The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 188 Strength Test

Chapter 188 Strength Test

Orion was so engrossed in his cultivation that he lost track of time. It was only when the morning light filtered through his window that he realized he had been cultivating all night. He stretched his stiff muscles and rubbed his eyes, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

As he got up from his bed, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in himself. He had made significant progress in his cultivation, and he knew that he was on the right path to becoming stronger.

After freshening up, Orion went down to the hall to meet his sister, who was already seated at the table, eating her breakfast.

"Good morning, Orion. You're up early today," his sister said with a smile.

Orion grinned back at her. "Yeah, I had a good night's sleep. How about you?"

"I slept well, too," she replied.

After finishing his conversation with his sister, Orion proceeded to have his breakfast. He ate heartily, feeling energized and refreshed after his morning cultivation session. As he ate, he thought about the things he had learned from the system and his plans for the future.

Once he finished his meal, Orion headed to school. He walked briskly, enjoying the fresh air and the feeling of the morning sun on his face. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel more confident in himself. He knew that with his talent and the knowledge he gained from the system, he was on the path to becoming a formidable cultivator.

Upon arriving at the school, Orion noticed that there was an air of excitement in the air. He soon remembered that today was the day of the testing, where students would showcase their strengths and abilities to determine which Sect they would join.

He made his way to the main hall, where he was greeted by a flurry of activity. Many representatives from different Sects had arrived to witness the students' performance and recruit those who showed promise.

Orion scanned the room, taking in the sight of other students stretching and preparing for the tests. Some were meditating to calm their nerves, while others were practicing their techniques.

The school hall was soon filled with students from various classes, all of whom were there for the testing day. Orion took his seat among them, feeling a mixture of excitement. This was the day that would determine which sect he would join and, ultimately, his future as a cultivator.

As the hall filled up, the principal walked up to the podium and cleared his throat to address the crowd.

"Good morning, students. Yesterday, we had our awakening ceremony, and today is the day for you to put your skills to the test. Representatives from various sects are present to observe your performance and determine which sect you are best suited for. This is a crucial day, and I hope you all have prepared yourselves for it," he said.josei

Orion listened intently, feeling the excitement.

The principal continued, "I wish you all the best of luck. Remember, your performance today will determine your future. Let us begin."

The principal's voice boomed throughout the hall, and all the students fell silent, eagerly waiting for his next words.

"The first test that we will be conducting is the strength test," the principal continued. "After awakening, you all have become cultivators, and so you will naturally become stronger. In this test, we will measure your strength using a punching machine."

The students murmured amongst themselves, excitement and nerves building in their chests. This was the moment they had been waiting for, the chance to prove themselves and join a powerful sect.

As the principal finished his speech, a group of instructors brought out a large metal machine. It was about the size of a small car, with a large, flat surface at the front.

The students gathered around the machine, their eyes fixed on the flat surface. The instructors began to explain how the machine worked and how they would use it to measure the strength of the students.

The instructors approached the machine and began to explain its workings to the students. "This machine is designed to measure the strength of your punch," one of them explained, pointing at the flat surface in front of them. "All you need to do is punch the surface, and the point of your strength will be displayed on the screen."

As the instructors finished their explanations, they motioned for the first student to step up and give the machine a try. Orion watched with interest as the student approached the machine.

The students gathered around the punching machine, eagerly waiting for their turn to test their strength. As they looked on, one student caught their attention. He had a towering build, with bulging muscles and a stern expression on his face.

"He's one of the strongest students around. What do you think his score will be?" one of the students asked in a hushed tone.

Another student chimed in, "I heard he's been training for years before even coming to this school. I bet he'll get a high score!"

But not everyone was so sure about the grading system. "Do we even know how the scoring works?" asked a skeptical student.

The instructors overheard the conversation and stepped forward to clarify. "The scoring system is based on the strength of your punch, as measured by the machine," explained one of the instructors. "The stronger the punch, the higher the score."

The student with the impressive physique stepped up to the machine, his muscles rippling as he clenched his fists. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing all his energy on his fist.

Orion watched with interest as the student began to glow with a faint aura. It was a sign that the student was gathering his energy, preparing to unleash his full strength.

Suddenly, the student opened his eyes and punched the machine with lightning-fast speed. Everyone gasped at the display of strength. The impact also created a loud noise.

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