The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 113 - It Begins Again

Chapter 113 - It Begins Again


Zhao Li Xin remained unmoved outside the wall. Bei Li Yan and the others kept their distance from Zhao Li Xin. No one dared to move or breathe loudly as they feared they would provoke the Demon Lord's wrath. Unfortunately, there was a stupid person among them who did not know to be cautious. 

"Where is that woman going?" Ming Ru Yi screamed like a crazy woman. "Is she claiming the inheritance on her own? How dare she?"

"Princess, we don't know what happened. Let's not jump to a conclusion," General Fu tried to calm Ming Ru Yi. The situation was too weird especially since the woman mentioned something about the item not belonging to the Emperor.

However, Ming Ru Yi was too stupid to understand General Fu words. She was also angry as she was unable to enter the forbidden place. She needed the inheritance to gain her father's favor, to raise her position in the Kingdom, and to become the best cultivator. She was ready to go to any lengths to acquire what lay beyond. 

Ming Ru Yi glanced at Zhao Li Xin who was like a statue in front of the wall. His lips were the only thing moving but she could not hear him. She has a grudge against him as he always treated her like air. "Why are you standing there alone? Are you surprised she left you behind in order to keep the inheritance to herself? This is your own fault for being stupid. How could you trust a woman like her? Now… you are here alone!"

Ming Ru Yi mocked Zhao Li Xin. She needed to release her frustrations but her small brain forgot what the man was capable of.

Bei Li Yan and the others looked at Ming Ru Yi with stupefied expressions. No one had the guts to mock their Lord in a normal situation, so who was she to dare mock him when he was distraught. It was like rubbing salt in his wounds. The only conclusion they made was Ming Ru Yi was an idiot.

General Fu, the soldiers, and even the fanboys felt the pressure as the air around them change. They could feel Zhao Li Xin's murderous intent. The temperature around them spiked and they trembled in fear as they remembered what happened to the Huang siblings.

Ming Ru Yi didn't realize the people around her took a few steps away from her as she was still immersed in her frustrations. She continued with her ridicule, "Who told you to ignore me? I gave you the honor to be my man but you choose that s**t instead! She's now betrayed you! Beg me now and I may still consider taking you as…AAAHK!"

Ming Ru Yi's body suddenly flew like a leaf hit by a hurricane. She heavily crashed into the wall and broke it into many pieces. Her lifeless form fell on the ground as all the bones in her bones were shattered. Silent followed as the debris fell from the ceiling.

Zhao Li Xin's hand floated in the air as he had harmed her without looking at her. His eyes remained glued to the wall as he continued to murmur.

General Fu ran towards Princess Ming Ru Yi. His hands trembled as he checked the Princess's pulse. It was a good thing the Princess had a talisman with her as it was what preserved her body, but General Fu did not think her survival was a good thing. She was barely alive and would probably turn into a vegetable if she was to live. Blood oozed from her mouth, nose, and ears. The damage to her body and dantian was too severe.

It was the duty of a subordinate to avenge his master but he did not know what he could do in such a situation. The fault lay with the Princess as she had agitated the man and General Fu knew he would be killed in one move if he was to challenge the man. There was also the dilemma of him and his soldiers owing their lives to Zhao Li Xin.

"Tell your Emperor it was Long Ming who hurt his daughter," Zhao Li Xin said with a flat tone. He then went back to murmuring without care or remorse for his actions. 

The name Long Ming shuts everyone up. Was the man Long Ming, the Hei Shen Sect leader Lord Long Ming? Whatever fighting spirit they had disappeared like smoke when they learned of his identity. No one was crazy enough to challenge the Hei Shen Sect, even their Emperor showed the man respect. What could a normal soldier do?

"95-96-97..." Zhao Li Xin's eyes turned anxious as he stared at the wall. He stopped counting at a hundred and clenched his fist. His breathing became heavier and his heart beat uncontrollably. The wall did not move, only excruciating silence.

Mong Yi wanted to comfort his Lord but Jin Hao held his wrist and shook his head as he feared poking the bear. The Demon Lord was capable of annihilating them out of anger. General Fu and his soldier became nervous when they noticed Zhao Li Xin's subordinates agitated look. The air around them was tensed as they worried about what Zhao Li Xin's next move. 


Lory stared at the small piece of the Trinity staff in her hand. She was baffled as to how the staff appeared in this world long before she even got there.

[Lory, that is…] Girsha gasped.

[I know… What does this mean?] Her heart was beating like crazy. She felt like someone was joking with her as she did not know what it all meant. [And it is just a piece of the staff. What should I do with a broken staff? No human, not even in Harland can mend a weapon forged by God himself]

[Lory, you look different… Something is off] Girsha stared at her closely.

[What do you mean? How different?] Lory examined herself but she didn't see anything but her body felt odd [I'm light… My body feels a little light]

[What do you mean?] Girsha was confused.

[I don't know… I'm lighter… Have I lost weight?] Her question was genuine but Girsha shot her a mocking look.

[Let me check] Girsha transformed into an orb and pierced into Lory's chest, while Lory waited for the bird's diagnosis like a good patient. Girsha exited her body after a moment and transformed back to a bird. He smacked Lory's face with his wings and screamed with excitement.

[The curse... The curse… It has become faint] Girsha sounded both shocked and joyous.

[Is it gone?] Lory was bewildered by the sudden discovery.

[No, idiot! It's still there!] Girsha was too excited to notice Lory upset expression from being called an idiot.

[The curse is still in your body but the snake's grip on your soul has lessened. Can't you feel it?] It was the first time Girsha felt hope. He was extremely happy at the thought of Lory breaking the curse.

[Wait a minute…] Lory closed her eyes to confirm Girsha's words. A small amount of mana flowed in her veins without her trying too hard. Her face lit up. Something had weakened the curse's power. It suddenly hit her as her eyes moved back to the Trinity staff's shred in her hand.

[It's Trinity! It's because of the Trinity staff!] She was exhilarated.

Girsha nodded head [It's must be. Trinity was the one who broke the seal. It is not impossible for it to break the curse too]

[We need to find more pieces of the Trinity staff] Lory gripped the piece in her hand.

[Yeah, gather all the pieces, and the curse will be broken. Your power would return, isn't that great?] Girsha couldn't hold in his excitement.

Lory smiled but then her eyebrows furrowed. She murmured [But why do I need my power…?]

[What? Don't you want it?] Girsha was stupefied by her reaction.

[It's not like that… My power was gone because I thought I did not need it in this world. However, I found this ancient ruins which could have been built by someone connected to our world. There is also the Trinity staff, Arthea, and my curse… Why did Arthea want my powers to return? What does she want me to do?] All this made Lory restless. Everything around her seemed to be heading towards the same direction.

[I met with Arthea a few months ago] Girsha abruptly said.

[In this world?] Lory was taken aback by this news but she remained calm.

[Yeah, we didn't talk much. Actually it was more like we bickered as I can't stand the Seeress] Girsha let out an exasperated sigh and raised his head at Lory [But she said something before she left…]

[What did she say?] She asked nervously.

Girsha was silent for a moment before he continued [What once started, will begin again…]

[What did she mean?] Lory was anxious.

[I don't know, but I don't like it] Girsha was upset. Arthea's last words bothered him. He worried about his Princess. He didn't want her to be involved in another war or fight. Once was enough. She shouldn't live the same way again. Sadly, his opinion meant nothing when dealing with the wheels of fate.

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