The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1216 Missing

Chapter 1216 Missing

Chapter 1216 Missing

Zhao Li Xin finished his lesson early today so that the tired teacher could go home early. He was busy in the art studio to continue his painting collection, this time he painted a landscape along 8 feet of mountains with a calm lake decorated with bamboo forests, a calm and peaceful painting.

In the past, Zhao Li Xin wouldn't have been able to paint something like this, he couldn't even imagine it, but now with Lory at his side he he took Lory as his muse for creating painting.

A few moments later there was a gentle knock on the studio door, Zhao Li Xin only gave a glance and back to his painting again then said "Come in"

The studio door opened and Hugo appeared with a big smile, he looked at Zhao Li Xin's painting while chuckling in admiration.

"We're going to make a big fuss with this painting," he said with a beaming face.

Zhao Li Xin doesn't feel proud at all cause for him, this is just a side activity compared to being a painter he is more interested in becoming an inventor. After all, he has skills as an Armament master and Array master from what he heard from his timid teacher It seems his two skills will be very beneficial to learn something

Zhao Li Xin never dreamed that one day he would be able to make a living other than violence and spilled blood, he thought that was what he was meant to be but perhaps this world would be different, maybe he could try a lot of things other than hurting and killing people.

For now, he can be a painter then he can be an inventor, maybe he can learn how to make dessert since Lory loves it very much and surprisingly she has no talent in that, later on, he can learn any other profession untill he is satisfied.

The corner of Zhao Li Xin's lips curl into a faint smile, he can't wait to learn everything that this world offers.

"Hey, you see, after I showed your painting at Arabella's house, I got a lot of calls from Painting Masters not just ink paintings, they all insisted on knowing your identity, and they also wanted to see the rest of your paintings besides them, there are also several art Halls, private galleries and even museums wanting to check out your paintings, we really made a big splash with just one painting" Hugo show the news of Zhao Li Xin painting on his phone while smiling triumphantly.

Zhao Li Xin pays little attention to Hugo's existance however Hugo is already used to Zhao Li Xin's minimal reaction so he continues "Do you have another painting I could show to them, I only need one to entice their thirst" Hugo makes an expression that people could mistake as a pervert.

Zhao Li Xin waved his hand nonchalantly "Check over there, take any painting you want"

Hugo is flushed with excitement as he strides toward the table where the painting is placed on the table untill it dries while most other paintings hang on the wall. Hugo like a kid in a candy store didn't know where to look first, everything was so beautiful!

"Ah, this tiger looks so majestic, and the orchids are also stunning, wait, why does this simple stone in the river look so enchanting, what should I pick? I can't choose!" Hugo was tormented in a dilemma while Zhao Li Xin shook his head and then continued painting.

another knock was heard from the door Lory's head peaked behind the door "Are you busy?"

In an instant, Zhao Li Xin's cold face lit up with a smile "No, come in!" He put down the brush and then opened his arms widely as Lory jumped into his embrace.

Hugo's mouth twitched, the different greetings between him and Lory were like heaven and earth, after all, Hugo was used to it and he was actually pleased to see how devoted Zhao Li Xin were to his wife, if only Lilly and Ethan could find a partner like Zhao Li Xin even if her partner was poor he wouldn't care.

Lory squeezes Zhao Li Xin's waist while inhaling the scent of ink mixed with soap coming from his broad chest, it's weird how Zhao Li Xin never smells bad even though he never wears perfume or cologne.

[How was your meeting?] Zhao's heart finally calmed down after Lory returned, even though he knew how strong she was and not many people could trouble her, he still couldn't stop worrying about her, it's like a habit for him.

Lorry raised her head and her eyes glint mischievously [Better than I thought~]

[Oh, no wonder you look happy] Zhao Li Xin patted her head affectionately.

Lory released her arms and then walked towards Hugo, who ignored the couple's intimate actions because he was still in a dilemma about which painting to choose.

"Mr. Hugo I got a lot of things to talk about"

Hugo's attention shifts from the painting "What do you need Raven?" the old man's gentle smile blooms on his old face.

"I just have a meeting with Isana Augburn"

Hugo's mouth slightly open in surprise "Robert Augburn's wife?"

"Yes!" Lory gave a reaffirmed nod "And I got important information from her?"

Hugo looks at Lory in amazement "How do you make her speak?"

Lory chuckled, and then she started to tell Hugo what she had done after Ron tried to kidnap her, she also told him about the possibility of the S.A.I.N.T. organization member being the mysterious figure that supports the Augburn family through the underground guild.

Hugo's face turns from white to red as rage boils inside him like molten lava, he cannot believe how close the enemy is and the realization that the enemy is surrounding his family brings a chill to his spine.

Based on the information from Lory, it is clear that the Augburn family is getting bolder, they even dare to scheme against Lilly, they must think they have the upper hand. Hugo leaned his tired body on the sofa.

Hugo's expression immediately became haggard. "Even though our family relationship isn't as close as it used to be, and I know they have big ambitions, deep down I don't see them as a threat, I have underestimated them ..." he clasped his hands together tightly, anger, regret, and Disappointment filled his old eyes.

It seemed the relationship between the two families would only get worse. It seemed that the families couldn't live in the same sky anymore, Hugo clenched his fists. He is determined to fight with all his might, although it cannot be denied that this fight will be a tumultuous path but he will not back down.

"Now not only The S.A.I.N.T. organization and Luxemborough but the Augburn family and underground Guild also involved and all their attention focused on your family, you sure there's nothing about your family that could attract at least three powerful groups in the world?" Lory questions Hugo again.

Hugo rubbed his chin while contemplating, he also curious about what are they wanted from his family, if it about making weapons and recruiting talented 'creators' there's a lot of that out there, why was his family worth all the hassle? what is going on here?"

"Raven, your guess is as good as mine, I honestly don't know what they want," Hugo was also baffled by the enemy's focus on them. josei

"Your son... might know more..." Zhao Li Xin speaks with broken Harlandish, amazingly, he can follow their conversation.

"Li Xin, your language progress is awesome?" Lory raised his thumb, she sincerely praised Zhao Li Xin's heaven-defying progress, so this was what people talked about as 'Peerless talent'.

Zhao smiled modestly, he thought it was not commendable because maybe Lory had forgotten, but he was used to hearing Girsha and Lory speak this language so he was not completely unfamiliar with it. Besides, the grammar was much simpler, not to mention the number of letters was much less than the characters of his language, so naturally it didn't take much time for him to learn it.

At least that was Zhao Li Xin's opinion.

"Oh yes, Mr. Hugo, can we talk to Ethan, we know he's still not well, but this is an urgent matter, so I hope you'll let us talk, maybe I can dig up some information..."

Hugo raised his palm, "It's not that I shouldn't do it, it's just that the situation isn't conducive?"

Lory frowned, "Is Ethan's situation getting worse?"

Hugo's expression was tense with emotion ", he's missing"

"WHAT?" Lory's breath hitched, meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin rolled his eyes as if he already expected it.

"Since when? I thought he was moved to a better environment to improve his condition" Lory was bewildered by the sudden situation.

"At that time Ethan suddenly wanted to be moved to our remote villa, he said he would be able to recover better if he went to the countryside, of course, I agreed, besides Marsha, Lilly and Ethan's mother would accompany him but Marsha suddenly received sudden news that her sister, Maya is in hospital, Therefore, Marsha cancel her plan then visit her sister first while Ethan went first to the Villa, but who would have thought that the news that Maya was sick was actually a fake and when Marsha arrived at the villa, Ethan was already gone," Hugosaid helplessly.

"Could it be that he was kidnapped?" Lory felt that the possibility was great considering the number of people who wanted it.

Hugo shook his head "He left a letter saying he had to leave for a while but he will return and we didn't need to look for him, even so, I checked the letter with a graphologist and it was confirmed the letter it's written by Ethan and he didn't write the letter under duress"

What Hugo didn't say was that he had asked Lilly to analyze the remaining aura left in the letter to find out Ethan's mental condition at that time.

Lilly then said that from the emotions she got from the letter it seemed that Ethan was not currently in danger but she felt that Ethan's emotions were tense, he was very stressed, anxious, and afraid of something.

"Do you know where your grandson might be?" Lory asked.

"I've checked many places he might have visited from friends and acquaintances, I also checked all the properties he owns but I couldn't find Ethan as if he had disappeared into the earth. To be honest, we are all worried about his safety."

Lory pondered for a moment "Since we don't know what he's running away from, I think we should find out what's bothering him first" Lory took a deep breath then an idea crossed his mind "Maybe we can investigate what happened before Ethan went to Quiet mountain Peak, oh what about Ethan's cell phone that we found? did you find anything useful?"

Hugo's face turned gloomy, "Unfortunately the data on Ethan's cell phone has been deleted, and his cellphone is also gone."

"Do you know who did that?" Lory is upset knowing she lost an important clue.

"Ethan did it, to be clear he paid one of the workers to steal the phone," Hugo clenched his jaw.

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