The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 212 Monitoring

Chapter 212 Monitoring


Aurora stood in awe as she watched Orion effortlessly take down the group of cheaters that had been causing trouble. She didn't need to teach them a lesson herself for disrespecting her.

"Good job, Orion," she said, a smile spreading across her face. "Those kinds of people should be handled with force. They were also weak, and you don't need that much strength to handle them."

Orion nodded in agreement, his gaze focused on the unconscious bodies of the cheaters. "I know," he said, turning to face Aurora. "Thank you for waking me up to the fact that some people like them need to be beaten down."

Aurora smiled at him, her eyes shining with respect. "It's okay," she said. "There are many people like that in the world, and I have often met that kind of person. The best way to handle them is with force and power. Sadly, that is the truth of this world."

Orion looked at her, his expression thoughtful. "I guess you're right," he said. "Sometimes, it's necessary to use force to bring about justice."

Aurora nodded, her eyes serious. "Exactly," she said. "And that's why we need to be strong. We need to be able to protect ourselves and those we care about."

As they stood there, looking at the defeated cheaters, Aurora couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. They were on their way to taking the entrance exam for the Celestial Harmony Sect, and if they could handle themselves like this, they would surely make it in.

"Come on," she said, turning to Orion. "Let's go find our beasts. We have an exam to pass."

Orion and Aurora then proceeded to leave the cheaters around to contract their own beast. They needed to contract a beast that was at least an Advanced-Stage Awakening Realm beast.


Somewhere in the Celestial Harmony Sect, a lot of people were gathered to observe the entrance test of new cultivators. The air was tense as everyone waited to see who would be accepted into the prestigious sect.

Among the onlookers were the elders of the Celestial Harmony Sect, who were keeping a close eye on the proceedings.

As the candidates made their way through the test, the elders watched intently, scrutinizing their every move. And then, something caught their attention. A commotion had broken out on the other side of the testing area, where a group of cheaters were causing trouble.

The elders leaned in, their eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before them. They saw a young man step forward to confront the cheaters, his movements fluid and assured. He dispatched them with ease, leaving them writhing on the ground in defeat.

"He was good," one of the elders murmured, nodding in approval. "That movement was good for him at this age. He even dared to defeat the cheaters by himself."

The other elders nodded in agreement, impressed by the young man's skill and bravery. They began to whisper among themselves, discussing the possibility of accepting him into the Celestial Harmony Sect.

As the elder watched Orion defeat the group of cheaters with ease, he couldn't help but feel impressed. The young man was skilled and showed remarkable composure in the face of danger. The elder turned to the others standing around him, "Who is he?"

One of the teachers stepped forward, "His name is Orion. He was one of the top scorers in his school and had exceptional abilities in both cultivation and combat."

The elder nodded, intrigued by this newcomer. It was rare to see someone with such talent and potential. The elder had been interested in Orion.

"Interesting," the elder mused. "We should keep an eye on him. He could be a valuable asset to our sect."

The teacher nodded in agreement. "Yes, he has shown great potential. And those cheaters should definitely be failed. Our sect doesn't need weak and dishonest cultivators."

The elder smiled approvingly. He had always been a firm believer in upholding the values and principles of their sect. Cheating and dishonesty had no place in their community, and those who did not share this belief did not belong in the Celestial Harmony Sect.

In Celestial Harmony Sect, the strong person rule, so if somebody had a problem with each other, they only needed to fight. Celestial Harmony Sect believed in a fair fight.

As the conversation came to a close, the elder made a mental note to keep an eye on Orion. He had a feeling that this young cultivator could go far.


Orion and Aurora continued their journey through the forest, completely unaware that they were being watched by the elders of the Celestial Harmony Sect. Their goal was to find a beast that would be suitable for them to tame and develop a strong bond with.

As they walked deeper into the forest, they came across many different types of beasts, but none seemed to be strong enough for their liking. They were both highly skilled cultivators, and they knew that they needed a beast that could match their abilities in battle.

Aurora and Orion had been searching for a beast that would be a perfect fit for them for quite some time now. They had explored the forest and encountered several beasts, but none of them had the qualities they were looking for.

Orion looked at Aurora, a bit discouraged. "I don't know if we'll find anything better if we go deeper. It's already been hours, and we haven't found anything close to what we're looking for."

Aurora smiled at Orion, trying to encourage him. "Don't worry, Orion. We just need to keep looking. We'll find the perfect beast eventually. Let's go a bit deeper into the forest. Maybe there are stronger beasts there."

Orion nodded, his spirits lifted by Aurora's words. He admired her tenacity and determination, which matched his own. They set off deeper into the forest, pushing past the trees and brush.

As they travelled deeper into the forest, the air grew thicker, and the surroundings became denser. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds chirping and left rustling in the wind.

Despite the peaceful atmosphere, Orion and Aurora remained alert, scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. They had heard stories of dangerous beasts lurking in the forest, waiting to ambush unsuspecting travellers.

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