The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 196 First-Stage Warrior Realm

Chapter 196 First-Stage Warrior Realm

The room fell silent as the instructor stared at the machine, his expression a mix of disbelief and shock. The students, sensing that something was wrong, crowded around him to see what had happened.

"What is it, sir?" one of the students asked nervously.

The instructor shook his head, still staring at the machine. "I don't understand," he muttered. "This result… it's not possible."

The representatives from various sects, who had been gathered on the other side of the room, noticed the commotion and walked over to see what was going on. They, too, were surprised by the instructor's reaction.

"What's happened?" one of them asked.

The instructor turned to face them, his expression serious. "There's a student here who has scored an incredibly high level of Qi," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "It's… it's beyond anything I've ever seen before. He should not have this kind of level at this time."

The representatives' eyes widened as they looked at the screen. They had been observing the students throughout the day and thought they had seen it all, but what they were seeing now was completely unexpected.

"Is this for real?" one of them exclaimed, staring in disbelief at the number displayed on the screen.

Another representative leaned in for a closer look. "It seems to be accurate," he said slowly. "I've never seen a student with such high levels of Qi before. This is truly remarkable."

The rest of the representatives crowded around the screen, studying the numbers intently. They couldn't believe what they were seeing, but there was no denying the accuracy of the machine.

The atmosphere in the room was tense as the representatives and the instructor stared in disbelief at the screen displaying the results of the Qi test. The score shown was nothing short of extraordinary - a First-Stage Warrior Realm.

The instructor shook his head in disbelief. "It can't be. How is it possible?" he muttered under his breath. He had never encountered a student with such talent in all his years of teaching. This was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The representatives were equally stunned. "I never expected to meet such a talented student in this place," one of them said, his voice laced with awe and admiration.

The significance of the result was not lost on anyone in the room. To reach the Advanced-Stage Awakening Realm in just a few days after awakening was impressive enough, but to attain the First-Stage Warrior Realm was an incredible feat that few could even dream of achieving.

"It needs to be known that reaching Advanced-Stage Awakening Realm only requires two or three days after awakening, or even just one day if one is particularly talented," one of the representatives explained. "But reaching the First-Stage Warrior Realm is a different matter altogether."

He went on to explain that to reach the First-Stage Warrior Realm, a cultivator typically needed at least three days to two weeks of intensive training. It was a difficult feat to achieve, even for the most talented of cultivators.josei

The other representatives nodded in agreement, clearly impressed by the student's exceptional talent. They knew that this was a young cultivator who had the potential to achieve great things in the world of cultivation.

The representatives were still in shock as they stared at the screen displaying the remarkable result of the Qi test. They had seen many talented students like this over the years, but this kind of result was very rare.

The instructor, who had recovered from his initial shock, was frantically searching through the list of students who had taken the test. He was trying to find the name of the student who had achieved such an incredible result.

"Who is this student?" asked one of the representatives, unable to contain their curiosity any longer.

As the representatives and instructors were discussing the shockingly high Qi level of the unidentified student, one of the students suddenly shouted, "It would be me!" Everyone turned to see who it was, and to their surprise, it was none other than Leon Ignatius - the same student who had arrogantly boasted about his A-tier talent just the day before.

The representatives exchanged a knowing glance, realizing that this was the same student from the powerful Ignatius Clan. They had heard rumors of his exceptional talent, but they never expected him to achieve such a feat so quickly after awakening his Qi.

The instructor looked at Leon with a mixture of shock and awe. "You're the one who reached First-Stage Warrior Realm in less than a day?" he asked, incredulous.

Leon smirked confidently. "Yes, that would be me. I told you all yesterday that I was destined for greatness."

The representatives couldn't help but feel impressed by Leon's remarkable talent. "It seems that the Ignatius Clan truly has an exceptional student in their ranks," one of them remarked.

Leon basked in the attention, feeling a sense of pride in his achievement. He knew that he was one of the top cultivators in the academy, and he relished the thought of being admired by his peers and elders.

The other students looked on with a mixture of envy and admiration, realizing that Leon was a force to be reckoned with. They knew that he was going to be one of their toughest competitors, and they couldn't help but feel intimidated by his exceptional talent.

Despite their awe, some of the students couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment towards Leon. They couldn't stand his arrogant attitude and the way he constantly boasted about his talent. They felt that he was flaunting his abilities in their faces and making them feel inferior.

But despite their mixed feelings, the students all knew that they had to work hard if they wanted to keep up with Leon and the other top cultivators in the academy. They knew that they had to push themselves to the limit if they wanted to achieve greatness and become powerful cultivators in their own right.

The instructors and representatives watched as Leon stepped down from the machine, feeling a sense of awe and admiration for his incredible talent. They knew that he was going to be a formidable opponent in the future, and they were eager to see how he would progress in his cultivation journey.

After the shock of Leon's incredible result had subsided, the room fell silent. The instructor and representatives were still reeling from the realization that a student who had only awakened his Qi yesterday had already reached the First-Stage Warrior Realm.

As they were contemplating this, a sudden commotion caught their attention. Another student had stepped forward to take the test, and the machine was making strange noises.

The instructor and representatives exchanged wary glances. They couldn't believe that another student could have such an astounding level of Qi, but they were also curious to see the results.

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