The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

180 Ayla

“Don’t be scared Princess Ayla. I am not here to harm you, I am not on Hannah’s side. I was friends

with her younger sister.” She cast her eyes down to the floor before continuing “Well, more than friends

but her parents wouldn’t let us. I promise you I helped Prince Griffin to find you. And I come here to ask

for a favor in return.” She seemed very genuine.

The way she said she was more than friends with Suzanne made me think she might have loved her.

Alpha Philip was traditional and in his mind mateships always consisted between a wolf and a she–

wolf. There was no way he would let his very own daughter be with another She- wolf. Griffin had

visited the BloodMoon pack with Dillion and Collin. Neither are shy about how much they love each

other. And they would not hide not being straight no matter how judgemental others were about them.

Meaning that if Lizzy was indeed non–straight she has seen that the future King and the future Silver

Moon Alpha was very accepting of queer relationships.

Trusting my gut, like I should as the Luna to be, I made an impulsive decision on what to do.

“I am about to head to Prince Griffin now, you can come along so we can discuss your favor and when

we can properly discuss it if needed. Because as you know I have a very busy day” I told her before


her to our chambers.


“Hey, darling I missed you” Griffin pulls me into a big bear hug

burying his nose in my neck.





180 Ayla

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He didn’t seem to notice I had Lizzy with me or he didn’t care that much. Just like he didn’t care, my

parents were in the living room with an excellent view of what we were doing. They seemed elated with

it, they always were when their children were happy with their mates.

“Oh, Hey Lizzy, didn’t see you there. When did you arrive at the pack?” Griffin’s kind response

confirmed that I was right in trusting


“My parents and siblings are waiting in the nearest human hotel. I know you said we needed to find

local packs to move into. Or packs that we had a family connection too. But my mom’s former Alpha

has the same views towards queer people as Alpha Philip had. And…” Lizzy hadn’t walked into the

living room yet, her lip trembling as she started to explain what brought her here.

“Bossman, I made the reservaa… Oh.., shit…” Dillion who walked up towards us talking happily about

making a reservation. One look at Lizzy and he started stuttering.

Realizing he had interrupted us, with something important. Seeing Lizzy on the verge of tears made

him realize he had messed up. He didn’t know that him being here would probably prove valuable. Both

Griffin and I had realized just what Lizzy was about to say. She wasn’t straight and she wanted to ask if

she could be a part of the Silver Moon pack with her entire family. Because it was the only pack she

could be sure of accepted who she was. And since her family had been my pack members before there

was a bit of connection however small it was.

“You don’t need to come out to us now or anytime. Today I have something planned with my mate and

family in law. Tomorrow the trials starts so we need to spend some time on that. After it is done we can

discuss you and your family becoming a part of the Silver Moon pack. Until then you can move into

rooms in the guest house. You will be our personal guests.” Griffin states without ever consulting me.





180 Ayla

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He looks at me and it’s not because he feels bad for jumping the gun. It is not to see if I agree with him.

It is because he knew I would agree with him before he even said it. It was a look to confirm how in

sync. we are, a look to agree to helping this girl.

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“So you must be wondering what we are doing right?” Griffin chuckles as he leads me into the living

room where my parents are waiting on

Yes, I am, I wanted to ask if we could do something the four of us. It seems as though you have

planned something so of course I am excited to know what it is.” I answer Griffin not bothering to hide

how giddy I

ow excited I am about the fact that Griffin planned something for us. He smiles and leads me back to

the couch. He smiles knowingly as I

settle down between my mother and him.

“We cannot miss out on the lunch, not with every Council member attending. After we can get changed

I made reservation for a nice restaurant the four of us. First though I planned a boat ride for all of us.

Don’t worry I hired a boat with staff. So we will all be safe“. Griffin laughs and I love how despite

everything we always find a reason to laugh about. That we are still able to enjoy the little things in life.

That we make sure we spend time to enjoy ourselves.

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