The Power of the First Daughter, Doctor and Concubine Dominates the World

Chapter 652

Chapter 652: leave Beijing

Chapter 652 Leaving Beijing

"Yes." Lu Yan raised his head from behind the mahogany carved desk. He was wearing a moon-white brocade robe with folded peonies and dark patterns.

The little **** came over with water, knelt on the ground, raised the basin above his head, and after he washed his hands, another little **** put on the handkerchief.

Lu Yan wiped his hands, picked up a piece of moon cake and put it in his mouth, sipped it lightly, it melted in the mouth, sweet but not greasy.

Maybe it was because of the sweets, Lu Yan was in a good mood, and said to Du Yuan, "Go back and tell the princess, just say, I won't see her off when the time comes, because of the long distance, I will ask Qu Chengyu to lead the **** she."

Du Yuan was particularly shocked that the son actually asked Jin Yiwei to **** the princess to leave the capital, but this way, the pressure on her and Du Yuan was much less.

Du Yuan couldn't help being overjoyed, "Thank you son!"

She came back and told Xie Zhiwei what she said, Xie Zhiwei was not half surprised, and only asked Du Yuan to tell Xiao Wei, ordering him to arrange people to stop in advance, and where to rest and stop on the road must be arranged in advance.

On the early morning of the 18th, Xie Zhiwei's carriage left the palace. She only lived in the palace for four short months. Logically speaking, she shouldn't have too much affection, but this is her and Xiao Xun's home , for her, the meaning is different.

Xiao Wei followed Xie Zhiwei's carriage on horseback. Seeing the gate of Prince Xiang's Mansion open, Xiao Wei hurriedly turned around and saw King Xiang standing at the door with a bird cage in his hand. Behind him, Xiao Ke and Concubine Fang The Lord and the others all came out, seeing that they were here to see off Xie Zhiwei and Concubine Rong.

Xiao Wei was hesitating whether to get off the horse or not, but Prince Xiang had already looked at him and waved at him, "A Wei, come here, I have something to tell you as a father!"

With the sound of "Father", everyone in the mansion was shocked.

When Xiao Wei got off his horse, he almost tripped and fell. He came to King Xiang with complicated emotions, knelt down, and King Xiang said, "You don't have to kneel to me. You have grown so big. I have never hugged you, and you have never enjoyed it. The glory and wealth I gave you, I only have kindness to you, but no kindness to you, so you don't have to kneel to me!"

King Xiang tightly held Xiao Wei's shoulders, and pulled him up, "But, no matter what, you are still my son, and you can grow so well in a place where I can't see you. My sister-in-law values ​​it, I am very satisfied, and from now on, I will hand you over to them!"

After finishing speaking, King Xiang looked at Xie Zhiwei, "Princess Master, his mother is your mother's servant, and he was born to be Ah Xun's right-hand man. It is his blessing that he can stand up. From now on, I will hand him over to you." You guys!"

Xiao Heng was so angry, it's no wonder the Princess protects this **** so much, he was born to be a slave!

Xie Zhiwei came over, and a maid took the mat and put it on the ground, Xie Zhiwei knelt down and saluted King Xiang, "Father, take care of your health, and take my prescriptions on time every day. I have already told you the treatment plan." Wang Shipu, you must ask Wang Shipu to check your pulse every three days, and I will kowtow to you on behalf of His Highness!"

"Get up, family, what are you doing so politely?"

After he finished speaking, he walked to an inconspicuous carriage, and through the curtain of the carriage, he looked inside and said, "This time, we are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, so please forgive me for not being able to see you off!"

Inside, Concubine Rong said, "You have to listen to your daughter-in-law and take good care of her. I will come back. When I come back, you will pick me up at the gate of the city. In the future, you will take me to see him personally!"

King Xiang's eyes were full of tears, he understood, "he" refers to the elder brother.

His elder brother is the most honored son of the eldest son. When the country is in trouble, he rushes forward; As a king, the only thing he should not have is trust and compassion for people.

His elder brother is a figure that he will never be able to hold a candle to. He has been by his side since he was a child, followed him in and out of the military camp, and followed him to handle political affairs. He had expected to see his elder brother govern the country so that the people could live and work in peace and contentment. All nations come to Korea.

Time flies so fast, he hasn't seen Brother Huang for many years, he misses it so much!

Xiang Dynasty took a step back, the carriage set off rumblingly, and after meeting Xie's carriage in front of Suzaku Gate, it drove out of the city.

After the carriage left the city, it headed west. Ten days later, at sunset, it stopped in front of the city gate of Henan Mansion and lined up to enter the city.

After about a cup of tea time, it was the turn of Xie Zhiwei's team. Seeing that there were so many of them, the soldiers guarding the city gate wanted to interrogate them. Qu Chengyu showed his badge of Jinyiwei. He opened the city gate and welcomed Xie Zhiwei and others into the city.

In Fucheng, the largest inn was vacated. Xie Zhiwei and others stayed in the inn. The two Tianzi rooms were reserved for Concubine Rong and Yuan Shi. Xie Zhiwei lived in the Dizi room. After dinner, she asked the two mothers to rest first, and sat by the window to read the letter from Xiao Xun.

The opening chapter is still "Qingqingruwu". If it was shy to read it before, now I see it, I just feel warm and miss it very much.

Xiao Xun talked about her situation in Beidi, emphasizing that their house on the East Street, the doors, windows and courtyards have all been repaired, and the furniture she sent from here has also been properly placed. The words are all about missing her.

At the end, Xiao Xun said, "Mei Mei, I had another dream last night. I dreamed of you. I took you to climb the mountain. If you can't climb it, I will carry you up. Mei Mei, have you lost weight again? I have won the battle for the first time, and I will be able to go back to see you soon."

Missings are like vines, occupying every corner of her heart.

Xie Zhiwei picked up a pen, wrote a letter to Xiao Xun under the lamp, sealed it, and Bai Ling came in, "Girl, I just found a family in the woodshed in the backyard."

Xie Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that when they vacated the inn, they clearly paid compensation, why didn't the family go out?

"Since you haven't gone out, let's find a room and let them stay overnight. We will leave tomorrow, so there is no need to trouble others."


Bai Ling came in again shortly after leaving, saying, "Princess, the wife of that family insists on coming to kowtow to the princess!"

Xie Zhiwei became a little impatient, "There is no need for this. If she has any difficulties, you can ask her clearly and help her if you can."


Although there were many people on their way, in order to avoid people's eyes and ears, they walked separately and did not show their identities.

The purpose is not to cause extra complications.josei

The wife said she was here to thank her, but she actually had a little thought in her heart. Seeing Xie Zhiwei's refusal, she didn't bother, knelt down in the direction of Xie Zhiwei's room, and kowtowed three times.

At this moment, someone rushed in, pointed at the woman and said, "It's them, arrest them, and the county prince will reward you!"

Today’s update, dear friends, after reading it, remember to vote, it depends on your votes to renew your life!

(end of this chapter)

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