The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 301 Orion's Transformation

Chapter 301 Orion's Transformation

The woman glared menacingly at Mason and his group, her eyes filled with a sense of danger that made them uneasy. "Let me tell you one more time," she said, her voice low and threatening. "The person who is in the tower now is not someone that you can mess with."

Mason remained still, refusing to back down or show any fear in front of his group. He was the leader, and he had to remain strong no matter what. However, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that the woman's warning had caused him.

The air crackled with tension as the group of men stood facing Aurora, who had just warned Mason and his group not to mess with the person currently in the tower. But before anyone could make a move, a new voice cut through the silence.

"Aren't you Aurora? Do you think that you alone can take us all?" the one who shouted was Leon, a tall, muscular man from the Blazing Sun sect. His eyes blazed with fierce determination, and his fists were clenched tightly at his sides.

Aurora turned to face him, her expression hardening as she recognized the man. "I don't think you understand the situation," she said, her voice cold and measured. "The person in the tower is not someone you want to mess with."

But Leon was undeterred. "Mason, she is only a person. We have many people with us," he said, turning to address Mason and his group.

Mason narrowed his eyes, sizing up the Blazing Sun sect members. He knew they were a powerful group, but he was confident in his own abilities and those of his team. "We don't want any trouble," he said, his voice calm and steady. "But we won't back down if we're provoked."

Leon's eyes flicked back to Aurora, his gaze sharp and inquisitive. "Just who is in the tower?" he asked, his tone tinged with curiosity. "And why does someone from the famous Winteria clan need to guard the entrance?"

Aurora only smiled in response to Leon's question. "You know him really well. He is Orion," she said, looking at him with a knowing expression.

Leon's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Who is he? I don't know anything," he replied, looking at Aurora expectantly.

Aurora chuckled softly. "You don't need to know more," she said, her tone cryptic.

Mason and his group exchanged glances, wondering what the conversation was about. They could sense that there was more to the situation than they knew, and it made them uneasy.

"If you want to fight him, you need to defeat me first," Aurora said, her voice low and steady. With that, she began to summon her beast, a huge Ice Wolf that towered over everyone in the vicinity.

The ground shook as the Ice Wolf emerged from the snow and ice, its eyes gleaming with an otherworldly blue light. Its fur bristled with energy, and its breath steamed in the frigid air.

Mason and his group stared in awe and fear at the beast, realizing that Aurora was not to be underestimated. They had heard of her legendary abilities as a guardian of the Winteria clan, but had never seen them in action before. Now, as she stood before them with her Ice Wolf, they knew that they were facing a formidable opponent.

Leon, however, did not seem intimidated. He stepped forward, his muscles rippling as he prepared to fight. "I accept your challenge," he said, his voice steady and resolute.josei

Aurora nodded, her expression serious. "Very well. Let us begin."

The two fighters charged at each other, their movements lightning-fast and precise. Aurora's Ice Wolf circled around them, its eyes fixed on Leon, ready to pounce at any moment.

Meanwhile, Orion who was in the tower, undergoing a gruelling process of tempering. His body was being broken down and reformed over and over again as Stella's magic-infused him with new strength and abilities.

Orion gritted his teeth, the pain was almost unbearable as his bones cracked and his skin tore. But he refused to give up, knowing that this was the only way he could become stronger and face his enemies. "Stella, damn you," he growled, his voice hoarse with pain. "Is this what you call a little painful?"

Stella's voice echoed in his mind, soothing and encouraging him through the agony. "Yes, Orion. This is the price you must pay for power. Endure it, and you will emerge stronger than ever before."

Orion took a deep breath, steeling himself against the pain. He focused on his breathing, letting it calm his mind and center his thoughts. As the magic surged through him, he felt his muscles bulging and his senses sharpening. He knew that he was undergoing a profound transformation, one that would change him forever.

For hours, Orion endured the pain. His body wracked with spasms as Stella's magic worked its way through him. But finally, as the final began to pass, he felt the last wave of agony pass. He opened his eyes and to his amazement, saw that his body had been completely transformed.

His skin was now covered in a shimmering layer of scales that glinted in the dim light of the tower. His muscles were now more defined and powerful, capable of incredible feats of strength. He could feel the raw power coursing through his veins, filling him with an almost primal energy.

As he stood up, he realized that he was no longer the same person he was before. He was stronger, faster, and more dangerous than ever before. And he knew that he owed it all to Stella's magic and the tempering process.

Just then, Stella's voice appeared in his mind, congratulating him on enduring the process. Orion could only nod weakly, his body still recovering from the ordeal. "Yes, but please tell me that the pain will be like that," he managed to say.

Stella's voice took on a mischievous tone as she replied, "Sorry, I forgot that your body was still weak." Orion couldn't help but smile at her teasing, knowing that he was now a different person entirely.

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