The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1165 Thrill

Chapter 1165 Thrill

They immediately hid behind the snowy rocks and not far from their hiding place, a group of soldiers were checking the wreck of their helicopter, then they heard gunshots, it seemed that the pilot's fate was beyond help.

"Who are they?" Lloyd whisper.josei

"I don't know but I got the feeling this matter is beyond our pay grade" Garrof mutter quietly.

"What your suggestion your highness...I mean Raven?" Lloyd waiting for her order.

"We don't know how many of them are out there and they are well prepared...we'd better not take any chances, Let's retreat for now" Lory made an immediate decision as she didn't want to act rashly without knowing who she was dealing with.

"Agree!" Garrof nodded in agreement, he was glad Lory made the same decision as he would after that they quietly left the area with the three of them.

From the digital map on Garrof's tablet there was supposed to be a small airplane charter place a few miles away on the other side of the mountain so they need to go there as fast as they could, and they also need to contact Lilliane to update their situation and inquire about Ethan's situation.

"How long until we get there?" Lloyd asked.

It will take two days more or less if we continue to use body strengthening spells to keep running at this speed, the downside is it will drain our mana" Garrof answered as he ran.

"Thankfully, we have enough mana potions so it shouldn't be a problem" Lloyd didn't feel worried because they had prepared well enough besides that, Lory's presence put them at ease.

[Lory, could it be that they were the same soldiers we saw earlier by the Riverblade?] Zhao Li Xin felt that they were the same group of people even though their uniforms were different.

[I think so but we have no real proof] Lory wasn't sure if she made the right decision or not by just leaving but the risks outweighed the benefits so she dared not be careless.

If they truly had anything to do with Luxemborough it would be another reason for her to be extra careful, the last thing Lory wanted to do was accidentally revealed her identity...again.

The four of them ran until midnight then decided to camp in a small cave that was barely enough shelter for four adults but they had no other choice and Lory had no problem cramming them in.

"Sorry for the inconvenience princess" Garrof felt a little flustered to share a small space with her even though Lory told him to treat her as usual but how come? Princess Lorient wasn't just a mere noble she was part of the legendary lineage of Lucient, the protector of Harland and also the second heir to the most powerful empire in the world only after King Lucas himself so how could commoners like Garrof and Lloyd be normal, that was impossible!

Hearing Garrof's words, Lory laughed "Compared to the war era, this darkness is much better." Lory used his power to absorb water from a wet piece of wood and then threw it into the bonfire, Lory then turned his gaze to Zhao Li Xin who was meditating in the snowfall, he said this would greatly help him to raise his cultivation.

"I hear you were traveling alone back then after leaving L'markieth," Lloyd asked.

Lory didn't mind telling the story after all this wasn't something that needed to be covered up "Well, I have important things to do..."

"How long have you been wandering alone?" asked Garrof.

His brows furrowed and then said in an unsure tone "Nine, ten or eleven years maybe, I'm not sure after all it's hard to count the time at that time" Lory said honestly, the ten years he felt was just the time range he estimated but how long he clearly didn't remember actually he didn't remember much after he received the Lazarus curse, just like a broken video there are some parts that are missing or blurred which until now it's hard for him to remember.

"That's...a very long time" Garrof so deeply sympathized with Lory he couldn't imagine how hard it must be for a young woman like Lory no matter how strong she was.

"But I'm not alone though, I got my guardian by my side so it's not that bad" Lory waved her hand, she didn't want to take all the credit cause the fact is she only got that far because Girsha was by her side.

"Ooh yes, the Lord of The Sky, Grimereous!" Lloyd's face beamed with excitement his memory had taken him when he saw a giant bird that wiped dozens of Demon beasts in one swoop, "Where is your guardian, can you give us the honored to meet the venerated first Kind?" he earnestly pleads.

Lory smiled wryly, "Unfortunately, he's not here right now, but he will…soon!" Lory said determinedly.

Lloyd and Garrof know something terrible must happen because there's no way a guardian left his ward without a proper reason, they could only guess that something terrible must have happened after all one couldn't possibly come back from the dead without paying a heavy price for it, and they not dared to imagine what kinda horrendous experience she must go through.

"Is he your husband?" Garrof cleverly changed the subject.

Lory turned her gaze towards Zhao Li Xin who was meditating quite a distance away from her but Lory could still see her back. got better when he talked about Zhao Li Xin.

Garrof and Lloyd hid their surprise not only because Zhao Li Xin had powers to match The Lucient but also because she was the real spouse of Princess Lorient!

If there was anything that was always become a hot topic in Harland it was about who will marry the prince and princess of Harland, because, unlike any other royal family or influential family in the world, Harland never forced marriage let alone undergo a political marriage, and not once did the kings of Harland end up not being married at all so they passed the throne to their nephews.

Thankfully there is always a new generation in every Lucient generation, even though it's not much, it can even be said to be dangerous, but thankfully until today, the Harland kingdom is still led by pure descendants of the first Lucient.

And until now King Lucas still has not had a partner let alone a descendant so if Lorient has children then her son or daughter will definitely become the next king! realizing that Lloyd and Garrof felt their heart leaped to their throat, they desperately wanted to scream.

Knowing there was a high chance they were currently sharing the same room with the mother of the future king Harland make them thrilled beyond belief, they couldn't wait to tell someone about this, imagine their jealousy, but sadly they couldn't, not now at least, but one day!

Garrof and Lloyd were very excited but they had nowhere to vent, Lloyd tilted his head while taking deep breaths trying to control his excitement, on the other side, Garrof looks a bit flustered he looks trouble where putting his feet and hands, thus he kept changing position while scratching his head awkwardly.

Meanwhile, Lory watches them in perplexity, she doesn't know what their problem is, could it be they need to pee?

"If you need to pee it's fine you know" Lory kindly reassured them, she wondered if they were embarrassed to say something because she was there or maybe they just felt bad leaving her alone.

"Okay, I'm going to pee!" Garrof suddenly stood up and rushed out of the cave.

"Me too!" Lloyd chassed Garrof in a hurry.

Lory watched the two big men pee together with a surprised expression but a moment later she nodded in understanding thinking" 'Oh they are closer than I thought!'

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