The Power of Ten

Chapter 15-406

Chapter 15-406: Comfortable Abodes

“Is that possible?” Colyxis promptly blurted out, staring at Legion with balefire eyes, the Night Reaper’s Sabers dropping lower by the second.

“If I choose to make room it is. Don’t try to take her from me, dears; she’s all mine to play with.”

All five demonesses smiled the exact same kind of smile. “That hardly means we can’t sample her later, right?” Libella Noi purred, the Dirge Reaper’s purple hair flowing with a life of its own, her ghost-harvesting Sabers wailing softly in her hands.

“So wonderfully predictable. Amazons are so helpfully known for their endurance in such matters,” Legion answered languidly, clearly on top of the situation. “Which of you would like to come in first, mmm?” She put her hands on her hips artfully, then held one fist up, and backhanded the wall.

Even the demons flinched back at the solid CRUNCH of impact, and Legion moved her unmarked arm out of the full two-inch indent in the wall. “I can’t imagine why I didn’t try one out before. They are much stronger than the average mortals you are used to, dears.”

Oymizlavitazzrkali writhed up, looking Legion up and down eagerly. “Not a Voyd Amazon, Visha? The goddess might get angry...”

“Oh, of course not, Oy-Oy. I wandered across the aisle and appropriated one of Her Icy Nether Parts’ little pets to play with.” The demonesses all hissed with appreciation. “She has been having the experience of her life, indeed. I can probably find a few more of her sisters for you all to ride around easily enough...”

“Could we... have just Possessed some of the sacrifices that came in?” Unguma, the most thoughtful and cunning of the Four Reapers, asked suddenly, her light green hair swirling in agitation at the thought, poison in motion. If so, they could have left long ago!

“You are not so silly. Do you want to go inspect the Seal on the Crack and confirm something so simple?” Legion stepped aside and waved her hand in that direction absently. “Like that Seal is not going to catch a basic Possession. Do you not think that there is a reason that I am here inside someone with a Warlock Pact to hide under, specifically non-demonic and strong enough to take out all of you? Because you know, I wouldn’t even have bothered coming in here otherwise.”

“You do not need to take us out one at a time?” Nishita asked, startled.

“Dear, I’m not going to take the risk of coming back in here once any of you are aboard and the Seal might respond to you. If you want to stay here while I bring Oy-Oy out, please do so! I’m sure she’ll get around to letting you out... eventually.” The clear why bother made them all flush, and the marilith smiled thinly.

The scarlet-haired succubus was even more red as she considered the implications. “I’ll go!” she reversed herself hastily.

Legion arched an eyebrow at the rest of them, who all looked at one another, and then at their mistress, who was hissing in eagerness.

“She is really strong enough to contain all of us, Visha?” the marilith asked, making it plain that if she wasn’t, her four Reapers were going to have to wait.

“She’s a Ten Amazon with my full strength added onto her. In mortal terms, that is a Strength of at least 46 and a Constitution of the same.” Legion whipped her fist back, and buried it to the wrist in the wall with another stone-splitting crack. “Yes, I am fully confident she can carry everyone.”

“Nishita,” hissed the marilith, and the crimson-haired and fiery-eyed, ivory-skinned succubus bounced forward eagerly, all resentment from earlier forgotten. She eagerly locked lips with the lilitu who was very much her senior sister in the hierarchy of demonkind.

She broke apart and flowed inside Legion in a heartbeat, gone in a moment.

Legion wavered for a moment, and then her blonde hair flowed crimson, and familiar burning eyes blinked onto her blank face as her skin paled to unsunned and blood-tinted. Even a pair of smaller horns sprouted, curving around and up off Rayetizvisha’s own, and a pair of familiar dark crimson wings unfolded behind her.

“Hah!” Nishita exclaimed out of the shared mouth, clenching their fists... and then abruptly gave the wall another stone-splitting backhand. “Hahahaha! I have to get one of my own!”

“Another time.” Her eyes rolled as Rayetizvisha spoke, her tail reaching out to coil around both of Nishita’s Sabers and hold them, taking back over as a second tier of distant giggles escaped their lips. Their red eyes turned to yellow-eyed Colyxis, and an eager hand shot out, beckoning.

Colyxis smiled slightly, looking to her mistress, who nodded once. She offered over her silent black Blades, and Legion’s tail coiled about them easily, accepting them. She sauntered forwards to her currently preferred partner, and the two of them eagerly enjoyed the moment before Colyxis discorporated and flowed inside to Possess the Amazon as well.

Half their hair went black, and one eye went yellow, while half their skin darkened to obsidian black. Their features blurred, and blended exquisitely between the two succubi, while another set of black horns added to the red and bone ones already there, and their scarlet demon’s wings were chased in black.

“This is indeed incredibly strong,” came Colyxis’ expectant voice from the shared mouth, but this time she kicked a hoofed foot instead of backfisting. The wall protested, but couldn’t stop the even bigger gouge inflicted on it. “Mistress, I definitely want one for myself!” she exclaimed.

Their wings snapped out like pistons, and left two more indents in the walls, drawing delighted smiles from the other three demons.

“Find your own, dear,” Rayetizvisha scoffed dismissively, and eyed the remaining two succubi. “Little sisters?” she sighed with just the right amount of indulgent resignation, clearly indicating she was only doing this for their mistress.

The purple and gold Libella Noi and the green and brown Unguma moved up happily enough, eager on their own to enter that embrace and try out this Amazon’s strength.

Their conjoined features drew a low hiss of delight from their mistress, as did the play of skin tones moving slowly across their body, and the way their hair starting rippling in different hues, as if the succubi were competing to show off their influence.

Clawed fingers reached out, sank into stone, and clenched, carving the stone like tofu. Gold and green burning eyes glittered as the two succubi half-squealed in delight, flapping their wings and accidentally sending themselves crashing into the ceiling with the unexpected force.

It was harmless, of course, and they set back down gracefully as the wings froze abruptly.

“Hmmpf!” Rayetizvisha scoffed, rolling eyes not her own and regaining control. Lilitu and succubi didn’t get along normally at the best of times, and she was not appreciating their antics, of course. “Mistress Oy-Oy?” five voices asked together, one after the other four.

The marilith’s burning Blades vanished as she released them, and she wove forwards on her serpentine lower body, two of her hands framing the combined face of her four Reapers, whose changing eyes were dancing with anticipation beneath five different blended sets of horns. Her middle set of arms went around the incredibly strong body the five were in, and the last pair traced up and down their waist eagerly.

“Do you remember last time, Mistress Oy-Oy?” five voices spoke again, reaching up to the back of ‘Kali’s head and gently pushing their faces together as dangerous taloned hands ran through Kali’s long and spiny hair luxuriously.

There was absolutely no doubt that ‘Kali remembered all five of their last times, writhing softly in their grip, finding the two arms didn’t loosen in the slightest, and it was she who was now at the disadvantage in strength... not that it mattered.

With a gasp and a sigh, Oymizlavitazzrkali discorporated and entered the mouth she had been ravishing deeply a moment earlier.

Legion inhaled deeply once, and opened their eyes to reveal ‘Kali’s pure black lidless orbs for a moment, before their Tat-Mask returned and washed away the eyes entirely.

Inside them, the five demonesses, their mental faculties instantly reduced to mush and then replaced by synchronized equivalents of Master Fred’s, writhed softly as hellfire began to extract Sin from them, and Wrath began to Purify them.

Legion looked down at the four extra arms, one from each succubus, extending from beneath their primary arms. The additional supporting bone and muscle structure was both new and completely familiar. The white and black opposed lower pair of hands opened up their trousers, revealing the fine black scales stronger than steel that now covered their lower body, although they were still hooved and legged, not serpentine, down there.

“Haaaaaaaah...” they smiled despite themselves, as the pure delight of the demoness’ appreciation of their power and strength flowed through them. The demons had thought her strong, but they’d had no real idea of what level of strength Legion could truly wield.

They were also very, very ready to indulge in rampant lustful activities once they were out of here.

Their wings grew larger, turned draconic, and their sole tail was joined by eight others, plucking up the Sabers held onto by that tail individually and deftly, the weight of each Weapon familiar with centuries of experience.

They didn’t Summon ‘Kali’s Sabers, because they had other plans for filling their six arms, but the same magic used to store such Weapons flicked away the succubus’ Sabers and stowed them in non-space for later.

They’d all be burned away and replaced by Main-Gauche Weapons at least, although the Manticore Spike Toy Sama had come up with was almost ready, and might just mean they’d never use their tails in melee.

Horns melded together, meshed into her draconic frill in a subtle and gorgeous display of different colors... while golden fox ears formed out of currently-purple hair, and gold and purple fox tails wove about behind her.josei


When Legion stepped out of the crack in space, her Aura filling the room, Shvaughn almost didn’t notice the whole Binding spell unravel instantly, finding no demons within to Seal any longer.

The magic unspun, the Shroud collapsed the spatial pocket instantly, and suddenly tons of bones and scrap remains of sacrifices and small luxuries were vomited out into real space around the two of them, clattering through the altar room.

Shvaughn kind of ignored all that.

Legion’s Mask fixed on Shvaughn, somehow more seductive than any eyes, and their golden middle left arm rose and beckoned with a finger, while behind her Wrathflames roared up to start devouring the bones and remains of the dead, causing her purple hair and fox tails to billow and wave, and slowly rising draco-demon wings burning with celestial Runes unfurled fully for Shvaughn to drool over at the show.

“I believe someone wanted another hug,” a lot of voices purred to Shvaughn all at once.

Shvaughn didn’t even bother to recover her slacking jaw as she surged forward, staring at the glorious display. “My prince!” she murmured in a certain hamadryad’s voice, sliding into those arms and flames, totally unafraid they would hurt her, and letting her own dark wings flutter and fan through them as her own auburn fox-tails danced.

Purple hair fluttered and became luxurious purple and gold feathers, and her goddess and lord Legion scooped her up and gave her the kind of kiss no mortal woman could survive receiving.

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