The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1171 Linger

Chapter 1171 Linger

For a moment Lory was reminded of the early day she met Zhao Li Xin for the first time even though that cold voice was never directed at her, Lory often heard that emotionless tone of voice aimed at other people, even at the Mong brothers and the Four King's Palace.

[It's okay Li Xin, he cannot hurt me] Lory reassured Zhao Li Xin.

There was no doubt in Zhao Li Xin's mind that with Lory's current power, there were very few people who could make things difficult for her, realizing that Zhao Li Xin subconsciously reduced the pressure on Albrecht still he didn't let go the grabbed from Albert's neck.

"Daddy!" Mary suddenly screamed as she saw Albrecht's pitiful state.

Without thinking much she rushed towards Albretch screaming frantically "No, don't hurt him!"

Seeing Mary come Albrecht's face turned panicky he shouted frantically at his foolish daughter "No, don't come any closer, Mary!"

All of a sudden a giant ice wall was erected from the floor and blocked Mary's way, he was only startled for a few seconds until the fear of losing her father took over her fear and reason. Marry hit the wall desperately she screams desperately at the top of her lungs "Don't hurt him, please don't hurt my daddy, Daddy!"


For a second Lory thought she heard her own voice, Lory closed her eyes as memories from the past hit her like a tide in the middle of an ocean it crushing her and tearing her heart apart. It seemed that some memories linger no matter how much time had passed the memory refused to let her go and instead become a part of her.

[Li Xin let him go...] Lory's eyes turn red.

Zhao Li Xin frowned [Are you sure?]

Lory smiled weakly [Yeah, I never wanted to hurt him in the first place and I definitely wouldn't kill a father in front of his daughter...] her voice etched with sorrow.

Zhao Li Xin was distraught to see the sadness in Lory's eyes, it's been a long time since he saw those beautiful sad eyes.

Zhao Li Xin released his grip later on Albrecht's weak body fell face down on the ground at the same time the ice wall dissipated into mist, Marry didn't know what happen all she know she had to save her father right away!

Zhao Li Xin no longer paid attention to Albrecht or Mary, nothing is more important than Lory right now.

Lory force a strong smile when Zhao took long strides towards her. but in only making things worst, Zhao Li Xin clenched his fist, it's been a while since his heart ache like this.

Zhao Li Xin stood only an inch from Lory, he took a moment before he slowly cupped Lory's face so gently as if she was the most fragile vase in the world.

Zhao Li Xin's black eyes stare deeply into her eyes trying to reassure Lory [He's not hurt, he will be alright so don't be sad] Zhao Li Xin was helpless whenever Lory became like this.

If only he could take her pain away but nothing he could do all he could do is hold her tightly in his arms until she felt better.

"Mary, Boss!" Jeremy rushes in but is then startled to find the wrecked hangar and Albrecht lying in Mary's arms while groaning in pain while  Mary was crying her eyes out.

Jeremy knelt on one knee beside Albrecht, the young man looking at him in concern "Boss, what happened? Are you hurt? Who hurt you?" Jeremy was astounded to see Albrecht's chaotic state, it never crossed his mind that someone could make Albrecht like this.

Jeremy is initially shocked to see the girl he likes in another man's arms, but that superficial feeling dies in the blink of an eye when he thinks they are the ones hurting Albrecht.

"I'm going to kill them!" Anger burst inside Jeremy like molten lava he rose abruptly from the floor ready to attack Zhao Li Xin, right now all he could think of was to avenge his boss even if he had to die!

But then a big hand grabs Jeremy's shoulder "Stupid, do you want to die, Idiot?!" Albrecht berated him until his saliva flew out of his mouth.

"But boss?" Jeremy whined.I think you should take a look at

Albrecht felt a headache coming over him, he shouted in a commanding tone, "Shut up, and listen to me!" he stare at Zhao Li Xin who still hugged Lory warily.

Zhao Li Xin's eyes turned towards them in slow motion, he took a long moment to size them up with an eerie cold detachment like a  beast waiting before attacking its prey.

Chills went down his spine Albrecht knew he was face to face with a very dangerous enemy, even though he had faced King Marcus and also Archknights but he had never felt this kind of pressure as if what he was facing was not a human but something different something very dark, cold sweat drenched on his back, Albrecht's eyes turned to the Dragna that was not too far from him.

"Your….Ravens!" Garrof almost slip his tongue.

"Crow - Master Zhao!" Lloyd came hurrying with Garrof.

They were immediately shocked by the destroyed hangar and confused to see Zhao Li Xin hugging Lory in a protective manner while Mary sobbed nearby a middle-aged man who was supposed to be Samuel Albrecht looked gravely injured, what's going on here?

After Lory calmed down, she gently pushed Zhao Li Xin's chest then turned her gaze to Albrecht and the others.

"Why are they looking for you?" she asked with a calm voice.

Albrecht didn't say anything as he was still wary of her, Lory nonchalantly walked towards him at a leisurely pace and for a moment they became alert when Lory reached into her waist bag but they were dumbfounded when they saw Lory take out a small transparent vial which was a health potion.

Albrecht, Mary, and Jeremy are hesitant to take it because they aren't sure if they can trust Lory.

Lory raised her eyebrows in slight amusement. Mary was the one who finally took the potion from Lory she felt there was nothing wrong with accepting Lory's good intentions other than with her father's current state they wouldn't be able to win against them so what's the point of making resistance now, she better-taking chances and see how it goes.

Albrecht also thought the same, he took the health potion from Mary's hand and then drank it in one gulp as the pain he was receiving slowly disappeared which proved it wasn't a fake potion.

"Can we talk now?" Lory asks nonchalantly.

Albrecht stood up with Mary's help, he glanced at Zhao Li Xin for a moment then walked over to retrieve his Dragna.

"We got a disagreement if you may say so" Albrecht looked more relaxed after he took back his weapon.

"That's quite a disagreement, don't you think?," Lory quipped.

"His name is Samuel Albrecht, he is the captain of Luxemborough Black Fang troop, but he reportedly died in a car accident while on vacation with his family" Garrof chimed in.

"Captain Black Fang?" Lory wrinkled his forehead trying to remember "How come I never heard the news?" the death of an elite troop leader like Black Fang should be reported everywhere but why did she have a recollection about that?

"Because only a few weeks later Nazareth awoke from its long slumber" Lloyd adds in.

The corners of Lory's eyes crinkled, "That's convenient," she muttered.

Albrecht heard what Lory was saying and sneered "You think I woke Nazareth to cover my brilliant escape?"

Lory's mouth twitched "I guessed not..." Lory smile dryly for her ridiculous thought "However, you haven't told us how Luxemborough intends to kill not only the captain of their elite squad but also the owner of Dragna?" Lory thought it was absurd that Albrecht was too valuable as a Dragna owner, why would they want to get rid of him?

Mary and Jeremy's expressions became tense in an instant everyone noticed it, and hence they exchanged knowing glances. However, Albrecht remain stubborn "It's not your business and it's not like we got chummy enough to share our secret right?" he swept his eyes consecutively at Lory, Zhao Li Xin, Garrof, and Lloyd.josei

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