The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 167 Nebula's Unexpected Power

Chapter 167 Nebula's Unexpected Power

As Blake watched the battle between Abbys Serpent and Nebula intensify, he couldn't help but wonder why Orion was still smiling. Was he not aware of the danger that his beast was in? Did he not realize that Abbys Serpent was a formidable opponent, one whose power could crush even the strongest of beasts?

Blake shook his head, trying to focus on the battle before him. Abbys Serpent was still in control, its venomous bites and darkness strikes wearing down Nebula with each passing moment. But even as his own beast fought fiercely, Blake couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

"Why are you still smiling?" he asked Orion, his voice low and filled with frustration.

Orion turned to face Blake, his eyes shining with a calm confidence. "I have faith in Nebula," he said simply. "I know what he is capable of, and I believe that he can win this battle."

Blake frowned, his eyes narrowing as he watched Nebula take another hit from Abbys Serpent's venomous bite. He knew that his own beast was powerful, but the Primordial Eikthyrnir was a force to be reckoned with. Its mastery over the forces of nature was unmatched, and its attacks were devastating in their precision and potency.josei

Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was different about Orion. The way he smiled even as his beast was being worn down by Abbys Serpent's attacks, the calm confidence in his voice - it was all so strange.

"Tell me," Blake said, his voice laced with suspicion. "What is it that you're not telling me? Why do you seem so sure that your beast can win this battle?"

As Blake looked on in confusion, Orion simply smiled and said, "Just see." Suddenly, Nebula began to glow with a brilliant green light, and the audience watched in amazement as the Primordial Eikthyrnir used its Nature's Blessing skill to heal all of its injuries.

The wounds that had once covered Nebula's body slowly began to close, and its fur coat shimmered with renewed vitality. Its antlers gleamed with a natural energy, and its hooves left a trail of greenery in their wake.

Blake was stunned by the display of power, his eyes widening in disbelief as he watched the Primordial Eikthyrnir's wounds disappear before his very eyes. He had never seen anything like it before, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy at the power that Orion wielded.

"Impossible," Blake muttered under his breath, his eyes locked on Nebula as it continued to glow with a radiant energy. "How can a beast heal itself like that?"

Orion simply shrugged, his eyes still locked on the Abbys Serpent as it slithered forward, its eyes locked on Nebula. "Nebula is a Primordial Eikthyrnir," he said, his voice calm and confident. "It has mastery over the Primordial and Nature Attributes, and with that comes incredible power."

Blake gritted his teeth, realizing that he had underestimated his opponent. He had known that the Primordial Eikthyrnir was a formidable creature, but he had not expected it to possess such incredible healing abilities. He knew that he had to change his tactics if he wanted to win this battle.

"Abbys Serpent, use your Darkness Strike!" he called out to his beast, hoping that its darkness and poison attributes would be enough to overwhelm Nebula.

With a fierce hiss, the Abbys Serpent began to gather the darkness around it, its body coiling and uncoiling with a frenzied energy. The air around it grew thick and heavy, and the darkness began to seep into the very bones of the arena once more.

Nebula was taken aback by the sudden surge of darkness, its eyes widening as it tried to make sense of the chaotic energy swirling around it. But the Primordial Eikthyrnir was not one to back down from a challenge. With a fierce snort, it summoned its own powers of nature and began to channel them through its antlers once again.

The two beasts clashed once more, their attacks colliding with a force that shook the arena to its very foundations. The sound of their roars echoed throughout the coliseum, and the air around them crackled with energy once more.

Blake watched with bated breath as the battle raged on. He knew that he had to be careful, that one wrong move could mean the end for his Abbys Serpent. But despite his fears, he couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement as the two beasts clashed in a fierce battle of strength and skill.

As the battle continued, it became clear that the Primordial Eikthyrnir was slowly gaining the upper hand. Its mastery over the Primordial and Nature Attributes gave it a level of power and control that the Abbys Serpent simply could not match, and its healing abilities made it a nearly unbeatable opponent.

But Blake refused to give up. With a fierce determination in his eyes, he called out to his beast once more, urging it to give everything it had in one final, all-out attack.

As the battle between Nebula and Abbys Serpent reached its climax, a sudden explosion shook the arena, causing the ground to tremble and the air to fill with dust and debris. The audience gasped in surprise, and the participants froze in their tracks, their attention drawn away from the battle at hand.

"What was that?" Blake said, his eyes widening in alarm.

Orion and Nebula both turned their heads towards the source of the explosion, their instincts on high alert. They could sense danger in the air, and they knew that something big was about to happen.

As the dust began to clear, the audience could make out the shape of a massive plume of smoke rising up from the direction of the explosion. The sound of screams and shouts could be heard in the distance, and the air was filled with the smell of burning wood and stone.

Without hesitation, Orion and Nebula sprang into action, rushing towards the source of the disturbance with lightning-fast speed. The audience watched in awe as the Primordial Eikthyrnir's hooves pounded against the ground, leaving a trail of greenery in their wake.

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