The Power of the First Daughter, Doctor and Concubine Dominates the World

Chapter 541

Chapter 541: Odd goods

Chapter 541 Strange goodsjosei

Xie Zhiwei couldn't understand the sarcasm in her words, she smiled, "Although my aunt is the eldest daughter of the Xie family, it is really a pity, my grandmother has limited cultivation and did not teach my aunt well, although she has the blood of the Xie family , but after all, she is still poor and depraved in her bones, and she has never known what honor is in her whole life, so she taught her cousin that she doesn't know what is noble or humble."

Xue Wanqing's face changed drastically, Xie Zhiwei, what does this mean? Did you mean to look down on her? Does Xie Zhiwei know what is knowledge and mind? A woman who only knows how to compete for fame and fortune in the backyard, who has the right to teach her a lesson?

Xie Zhiwei took a deep look at her, seeming to see through Xue Wanqing's thoughts, she said with a smile, "Nobility is not something to be particular about, what kind of person lives what kind of life, don't climb, don't grow, don't be humble, don't be cheap. It's called education!"

"You mean, since I've come to the tea house, why don't I use the tea here? Because Xie's family has a family rule, if the daughter's family has no elders, brothers to accompany her, and if she doesn't have a capable and reliable mother-in-law to take care of her, she is not allowed to drink tea outside. .Since I am the daughter of the Xie family, I should obey the family precepts of the Xie family."

Xue Wanqing sneered, "Big cousin, I'm sorry, I can't understand what you said, and I don't intend to understand. You and I are not the same way. Today, I invite you because I have a business to discuss with you."

Xie Zhiwei was funny, she smiled slightly, "Concubine Xue Shu, you know, I don't do business, the property under my name is taken care of by myself, I don't worry about it on weekdays."

"It's not an ordinary business, but... I wonder if the eldest cousin knows about Lu Buwei?"

Xie Zhiwei didn't speak, but took a sip from the cup of tea.

Xue Wanqing also realized that he said something nonsense, Xie Zhiwei has read poetry and books, how could he not know about Lu Buwei? She went on to say, "My cousin must have heard the story of strange goods that can live. In the past, Lu Buwei thought that strangers were strange goods. I don't know who is considered a strange goods in the eyes of big cousin today?"

Xue Wanqing was certain that Xie Zhiwei didn't know about the book "Pearl in the Palm", let alone imagined that in the plot in the book, Xiao Xun would eventually usurp the throne, seek to seize Xiao Changxuan's country, and become the Ninth Five-Year King.

After all, the son inherits his father's career, Xiao Xun is not the emperor's son, even if the emperor's son dies, it may not be Xiao Xun's turn to inherit the throne, how could Xie Zhiwei bet on Xue Wanqing?

Xie Zhiwei was taken aback. Sure enough, Xue Wanqing never had a normal time, and compared with the previous life, Xue Wanqing in this life has changed a lot.

Xie Zhiwei served tea, which meant to see off the guests, Xuan Tao hurriedly came to ask Xue Wanqing to go out.

Naturally, Xue Wanqing would not give up easily, "Big cousin, I have always admired you for being knowledgeable, quick-witted, and good at medicine. Are you really willing to spend your whole life around a man, confining your life to the backyard, and being a husband in the future?" Managing concubines, raising concubines and concubines, and preventing them from hindering your son, are you really willing to live such a life?"

Xuan Tao was really stunned, this cousin girl is crazy, right? She actually said this to the eldest girl, she hurriedly said, "Concubine Xue Shu, please, it's getting late, my girl is going back."

Xue Wanqing knew that people like Xie Zhiwei couldn't make sense in just a few words, she was not afraid, there was still a process of brainwashing, she didn't believe what she said, Xie Zhiwei couldn't think of it at all, she stood up and said with a smile, " Xuantao, I'm leaving now, but, big cousin, I hope you will carefully consider what I said, only when a woman has a powerful position can she control her husband, a husband and wife are often just a joke."

After Xue Wanqing left, Xie Zhiwei sat on the chair without saying a word for a long time. Xuantao was frightened to death, regretting that she should not let the girl talk to an abnormal person like Concubine Xue, she couldn't help but persuaded, "Girl, please don't According to Concubine Xue, you are different from Concubine Xue, you will be the main concubine of Chenjun Wang in the future, and even if Chenjun Wang accepts a side concubine in the future, you will not be able to surpass the girl."

Xie Zhiwei felt a little uncomfortable when she heard that Xiao Xun wanted to accept a side concubine. She scolded, "What are you talking about? It's not that time yet. What are you talking about?"

Although Xuan Tao heard that the girl's tone was not good, she was relieved that the girl didn't take those words to heart.

After Laba is the New Year, Yuan Shi is getting more and more busy. Fortunately, there are Qian Shi, Hai Shi, and three girls at home who can help, and she still has time to catch her breath every day. After noon, she is Fuyun After taking a rest in the courtyard, when she heard that Xie Zhiwei had returned from the palace, she hurriedly sat up and asked, "Where is the eldest girl?"

"Mother!" Xie Zhiwei came in through the curtain, and sat down beside Yuan Shi. Yuan Shi saw that her brows and eyes were a little tired, and she was very distressed, so she pulled her daughter into her arms, "Just sleep with me for a while, Look at you, you are so tired, you said you are only a little older, and you can't finish worrying all day long."

The next day, the family with more brothers started to eat New Year's dinner. Early in the morning, Yuan finished his work in the auditorium and returned to the yard. Xie Zhiwei was alive and well, staring at Xie Mingxi writing.

Yuan just took a sip of water, and was about to ask if the lamps in the house had been tidied up, and they were about to start replacing them in a while, when the woman at the second door came, saying that it was the second wife of the Hai family who asked to see her.

When Xie Mingxi heard that someone was coming, he pricked up his ears. Seeing that he couldn't calm down, Xie Zhiwei just let him rest for a while, and told him, "Don't run away, I won't finish writing these two words today, Lantern Festival, My sister won’t take you to see the lanterns.”

Xie Mingxi hurriedly got into her sister's arms, "Good sister, the best and best sister, I promise to finish writing the words well, okay?"

"Well, well, let's go!"

The second wife of the Hai family didn't hand in the post beforehand, so she just ran over and parked the car at the gate of Xie's house. Although Yuan Shi was angry, she had to let her in.

Xie Zhiwei was lying on the big bed in the Dongci Room, and Yuan invited the Second Mrs. Hai to the Ming Room. Xie Zhiwei could clearly hear the voices of the two talking.

The Second Mrs. Hai cried as soon as she entered the door, "Ma'am, you don't know the pain in my heart. You are a person who has been conferred by the emperor. You are the first-class Mrs. Guo. Please judge me. How can there be a concubine and a wife in this world?" At this level?"

Ms. Yuan has been busy at home these days and hasn't moved around much. She doesn't know anything about the outside world, so she asked, "What's going on? What's the matter? Tell me slowly!"

Second Mrs. Hai said, "My daughter is married to His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince as the main concubine. If you don't know, you think my daughter is the concubine, and Miss Xue is the main concubine. After all, Miss Xue has been raised by the Xie family for five years. Yes, why are you so impolite?"

The third update!

(end of this chapter)

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