The Power of the First Daughter, Doctor and Concubine Dominates the World

Chapter 680

Chapter 680: no regrets

Chapter 680 No Regrets

Rong shook his head with a smile, "You don't understand what it means to be a parent. When you have children in the future, you will understand that whatever is good in parents' hands, they want to leave it to their children."

Huaying had already brought the box, and Rong handed it to her, "The Lu family used to be a mine owner and owned a lot of mines. When I entered the palace, Ah Xun's grandfather disapproved of it very much. He said that since ancient times Those who married the royal family did not end well, but when I was young, I admired Emperor Zhaoyang's character and talent, and I always felt that a person like him would definitely be able to protect me..."

When Rong said this, there were tears in his eyes, but he smiled relievedly, "If I were to choose again today, I would definitely not choose such a path. As a son of man, I would eventually bring down my family. What about the ancestors of the family?"

Xie Zhiwei couldn't help thinking of herself in her previous life. When she was dying, she had been in the cold palace for ten years and suffered all kinds of torture. Xiao Xun helped her avenge her. At that time, she was in a very happy and excited mood. I couldn't wait to see my parents and relatives, and in the end, I was able to be reborn to make up for the regrets of my previous life.

"Mother, it's still too early to say these things. Although Mother survived, she may not be as relaxed as someone who died. Mother's guilt towards her ancestors, her guilt and worry towards Ah Xun, and her guilt towards Aunt Anguo and others are extremely serious. The heavy burden was carried by my mother alone, and now it is not easy."

She held Rong's hand and said in a low voice, "Mother, in the future, at that moment, mother may be in a different state of mind again?"josei

Rong thought that when Emperor Shoukang died in the future, her son would avenge Emperor Zhaoyang, her, the dead and the living, what would she think?

It seemed that a window had been opened in her heart that had been closed for a long time, and a little sunshine came in, which made her depressed and damp heart feel a little warm at last.

"Good boy, you are right, then, don't refuse. You have done so much for the soldiers on the battlefield, and your mother can see it. Ah Xun has you and is very happy in this life. Don't worry, Ah Xun Xun is not his father, he will definitely not let you go the way I do in the future."

Xie Zhi smiled, her eyes seemed to be full of stars in the midsummer night, shining, she smiled, "It's okay, mother, I promise him life and death, no matter what the future holds, I will never regret it."

She believed in her Ah Xun, and she also believed in herself. With her previous life, she will never repeat the same mistakes in this life and let her family get hurt and die again.

Rong's heart shook, she couldn't help but ask herself, does she regret it?

She still regrets it. The Lu family has more than 500 lives. If it wasn't because of her, how could they have died?

Back in her own room, Xie Zhiwei opened the box that Rong gave her. She was really shocked. It was half a box of banknotes and half a box of deeds. The silver notes were about five million taels. shop.

Minerals are mostly distributed in southern and western Xinjiang, while shops and manors are mostly in the Jiangnan area. As a result, Xie Zhiwei's manpower became more and more insufficient.

Xiao Wei came, Xie Zhiwei hurriedly asked to invite him in.

The young man has grown quite a bit in less than half a year. After saluting, Xie Zhiwei said, "Sit down, I don't need so many salutes."

Xuantao served him tea, Xu Shi came here in a hurry, a little thirsty, Xiao Wei drank two bowls of tea vigorously, and then said to Xie Zhiwei, "Sister-in-law, in the medicine sent over this time, there is My sister-in-law ordered 500 more bottles of frostbite medicine. Now the medical workers are rushing to work. On the south side of the city, I have added another medical station like this. After ten days, the amount of ointment delivered will be doubled. .”

Xie Zhiwei nodded, "I bought a shop at the south gate of the city. You should arrange for people to repair it first, and find two famous old doctors for consultation. After a year, my cousin Cui Sanlang will come. I don't have so many Time to teach the "Book of the Green Bag", I will give the "Book of the Green Bag" to Cousin Cui, and he will help train military doctors in the future."

Xiao Wei hurriedly said, "Yes, sister-in-law, I remember, I will go to the shop in the south of the city to see if it can be repaired a year ago."

"Yeah." Xie Zhiwei thought for a while, "A Wei, when you do things on weekdays, you have to learn not to talk, but also pay more attention to the people around you, and see what they are doing well and what they need to improve. You can’t do everything by yourself, you should pay attention to cultivating more talents.”

"Yes!" Xiao Wei got up and said.

After sending Xiao Wei away, Xie Zhiwei arranged for the gifts to be sent out. She went to Linfuyuan before, not because she didn't know how to give gifts, but because she wanted to be humble in front of her mother-in-law so that Rong could help her Worry, in this way, Rong's heart will be worried, so he won't think about it all day long.

Sure enough, after Xie Zhiwei left, Mother Rong sighed, Mother Rong didn't know what she meant, and asked, "My servant sees that the princess is very respectful and filial to the empress, and she knows to ask the empress for her opinion as a gift to the prince. Not happy?"

"If she doesn't ask me about everything, I don't have to worry about it. She pretends not to know anything, but she insists on asking me, so I have to worry about them. I only have Xun, and I am still worried. ah!"

Naturally, Xie Zhiwei didn't know about this, she was short of manpower, and in the past ten years, Jingzhao Mansion had been attacked by Xiliang's army countless times, and some wealthy households and people with a little knowledge in the city had all moved out. up.

Nowadays, it is rare to find even a scholar who can read, let alone a person with lofty ideals.

In this way, she will have to find ways to attract talents from the south or the capital. She was thinking about these things when Yu Yingzhi's wife, Mrs. Wang, came to visit and said that she had made some glutinous rice cakes for the princess to taste.

Xie Zhiwei hurriedly invited Mrs. Wang over. The glutinous rice cakes were covered with this layer of icing sugar, which made people very appetizing. Xie Zhiwei made Xuantao brew strong tea and said to Mrs. Wang, "Taste it, please. It’s the Pu’er that the three princesses brought me from Yunnan the day before yesterday, it’s full-bodied and full of sweetness, I like it very much.”

Mrs. Wang took a sip and liked it very much, "It can just dissolve the sweetness of this glutinous rice cake, and it goes well with it."

She put down the teacup and asked Xie Zhiwei, "When I came in, I saw the princess was frowning, but were you worried about the prince's war?"

Xie Zhi smiled and shook his head, "To be honest, although my husband and father are both on the battlefield, I haven't worried about this battle yet. I always feel that they will return victorious by the end of the year or next spring."

The Wang family couldn't help admiring her, "The princess is a heroine, she has such courage, I really admire it. Since the prince and the others led the army, they have won two battles. In the past, when there were wars, the people in the mansion would panic , no one dared to go out, the gates in the city were closed, but in the past two years, after the prince came, he heard that the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and no one panicked, which shows the aspiration of the people of the prince."

Today's update!

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(end of this chapter)

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