The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 171 The End Of It

Chapter 171 The End Of It

The mythical beast loomed over them, its massive form casting a shadow that seemed to swallow everything around it. Orion watched as the creature unleashed a powerful blast of energy, sending his beasts flying backwards. Despite the overwhelming power of the creature, he refused to give up.

He knew that this was a fight that he couldn't win alone. His beasts, as strong as they were, were no match for the power of a mythical beast. But he also knew that he couldn't just sit there and do nothing. Lives were at stake, and he couldn't let this beast rampage unchecked.

He glanced over at the Sect Master, who was busy fighting off the creature with his own mythical beast. The two creatures clashed with a ferocity that left the ground trembling beneath their feet. The Sect Master was an experienced Beast Emperor, but even he was struggling against the might of the mythical beast.

Orion gritted his teeth, his mind racing as he tried to come up with a plan. He knew that he had to act fast if he wanted to make a difference.

As the Mythical beast continued its relentless attacks, Orion gritted his teeth in frustration. He knew that their current strategy was not working, and that they needed to come up with something new if they wanted to stand a chance against this formidable foe.

Just then, a strange sensation washed over him, as if a surge of power was coursing through his veins. It was an unfamiliar feeling, but one that he welcomed with open arms.

And he wasn't the only one.

Nova, Stella, and Nebula also seemed to be experiencing the same surge of energy. Their eyes glowed with a fierce light, and their bodies pulsed with a newfound strength.

Orion could hardly believe what was happening. It was as if some unknown force was lending them its power, giving them the strength they needed to face this seemingly unbeatable opponent.

The Mythical beast roared with fury, its attacks growing more intense as it sensed its prey slipping away. But Orion and his beasts were ready.

With a fierce determination, they launched their own counterattacks, striking the creature with a newfound power that left it reeling.

Orion summoned all of his strength, channeling the energy of the unknown force through his body and into his beasts. Together, they fought with a renewed vigor, their attacks striking with a force that shook the very ground beneath their feet.

The audience watched in awe as the battle raged on, each side giving it their all. The Mythical beast was a formidable opponent, but Orion and his beasts were not backing down.

Their attacks grew more and more fierce, until finally, the creature stumbled and fell to the ground with a mighty roar.

Orion and his beasts stood victorious, their bodies still pulsing with the power that had aided them in their battle.

The audience erupted into cheers and applause, awed by the display of strength and power that they had just witnessed.

The Sect Master hurried over to Orion, who was standing triumphantly over the defeated mythical beast. The once ferocious creature lay motionless at his feet, its power now drained, and its aura faded.

"Amazing job, Orion," the Sect Master said with a look of admiration. "I never thought I would see the day when a non-Beast Emperor could take down a mythical beast."

Orion simply grinned, feeling a surge of pride at the Sect Master's words. He had always known that he was capable of great things, but this victory had truly exceeded even his own expectations.

As he looked down at the fallen beast, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. The creature had been so powerful, so awe-inspiring, and yet he had somehow managed to defeat it. He felt a deep sense of respect for the beast and all that it represented.

But his thoughts were interrupted as he felt a sudden surge of energy coursing through his body. He looked up to see Nova, Stella, and Nebula glowing with newfound power, their auras brighter and stronger than ever before.josei

"What's happening?" he asked the Sect Master, his eyes wide with wonder.

The Sect Master smiled knowingly. "It seems that the power of the mythical beast has awakened something within your beasts," he said. "They have absorbed some of its energy, and it has made them even stronger than before."

Orion felt a surge of excitement as he realized the implications of what the Sect Master had just said. With his beasts now even more powerful, there was no telling what they would be able to accomplish.

Orion had been victorious against the mythical beast, but he felt a sudden weakness overtaking him. His limbs grew heavy, and he struggled to remain standing. The Sect Master rushed over to him, concern etched on his face.

"Orion, are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.

Orion shook his head, his vision blurring as he tried to focus on the Beast Emperor. "I don't know what's happening," he replied weakly. "I just feel so drained."

The Sect Master frowned, his eyes scanning Orion's body for any signs of injury or illness. But he found nothing. It was as if Orion's strength had been sapped away by an unseen force.

"We need to get you some help," the Beast Emperor said firmly. "Come with me."

He helped Orion to his feet, and together they made their way towards the nearest medical tent. Along the way, they were met with concerned faces of the other participants and spectators, all wondering what had happened to the hero who had just saved them from the mythical beast.

As they reached the medical tent, a team of healers rushed forward to attend to Orion. They ran a series of tests, checking his pulse and his energy levels, but they, too, were left puzzled by what they found.

"It's as if his strength has been drained away," one of the healers said, shaking her head in confusion.

The Sect Master could see the worry etched on Orion's face, and he knew that he had to do something to help him. He summoned his own beast, a powerful dragon with golden scales and a fierce countenance. The dragon's eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and its wings stretched out wide as it prepared to unleash a powerful spell.

The Sect Master closed his eyes, focusing his energy on the dragon as it began to chant an ancient incantation. The air around them grew thick with power, and the ground shook beneath their feet, but it didn't do anything.

Orion felt his consciousness slipping away as he lay on the ground, his body feeling heavy and lifeless. He struggled to keep his eyes open, but the darkness was closing in around him, and he knew that he was fading fast.

As he felt himself slipping away, he managed to utter a few words to the Sect Master who stood over him. "I am glad to help," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

The Sect Master's heart sank as he realized that Orion's power had finally left him. He had known that Orion was pushing himself too hard, but he had hoped that he would be able to hold on just a little longer.

He placed a hand on Orion's forehead, feeling the warmth of his body even as he began to grow cold. "Rest now, young warrior," he said softly. "Your sacrifice will not be in vain."


[Host has been detected to lose his life]

[Begin to transfer the host's soul into another body]

[Begin to awaken the real Primordial Mastery]

[Primordial Mastery has awakened into Primordial Ascension]

[Energy had fully been absorbed from the former body to strengthen the soul]

[The transfer will begin in 3...2...1...0, starting the transfer]

Orion didn't know, but just a moment before he died, he seemed to hear something else he ignored it, but he didn't know that would be the new beginning.

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