The Power of Ten

Chapter 17-434

Chapter 17-434: Hazy Knowledge

This was probably related to Shvaughn’s ongoing and enthusiastic investigations.

Even the Inquisitors of Harse, who loathed what she was, had to admit that damn, was she good.

There were some old and very tight ties between the Freemasons and the Alchemists, unsurprising since the Alchemists could be seen as the most elite of the guilds and crafters who generally flocked to the Freemason banner.

That meant that there were distinct ties to the efforts to deny Europe a Queen and America a King. Offers of Potions of Youth and the like went a long way towards bribing people, and threats of the best poisoners in the world taking an interest in you didn’t hurt, either.

Unfortunately for them, Shvaugn had eaten some of their old family connections, and at least three of their better assassins, following them back to their suppliers and Consuming them without much hesitation, too.

When those suppliers were the Vice Master Alchemist of France and the Master of Archives of America, along with half a dozen other prominent Alchemists, their apprentices, minions, and members of their families, well, the Alchemists could not have been too happy.

Shvaughn had naturally brought Legion in on that, splitting up the Consuming duties with them, and not at all incidentally creating more emotional ties between the two of them. Long-time allies, husband and wives, father and daughter, mother and son, bodyguards and long-time faithful servants to master, teacher and student, lovers... Shvaughn absolutely delighted in binding the two of them closer together.josei

The crusty old fossils who’d scrabbled after extra lifespan were now part of Hungry Kiss Warlocks who could reset their own ages... or take on the lifespan of Soulborn or dragons and simply not age at all. Both Shvaughn and Legion had informed me that the Alchemists really weren’t at all that opposed to their new status and duties at all, except for the whole burning on hellfire aspect of it.

Being super-sexy and powerful combat machines with exciting jobs was a big change of pace from endless experimentation and study, so I could certainly believe it.

In a generous exchange of inter-Faith knowledge, Heavenbound Hall had drafted literally hundreds of astounded and VERY eager Uruthimi and Trosans to consolidate, translate, decode, and disseminate hundreds of years worth of thousands of tomes and very much proprietary information from the Alchemist archives from both locations. Shvaughn was nice enough to supply all the needed ciphers, and arrange for generous remuneration from her Trosan minions.

By the time the Alchemists’ connections in both Churches realized where all the knowledge was coming from, it was much too late, and Alchemists all over the world were getting massive free downloads of formulae and research posted every hour. Nobody was interested in taking the information down or stopping the flow, except the distraught Alchemist Guild.

It didn’t help when those doing the translating could supply the proper paperwork that all the information had been released to them by parties with the authority to do so, genuine signatures, and some terrifyingly stern and adept lawyers with 7+ Ranks and Caster Levels chasing off all the agents trying desperately to stop this stuff.

Shvaughn was on her way to pay a visit to a new old friend, Eilixameister Habbendeuf of Austria, head of his own burgeoning Allegiance, a charismatic and outgoing Alchemist big in chemical and alchemical production, and one of the richer men in Europe.

He was also a person funding the establishment of dozens of Allegiances and balkanizing Europe so there wouldn’t be a True Queen there, smiling on the surface and making bland comments on unity while urgently arranging for anything but... and taking steps to make it that way. He was already planning to be the power behind some sort of coalition when everything started to fracture, without a doubt.

He was also the second most important Alchemist in Europe, but he had something of an ongoing difference of opinion with Master Alchemist Ibemecci, who worked out of Rome. Despite the Church, or perhaps because of it, the Alchemists had always had a formidable presence in Italy.

And now the Alchemists were specifically inviting me to sit down with them?

-Who specifically, Starsister?- I /asked with a grim quiet that didn’t bode well for somebody.

-The High Master and the Deputy Master, Lady Traveler,- the priestess /replied quickly. -It was a most amusing letter on gold foil, each word writing itself out in flame as I read the one before it.-

Well, sure, they had to display some style. Fifteen-hundred-year-old organizations were like that.

I frowned and considered my options here.

-Tell them two days, in the back garden of the Sylunar Temple there. I understand you have a nice pavilion we can use.-

-It will be done, Lady Traveler!- she /promised fervently.

I directed my eyes to that quiet Markbox that looked and listened and didn’t say much. -Brothers, I need something of a favor. Shvaughn, Legion, you need to hear this too...-


August 4, 2019, Preugia, Italy, the Temple of Starry Dreams...

Most sacred sites of the Sylunar temples were open to the sky, as the Queen of the Moon and Stars was best worshipped under open sky.

When you are also the Patron of Silver Magic and have a lot of Powered servants, beautiful meditative gardens and artistry kind of go hand-in-hand. So, a private pavilion in the middle of a lily pond, soft fountains gurgling nearby, flowers blooming out of season, fish in bright and unnatural colors in the waters, and butterflies in a lot of hues and shades fluttering this way and that was practically a given.

The Sisters present knew I didn’t like to overdo things, and that I was not big on pageantry. I Cracked the Sky... that was all the pageantry I needed for six months, as I had too bloody much work to do.

I still had another four weeks before I could complete the mapping of the Pacific, and then it was right on to the Indian Ocean.

I was sipping on a glass of water, chilling it myself, when I saw the two men arrive, and politely rose to my feet to receive them, although I certainly did not need to.

My Noble Ranking was well above theirs on economic, political, social, and academic scales. I was changing the world, and they were strenuously trying to adapt to what I was doing.

Master Ibemecci of the European Alchemists had been in charge of them since before the Shroud fell upon the world, at the helm when they’d been brought into the light and suddenly alchemy wasn’t some massive secret, but a viable and much-needed part of society.

He looked to be in his forties, but he was over two hundred, having imbibed his own Potions of Longevity for the extra years... although every one imbibed was one closer to reversing the extra years and being reduced to an instant corpse, something which was doubtless weighing on him.

He was also a Twelve, and one of the three highest-Level Alchemists on the planet as a result. He had dark eyes, bright and intent, assessing me warily, body language conveying his age and superiority. Hs dark hair was going silver in a dignified way, doubtless also treated. He had the weathered look of a craftsman or handyman, but there was nothing basic about how much his suit cost, or the cost of the Craft he was carrying around, which notably included Aural Wards at IV.

Vice Master Habbendeuf affected a full head of black hair, only slight receding, a vanity for someone approaching one hundred and sixty. His eyes were a wary shade of blue-grey, and records indicated he sometimes changed the color on a whim. He was also a Ten, but looked to be forty or so, clearly also using Potions to extend his youth, as was only appropriate, and his suit was cut to emphasize a stronger build than the leaner Master Ibemecci.

“Lady Traveler.” At least they didn’t play language games, sticking to Human despite themselves. “Master Habbendeuf and I are pleased to meet you in person at last.” They both bowed with great sincerity and practice, coming from a time when such things were required etiquette.

“Master Ibemecci, Master Habbendeuf. Your accomplishments precede you.” I inclined my head to them, and waved them to their seats. They grasped their chairs, pulled them out, and waited until I was seated before seating themselves.

“My apologies if I am staring a bit overmuch, Lady Traveler. Despite the tales, I had not expected you to look so... young,” the Master admitted, looking me over shrewdly.

Was that how this was going to start? “Compared to the souls in the Shroud, Master Ibemecci, we are all infants,” I replied calmly. “I admit to my surprise that you had a reason to meet with me at all in person, especially given the constraints on my time. I am literally busy twenty-two hours a day, gentlemen, and the value of my time is great. Why did you need to meet with me?” I asked directly.

“It is well known that you are a busy woman,” the Vice Master spoke up apologetically. “However, we felt this was a matter best cleared through you, as you have a tremendous following among, shall we say, many powerful individuals.”

I lifted an eyebrow, prompting them to go on.

“We are considering opening the Core Archives of the European Alchemists for sale and dissemination,” Master Ibemecci stated solemnly, watching for my reaction closely.

I tilted my head slightly, displaying no surprise. “Certain rebellious members of your organizations both here and aboard have already leaked large amounts of proprietary knowledge, elders. I am aware the Core Archives will no doubt have much precious information that has not been allowed elsewhere, but what has prompted this reversal?”

My lack of excitement over access to such a trove of lore was probably a little off-putting to both of them. “My lady, the notes alone of the Masters of the Guild go back over a thousand years. Their value is inestimable!” Master Ibemecci continued proudly.

In response, I furrowed my brow. “You... do not follow the Open Sky studies, Master Ibemecci?” I asked quietly, both men pausing at my tone.

“The study of the reaction of magic to technology above the Shroud?” he asked quickly, refuting that point. “Of course I pay close attention to such matters, Lady Traveler!”

“So, you know that there is a statistically significant change in the recombination rates among Geo-water and Electro-potassium?”

He stiffened. “I... no, I was not aware of that,” he admitted. My eyes drifted over to the Vice Master, who slowly shook his head.

“The Venneci report number nine, page one hundred and twelve, paragraph eight,” I said off-handedly. “It’s right there in the reactions of alternate fuels, displaying a twenty-three percent acceleration with a nine percent increase in waste heat before the test chamber ignited.”

Their faces were interesting to follow as they fought to infer the significance of this data. Electro-Energized Potassium was a catalyst in several operations, while Earth-Energized Water was used all over the place.

Master Habbendeuf was the businessman. He asked carefully, “Can you inform us of the significance of this data, Lady Traveler? A quicker reaction with more waste heat does not seem much out of line...”

“Of course.” I flicked a finger, and all sorts of alchemical reaction formulae appeared around me. “Leaving off the fact that it makes at least two fuel variants unviable and unstable, perfect for spontaneous combustion, it alerted us to the fact that the entire tree of either or both Earth and Lightning-Energized Elements may react completely differently above the Shroud. We specifically had to broaden our basic testing of Elemental groups outside standard chemical and alchemical fuels.

“In short, gentlemen, the entire interplay of Energized Elements may change once the Shroud comes down.”

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