The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1208 Gossip

Chapter 1208 Gossip

"I'm afraid I cannot do that" Jacob's mouth set in a firm line.

"Then nothing I could do" Lory let out a long sigh of disappointment.

"Miss Jane, though I heard you are a powerful gifted woman but you wouldn't be so bold thinking you are the only one would you" Jacob glances at his hired men and they all glare dangerously at Lory.

Zhao Li Xin's index finger gently tapped the table, and gradually darkness gathered and filled his onyx eyes soon the long yet familiar malevolent intent exuded from him like wildfire, and all ordinary people fell on their knees as if they were pressed by a boulder while the gifted people pull Jacob away from the chair and chant a protection barrier.

[You want me to kill them all?] he asked in a flat tone.

Lory pursed her lips [No, too many witnesses, it's too troublesome] she said jokingly, she had no intention to kill Jacob.josei

[As you wish] Since Lory said so Zhao Li Xin retracted his violent  Qi even so he will start to remember Jacob from now on.

Once Zhao Li Xin retracted his Qi, the air changed drastically as if what they felt before was just an imagination. However, the Gifted people who could sense the energy knew that it was all real but they couldn't recognize what it was because they had never felt anything like that before therefore even though the pressure had disappeared they didn't dare to let their guard down. 

On the other hand, Jacob's expression became stiff, his heart was pounding and cold sweat dripped down his back, although he wasn't sure what it was but he knew for sure his life was in danger.

"Why you stand there Mr. Augburn, please have a seat?" Lory smiled sweetly.

On the other hand, Lory had a sweet smile on her face, it was clear that she was provoking him, Jacob didn't want to show defeat, so he adjusted his jacket and then pushed the man who was protecting him aside, after that he pulled a chair and returned to his seat, he again showed an arrogant attitude.

Even though from the outside Jacob looks calm, yet Lory could see the wariness in his eyes.

"Actually you don't need to worry about your useless little brother, even without me breaking the spell, your brother's life won't be in danger, with proper medical help and a good doctor he will be back on his feet in less than two weeks. ...oh That's not true" Lory covered her mouth and the smile on her face became evil "He'll be paralyzed but luckily you're rich so you won't have any trouble buying a prosthetic leg"

Jacob clenched his fists, he hated the smug attitude on Lory's face. He had never been humiliated by anyone like this, not even the Hamilton family dared to mock him and his family like this.

"Do you know who you're messing with, Miss Jane?" his voice was shaking with anger.

Lory pressed her palms against the table then she leaned forward, "Do you?" soon after all the water not only in Lory's glass but all the glass inside the restaurant including the fake fountain inside the restaurant froze and the air became as cold as winter.

Once again the talented people were worried, they built another barrier to protect themselves and Jacob, but in their hearts, they cursed their boss for sending them to dangerous jobs above their pay grade.

A faint smile appeared on Zhao Li Xin's face, he had forgotten how fierce his wife could be when she was angry.

Lory pulled his hand from the table and everyone became alert, they prepared to attack but lory just rubbed his hands together then he looked at Jacob, "Since you disturbed our lunch time, then you will pay our bill, it's that okay Mr. Augburn?" lory sneer.

Jacob's mouth set in a firm line, he hated her but didn't dare to attack her because he didn't know if he could win against them. One possessed immense power while the other had mysterious power so Jacob didn't dare to make reckless moves, he's not Ron!

"Let's go, darling!" Lory carried Zhao Li Xin and the two of them left the restaurant when Lory left the restaurant the ice melted leaving only wetness on the floor and furniture as a reminder that something had happened.

Jacob's face turned very red, and anger and frustration suffocated his chest but he had nowhere to vent it causing his breathing to become uncontrollable which was rare for a smart and level-headed man like Jacob.

The arrival of an unexpected enemy changed everything, Jacob felt he had to go home and discuss this urgent matter with his father as soon as possible.


Lory stops paying attention to Jacob and augburn family matters, she doesn't care since she believes all the trump card is in her hand whatever decision they make it will benefit her nonetheless. 

Currently, Lory is more concerned about buying a pair of wedding rings. Having a beautiful husband Lory couldn't feel relaxed without a wedding ring to show their status, she also needed to forge new identities to make a marriage certificate because unlike in the world of cultivators, a marriage certificate was very important in her world.

Lory halted her step in front of the jewelry stores, her eyes glazed through a long window store then she saw a beautiful gold ring with diamond and blue sapphire, this should be enough for now untill she had time to make a customized ring for both of them.

[What do you think about that?] Lory pointed her finger to the glass window and asked Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin is unexpressive as always he never has an interest in jewelry even though ironically he has a mountain of precious gems and gold inside his broken spatial ring, though he's not sure if it is still there, he doesn't really care anyway.

[It's good, take it if you like it] he said flatly.

With a serious face, Lory says: [I want to buy a wedding ring, did I ever tell you that all married couples will have a pair of rings to show our marital status also it can ward off women away from you]

Zhao Li Xin's interest was immediately piqued, he had heard of it in the past but he had never heard that it could have other uses, if there such an object wouldn't his life would get so much better. [Then we should buy it quickly so I can study it!] He said enthusiasticallyI think you should take a look at

Lory knew Zhao Li Xin had misunderstood [I didn't mean like that, Li Xin....this is just an ordinary ring]

Zhao Li Xin frowned in disappointment [It can't ward off woman?]

[ can, but this doesn't always work...] Lory was confused about how to explain it.

Zhao Li Xin rubbed his chin and pondered [So some women aren't affected, probably it because there's a problem with the material or the rune that you people used to make...but maybe I can perfect it...] he was already thinking about various methods he could employ to strengthen the effects of the ring.

Lory cupped her cheeks while thinking about how it become this way, she wanted to explain again but was afraid it would only make things worse [Let's buy a ring...] Lory said resignedly.

Zhao Li Xin's gloomy face beamed with curiosity and delight [Let's go!]

Lory was followed by the excited Zhao Li Xin inside the jewelry store it didn't take long for Lory to choose the ring since it was only a temporary ring she didn't need to be meticulous about her choice since she would customize a better ring for them and just like that they left the mall with a wedding ring in their hand.

Meanwhile, Zhao examined the ring carefully but then was confused he didn't feel anything from the ring but it didn't reduce his interest but instead increased it. Lory saw her husband busy himself with his new toy without being able to comment.

The jokes on Lory cause one day in the future Zhao Li Xin is indeed able to invent a new object that could ward off the opposite sex and it will sell like a hot potato!

As the day continued they finally back to the Hamilton Manor, because of Jacob disturbance Lory and  Zhao Li Xin take longer to back to the Hamilton manor, though Darius was not complain because of that he had a really good nap and after having lunch provided by the manor chef and a cup of coffee he feels much better and ready to face his passionated student again.

After Zhao Li Xin continued his studies Lory was about to find Hugo to inform him what had happened but then she was told Hugo went to the Arabella auction house. It seems the plan has been proceeding.

Lory wanted to search for new information about Lucas but browsing the Net would take a long time so who better informant other than Lucas's die-hard fans?

Lory knocked on Lilly's door then she opened the door, it was then she saw Lilly in the middle giving a kiss to Lucas, to be exact, it was Lucas's life-size cardboard.

Lilly was stunned so were Lory's eyes they stared at each other in shock.



"I didn't see anything" Lory quietly closed the door. 

"COME BACK, YOU SEE EVERYTHING!"  Lilly's face turns bright red.

  ___A few minute later___

"Ehm, I will not judge you" Lory cleared her throat.

"Really?" Lilly glances awkwardly at Lory.

Lory couldn't lie, "Sorry, I'm judging you harshly right now..."

"....." Lilly's face turns red again.

Lory restrained herself from questioning Lilly. "Anyway, do you have any hot gossip about King Lucas? I kinda bored right now" Lory said in a casual tone.

Lilly flicked her hair and sighed "Unfortunately there has been no information about King Lucas in the last few months" Lilly plopped on the bed she then hugged the pillow and muttered to herself "I miss him..."

"So that's why you molest the cardboard instead?" Lory teased.

Lilly throws the pillow at Lory "Hey, you know how hard for me to get this King Lucas cardboard! I need to call many people and spend a lot of money to have this even then it takes weeks to deliver to my place" 

Lory laughed dryly, it was indeed hard to get original stuff containing the Lucient Royal family's face not to mention there are not many high-resolution pictures circulated in the media and not many new pictures about her either and many of the pictures were protected with unremovable watermarks by the Harland government in order to protect the royal family privacy beside Lory and Lucas rarely show their face in public if not for the formal occasion were they were invited or expected to come.

"Oh, talk about gossip about King Lucas, I heard King Lucas has a fling with the Saintess" Lilly pouted in indignant.

Lory's eyes widen "Wait - Whaaattt?"

Lilly expressed the same disbelief, "I know, right!"

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