The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1196 Run To The Cliff

Chapter 1196 Run To The Cliff

[Well, we can think about it later, but for now, it's better for us to focus on the plan we already had] Lory returned the focus of the conversation back to their original plan.

Hugo sighed heavily [You are right Miss Jane, let's focus on that first...] he clasped his hands on the table and then continued [By the way, How is Garrof and Lloyd's situation, is there any way for me to help them?] Hugo feels a bit guilty about involving them in something far more dangerous than he could ever thought.

Lory waved her hand casually [Don't worry about them, they are professional after all, and for now they will stay low for a while but if you still want to help them you can start by increasing the reward money for them] Lory grinned.

[Of course, That's a given!] Hugo said without hesitation.

[Well, since we still had no idea what the enemy's motives were, we can only wait and see what happened for the moment at least] Lory said in a leisurely manner without a slight worry while Zhao Li Xin returned to his indifferent state.

[I agree with you Miss Jane,  that being so, I will start promoting Zhao Li Xin as the upcoming painter, Mr. Zhao I hope you can create more paintings for me to gain ripple in the painting world] Hugo voce filled with vigor and the gloom in his face immediately swept away.

Watching Hugo's reaction Lory then understands why Lilly working so hard to find Zhao Li Xin, if this happened to her father Lory would do the same. In Lory's case, she got up to quite a bit of mischief after her mother died, perhaps she subconsciously did that so that Lucas and his father wouldn't spend too much time mourning Lorenna's death.

Meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin pondered for a moment then he lightly said: [This week I will make two more paintings, after that, I will go into closed-door training for a month so don't bother to look for me....] he said in a flat and indifferent tone which quite rude actually. 

[Close the training door?] Hugo blinked his eyes in confusion at Zhao Li Xin, this was the first time he heard something like that.

Lory hurriedly explained [What he meant is he will be doing intensive personal training for some time]

[Oh, it's that it...] Hugo nodded in understanding [You are a very hard worker young man, as expected for a talented man like you, wonderful!] Hugo looked at Zhao Li Xin with glittering eyes like a teenage girl meeting with her idol, It was at that moment Lory and Lilly reached to conclusion that Zhao Li Xin would never be wrong in Hugo's eyes.

Lory and Lilly looked at Zhao Li Xin and Hugo consecutively and felt that there was something very strange with this scene.

Luckily, the awkward moment was interrupted by the phone ringing. Everyone looked at each other to guess whose cell phone was ringing.

Lilly then noticed the loud noise coming from her back pocket, Lilly then took out her cell phone, and as soon as she saw the cell phone screen, her whole face became rigid.

  "What the he*l did he call me for?!" Lilly grumbled.

"Who's that?" Hugo narrowed his eyes.

Lilly hesitated for a moment then said in an annoyed tone, "It's from...Ron"

Hugo's face immediately hardened

"Ron? You mean Ronald Augburn, the loser – the human wasted – Son of a bit*h from the Augburn family, Ronald Augburn!" the old man spat his anger like an erupting volcano.

Lory gave Hugo a nod of silent approval that said 'Well said'

Lilly forced a smile, "That's the one..."

"Give me the phone!" Hugo's tone didn't wait for a refusal.

Lilly bit her lip and then handed her cell phone to the old man uneasily not because she felt worry or sorry for Ron who was about to experience her grandfather's wrath but more because she was embarrassed to be involved with a useless piece of trash like Ron, even though It wasn't completely Lilly's fault but she still felt guilty and embarrassed.

Hugo makes a strong humped before he presses the accept button then soon after Ron's winning voice is heard from the loudspeaker.

"Lilly baby, please forgive me, I don't mean to hurt you, this is Linda's fault, she was the one who seduced me, It's not my fault, I'm just a man so I got confused for a second there but I don't mean to hurt you, I love you so much baby, and I love you since the moment I saw you, don't you know that baby girl so please forgive me, give me one more chance, baby please..."

"Your baby it's not here!" Hugo snorts derisively.

Lily's face had turned awfully red she covered her face with both hands, this was so embarrassing if there were a hole in this room she would gladly jump on it right now.

Meanwhile, Lory was horrified when she heard Ron's half-moaning and half-crying pleading voice, she wondered if this was the style of people nowadays, why were they so cheap and slimy? 

Lory refused to believe that any sane woman would fall for these cheap words. Lory frowned then elbowed Zhao Li Xin who was standing beside her with his usual flat expression.I think you should take a look at

[Hey try to say this...] Lory pulls Zhao Li Xin's arms to get closer then whispers "Baby Please..."

Zhao Li Xin didn't know what those words meant but he did it anyway, with a blank expression Zhao Li Xin whispered in Lory's ear "Baby please.."

His low, melodious voice tugged at the strings in her heart causing her legs to go weak and in an instant Lory's entire face turned red like a ripe tomato, Lory glared at Zhao Li Xin while covering her ears.

'Dam* this actually works!'

Zhao Li Xin tilted his head in confusion, he didn't know why Lory staring daggers at him, why she looked angry when he hadn't done anything wrong, once again he made a common question like any other husband in the world after accidentally asking their wife angry, 'What did I do wrong?'

However, no one felt more disgusted than Hugo who heard a whiny man who refused to take responsibility for his own mistakes and instead blamed other people for his own mistakes.

Small, weak, shameless, and selfish, those reasons alone were enough to make Hugo despise Ron to the bones, at the same time he could be more grateful to Lory for saving Lilly from making the worst irreversible mistake of her life.

Ron was stunned once he noticed it was not Lilly's voice he heard, yet his low IQ caused him unable to grasp the situation "Who is this, Where's Lilly? Who are you, how dare you answer someone else phone, This is so rude, I will report you to the Hamilton family, do you know I'm a close friend of the Hamilton family? Give me your name!" the stupid boy berated the former patriarch of the Hamilton family so freely and loosely. 

Lory grimaced while hearing how Ron was digging his own grave with passion. Lory had never seen anyone so slow to read a situation like Ron, it was both painful and hilarious to watch.

After Lory explained what happened to Zhao Li Xin, his eyes shone with determination [I must quickly learn this common language!]

[Yeah, you missed all the fun] Lory can agree more.

[You need to translate every word for me] Zhao Li Xin acted like an excited woman watching a soap opera.

Lory looked at him in disbelief [Since when did you become such a busybody?]

[Because his stupidity wasn't directed at me and honestly, it's quite funny, isn't it? I wonder what the consequences of that stupid kid's actions will be, you know if this happened in our old world his family would choose to sacrifice this stupid kid to appease the anger of the other families but I don't know what will happen here...Will he die or not?] Zhao Li Xin discusses Ron's life in a playful manner like it was nothing.

Other people would be petrified by Zhao Li Xin's words, but Lory is already used to Zhao Li Xin's way of speaking so she doesn't feel anything wrong with him though it's possibly because Lory is biased towards Zhao Li Xin.

[That is a slim chance that would happen here, first, it's against the law, secondly, it would show that the Augburn family admits that the Hamilton family position is far more superior than their family and that would damage their prestige among their rich friends so I'm sure they'll try to save that imbecile Ron ] Lory said.

Zhao Li Xin' sneer [Oh, that will be interesting]josei

[Undouble it will start a long feud that will implicate many people] 

"This is Lilly Grandfather, you probably know me as Hugo Hamilton" Hugo held back his anger causing his voice to sound twice as heavy and twice as threatening.

"W...what?" Ron's voice instantly cracks.

"Our families do have a long history together and we may have had a good relationship in the past, but after today...I think we may need to reconsider it again."

Ron knew he had made a huge mistake, his voice strained with panic. "Wait - wait - wait, Mr. Hamilton, I mean, Sir...I don't know if it was you, I'm sorry for my harsh words, I thought...I don't mean to..."

"Mr. Augburn," Hugo coldly interrupted, "I want you to stay away from my granddaughter, I don't want you to speak about her, talk to her, don't bother to call her again, I don't want you to show your face in front of her ever again,…and if you dare to ignore my words then I assured you that you will regret it."

Ron took a sharp breath but he still refused to give in "But Sir...I really...I really love Lilly..." he persisted.

"Mr Augburn!" Hugo spoke with a deep commanding voice "This is not a mere warning or empty threat from an old man, but this is a promise from the patriarch of the Hamilton family, and I always delivered my promises just ask your grandfather" Hugo solemnly said then he hung up the phone before Ron could speak but Hugo didn't return the phone to Lilly.

He put Lilly's cell phone away and then said in an authoritative tone, "Allen will give you a new cell phone."

Hugo didn't give Lilly a reason, but the truth is, Hugo was afraid that Liliy's cell phone would be damaged by dangerous devices such as bugs, tracking devices, or something like that considering they were quite close some time ago so Hugo wasn't sure what else Ron had done to his beloved granddaughter, but Hugo didn't tell Lilly anything for fear of scaring her instead

Lilly gulped, she knew Hugo was really upset this time Therefore Lilly didn't dare to argue with him, Lilly answer obediently "Yes, Grandpa"

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