in the rebellion.

Another hour later, an army of two thousand and two hundred left the City to protect human villages and towns at the borders from the attacks of two thousand five hundred vicious Barbarian warriors headed by Romethra Anthral himself and a mysterious Shaman.

After promising Karakh that he would appear to help them when they reach their tribe location, Alex used his new gained authority in Pearlmire City, previously owned by Viscount Bardrick, to order its city guards and reserve human soldiers to follow thousand of his own puppets to the borders in order to protect the ordinary people against Barbarian attacks.

Alex has already gotten intel that Romethra had left the tribe with his army and was currently heading towards Hemforth City. The City was capable enough to defend itself, but the towns and villages in between were not.

Fortunately, Alex knew about the Barbarians' attack plan beforehand. Therefore he could form an extra army of two thousand five hundred consisting both of puppets and human soldiers and have them stationed at the southern borders of Hemforth's territory.

But that was not all; some six hundred pirates headed by Captain Mary Reed were also making their way to the southern borders as reinforcement after they had been informed of their mission when they reached Hemforth City in the morning.

As for protecting Pearlmire City from pirate attacks, Alex had told Lady Bardrick not to worry about them anymore.

"We actually hired Blackbeard and his pirates to keep Viscount Bardrick from participating in the war. Now that their mission is completed and paid, they will return back to the sea."

Alex easily lied through his teeth and made the pirate matter to close. In fact, now that Viscount Bardrick has died, there was no need for General Yasir Slavos to continue standing at the border between Pearlmire City and Whiteconch City. A letter should reach him in another hour or so which would be an order to be called back to Nehmor City.

The General under Viscount Bardrick was also sent a letter an hour ago to come back; it should reach him in four hours. Lady Bardrick personally wrote the letter with signs of countless officials pertaining to the end of the war with King Danny and an order for the General to come back and reinforce the southern borders along the forest as soon as possible where the new threat has emerged.

After handing all the work to his puppets and Lady Bardrick, Alex switched back to Elver city and appeared in his room, which he left in the early morning. Naturally, he didn't find the two-woman still sleeping on the bed at noontime. Turning his appearance back to Danny, he went out. It was time to meet and talk to the prisoners.

. . .

When Danny entered the main hall, he saw Nora talking to General Parson.

Nora beamed into a smile when she saw Danny entering through the door.

"Al- Cough! I mean, King Danny, good to see you have finished with your cultivation." Nora coughed and quickly corrected her blunder of calling the wrong name and quickly informed Danny about the reason for his unavailability until now.

"Your Highness," General Parson also saluted with bow and a fist on his heart when he saw King Danny.

"General Parson, good afternoon. How is the situation in the prisoner camp? Are our guests behaving well?"

"That's why I have come to see you, Your Highness. Other than the second prince, everyone else has been behaving quite well, thanks to Vice General Sparrow and his subordinates. They have been very helpful in managing them." General Parson answered before he paused and continued.

"Your Highness, if I may be bold, can I ask you a question about the prisoners?"josei

"You are free to ask and say whatever you have in mind, General Parson. There is no need to act cautiously with your words." Danny smiled and said.

"If that is so, then I would like to ask what do you plan to do with the prisoners, especially the second prince." General Parson asked.

"He will stay in the prison until someone from the Armen Kingdom comes and pay the required ransom of his stature," Danny explained. He knew this was not the real question; there was something else that General Parson wanted to say to him.

General Parson thought for a moment before he said, "Your Highness, Second Prince is said to be very much loved by Armen King. Second Prince is his favorite if we are to believe the rumors. Therefore, he will definitely send someone to bring him back."

"And that's what we would be waiting for, General Parson. For the person sent by King Armen to come and pay the ransom to free his beloved son." Danny frowned a little, but he still answered.

"Your Highness, it is exactly because Second Prince is so favored that King Armen wouldn't want such a black stain of being ransomed back to fall on his son when he ascends to the throne. I think King Armen would ask help from his grandfather, who is said to have cultivation at the Early stage of the Elemental Master Realm."

Alex finally understood what General Parson had meant to say. And it seems his reasons for worrying about this matter are not without cause. But even then, Alex was sure he could deal with Second Prince's grandfather easily. After all, his army wasn't a cabbage for show.

"As per the rules established by the five large sects and the thirteen Kingdoms, no Cultivator above Elemental Master Realm can take part in the secular wars between Kingdoms. Because if they participate, there would be a large number of casualties in war, which would directly affect the continent's population in a negative way. You should already be aware of this, your Highness, I'm sure." General Parson said.

Fortunately, Alex had perfect control over his facial expression, or General Parson would have definitely seen the corner of his mouth twitching.

'Fuck, I didn't know that. Phew, thankfully, I didn't speak first.. Did you know that Tagor?' Alex thought and also asked his puppet about the matter.

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