The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1206 Uninvented Guest

Chapter 1206 Uninvented Guest

"Well, I guess it's time for a break, right?" Lory checked the watch on her wrist after that she looked at Zhao Li Xin's direction, "Do you want to have lunch!"

Zhao Li Xin nodded slowly, "Yes"

"We will take a break for an hour, why don't you get rest Mr. Weller" without asking Zhao Li Xin Lory's permission to decide the length of their lunch break the truth is Lory was afraid that if this continued, Zhao Li Xin would need a new teacher, it seems she must knocked some sense to her beloved tyrant.

Darius smiled in relief "Yes, have a great lunch Miss Jane, Mr. Zhao" he will take this time to get a quick lunch and most of all a short nap.

Zhao Li Xin started to understand some simple words even though he didn't know the details of the conversation but he managed to deduce that they were going to take a long break.

Zhao Li Xin did not object, after all, nothing was more important than spending time with Lory, especially since in the last few days they had been so busy with their own affairs that they rarely spent long periods of time alone together.

Lory was once again lent a car by Lilly by force, Lilly said that Lory should use her car until her new car was delivered. Lory, who couldn't refuse, accepted Lilly's offer with gratitude. Lory then took Zhao Li Xin to one of the biggest malls in Eagle Rock City to entertain Zhao Li Xin.

Lory stopped her car right in front of the valet parking, once she got out of the car Lory gave the car keys to the valet man after receiving a VIP card from the man officer. Lory held Zhao Li Xin's hand as they walked into the giant luxury building.

Zhao Li Xin looked at the building in awe. He had never seen a single giant building that only served for shopping even though there were already so many shops outside. Zhao Li Xin is aware of the high level of consumerism in this world.

[This place is nice, right?] Lory waved her arms excitedly.

Zhao Li Xin widened his eyes as he looked at the large building with luxurious floors which was brightly lit and on every side was filled with vendors selling various kinds of goods but what made Zhao Li Xin most happy was how clean this place was, the floor was cover with marble tiles and there were no shopkeepers shouting to offering their wares. They all stood neatly in front of their shop while occasionally smiling at passing customers, they only answered when the customer came and asked them.

'What a great service!' Zhao Li Xin was satisfied.

The temperature inside the building was also cool in contrast to the weather outside and because of the great temperature, the place didn't feel crowded so it didn't bother Zhao Li Xin who always hated crowds.

[Let's find a restaurant that serves Xiya country dish, after last night for some reason I craving rice now] Lory said.

[En...] As usual, Zhao Li Xin had no opinion as long as Lory liked it he had no problem.

When Zhao Li Xin walked beside Lory he attracted the attention of many people. Not once or twice did the women look at Zhao Li Xin's direction, they were all enthralled by his captivating beauty while other women giggled with their friends while glancing at him but even so, no one dared to approach Zhao Li Xin.

One of the reasons is because Lory held Zhao Li Xin's hand to show her territory and another reason is because they felt chilled to their spine when their eyes accidentally met Zhao Li Xin's dark eyes.

Lory was annoyed but only for a moment after that she gradually calmed down as she got used to it, however, Lory suddenly noticed the emptiness on their ring fingers, and only then did she realize that they didn't have a wedding ring!

Zhao Li Xin noticed the sudden change in Lory's mood he immediately became alert thinking they might face another enemy or trouble, Zhao Li Xin asked Lory warily  [What's wrong Lory?]

Lory gritted her teeth in annoyance [Nothing, we have to buy a ring after eating?]

The great Lord was rendered speechless, so his wife wanted to buy jewelry but why did she look so irritated? Could it be the time of the month again? Zhao Li Xin's mouth curved downwards thinking that the possibility of his most hated 'time' had arrived.

[Ah, this place looks nice!] Lory stopped in front of the Xiya theme restaurant.

The place was decorated with a red paint wall combined with dark wood paneling, and small lanterns with red ribbon giving the impression of decoration for a wedding banquet. The waitress also wears traditional Xiya country clothes that look like the clothes in Zhao Li Xin worlds only much simpler, for starters the clothes don't have wide sleeves and flowing skirts, just a simple brocade with ostentatious embroidery and white pants.

Zhao Li Xin's brows furrowed because of the unusual decoration, he felt like he was attending someone's wedding, and everything seemed mismatched and strange.I think you should take a look at

Lory pretty much knew what Zhao Li Xin was thinking thus she laughed lightly. Although Xiya country culture is somewhat similar to Zhao Li Xin's culture just like clothes, traditions, and language, although the differences are quite visible, perhaps this is because the original culture has been eroded by time so many things have been lost, changed, and forgotten.

Unlike in the world of cultivators, no one here considered red as a wedding color because many people thought red was too flashy for a solemn ceremony, which was funny because Lory had seen people wearing black wedding dresses in a gothic-themed wedding, there were also rainbow themed wedding and don't mention what color the bride gown was.

Lory ordered dumplings for appetizers then rice, three side dishes, and vegetarian soup for a safe choice for Zhao Li Xin and didn't forget Lory asked for chopsticks because not many people use chopsticks anymore, luckily this restaurant had one.

While in Zhao Li Xin side, he was quite satisfied with the service of the restaurant despite the weird atmosphere they got because all the waiters and waitresses wore face masks and plastic gloves to ensure food hygiene which Zhao Li Xin appreciated he even blamed himself not thinking about this in the past if not he would make all his maid and servant wearing face mask and glove as well.

Lucky for them to missed this opportunity.josei

The waiter came to serve appetizers first, for a moment Zhao Li Xin was startled by the appearance of the dumplings which were different from the dumplings he knew in his words., for starters, the dumplings in this world were much smaller than the dumplings he knew, apart from that the dumplings in this world also had various shapes such as stars, crescent moons, clouds, and flowers besides that the dumplings also had various colors.

Lory was not surprised because she had seen the pictures on the menu, unlike Zhao Li Xin who only focused on the writing as material for studying.

"Try it!" Lory raised her brows in a playful manner.

Zhao Li Xin was a little hesitant but he tried anyway. Zhao Li Xin tilted his head in contemplation like a food critic judging a dish after a while he gave a faint nod and then took another dumpling.

"You like it?" Lory's eyes glint from anticipation.

"Not bad..." said Zhao Li Xin in an indifferent tone.

Lory on the other hand was overjoyed knowing this was his way of giving high praise.

Lory then ordered hot tea for Zhao Li Xin and sweet lychee tea for her not long after the main course was finally served on the table and Lory's eyes lit up with joy. After returning to this world for the first time, Lory ate rice.

Even though he is not a fan of rice, but, for now eating rice gives her a feeling of nostalgia and momentarily eases her longing for the people and friends she left behind, even if only for a moment. 

Zhao Li Xin moved his chopstick elegantly to the main dish that he had never seen before. Lory who is already proficient in using chopstick watch Zhao Li Xin and giggles, but inwardly Lory feel relief seeing Zhao Li Xin enjoying himself cause no one knows better than herself how it feels to be thrown away to another world without any preparation.

Girsha is right, Zhao Li Xin needs her more than ever now.

"I'm sorry to bother your lunchtime"

Lory was surprised. She raised her head from the food then Lory saw a tall man with short, sleek brown hair and blue eyes standing across from her table.

Zhao Li Xin quietly put down his chopsticks and then wiped his mouth with a clean cloth after that he placed one hand on his knees and casually leaned his back against the chair his expression showed that it was better for a good reason.

Lory wipes the corner of her lips in an elegant manner then throws a formal smile "Mr. Jacob Augburn, right?"

Jacob makes a satirical smile "I'm sorry to bother your evening Miss. Jane" Jacob then pulls a chair then takes a seat without being invited.

Zhao Li Xin was not used to seeing people act impudently in front of him, Soon the raging Qi inside him gathered in his right palm and sparks appeared in his palm but then a gentle hand grasped his hand which immediately extinguished the sparks that were about to ignite.

They didn't need to exchange glances to understand each other means. Zhao Li Xin held Lory's hand tightly to express his complaint in silence then with the other hand he sipped the unflavour tea and waited just like Lory wanted.

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