The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1220 Welcome to Hell

Chapter 1220 Welcome to Hell


Chapter 1220 Welcome to Hell

Lory parked her car not far from the club location after that she checked her phone, the club should be in the alley in front of her after that she looked around her and saw many cars parked and many young people in flashy outfits walking into the alley it seemed she was in the right place.

"Should we get out?" Zhao Li Xin didn't know what made Lory so anxious.

Zhao Li Xin might not know but Lory knows what the inside club looks like especially a sketchy club like this, she turns her head at Zhao Li Xin she once again reminds him before they go [Li Xin remember not to get far away from me, if someone touch you just ignore them or you can push them if it's a man you can give light punch but not too much okay cause it will attract unwanted attention and we will get kick out from the club]

"Worry not, dear wife" Zhao Li Xin smile.

Lory bit her lips, she was still not sure but it was too late to leave him now. Lory took a deep breath [Raised your hoodie and wear your face mask before getting out] Lory nagged him.

Zhao Li Xin chuckled but obediently followed Lory's orders, Lory pushed the door and they got out of the car. Lory and Zhao Li Xin immediately attracted people's attention due to their proportional bodies, long legs, and the mysterious aura they exuded. Lory hooked her finger with Zhao Li Xin's and they walked hand in hand into the alley.

Lory kept her eyes straight in order deliberately ignoring the men's indecent gazes and lewd eyes, but to be honest, this wasn't that bad, maybe because Zhao Li Xin was with her, which more or less deterred the men's intention to approach her.

On the other hand, Zhao Li Xin was shocked to see how vulgar people were, not only men but also women, even though he was used to people's stares still never being stared at like a piece of meat at the market, they even dared to gawk openly at Lory even though he was clearly beside her.

ZhaoLiXin wanted to teach them a lesson but Lory had already reminded him what happened in a place like this so reluctantly had to let go of their insolent behavior, he clenched his jaw as he strides away with Lory.

Not long after, Lory saw a pink neon light with the silhouette of a curvy girl lying on the words Sweet Molly, Meanwhile, in front of the club door stood two big bouncers, and in front of them there was a long line of young people queuing to get in.

It seemed that after she had been gone for a long time many things were still the same, Lory didn't know whether she should feel relieved or disappointed. Lory casually passed the queue when the two bouncers were about to stop them. Lory slipped two hands Roms to the bouncer's hand and the bouncer knowingly opened the door for Lory and Zhao Li Xin without question.

Seeing how smooth Lory was he realized Lory was used to coming to this kinda place instantly his eyes darkened not because he questioned Lory's behavior, not because he was questioning Lory's behavior, but rather because he was worried about her well-being or the reason why he had to come to this place like this, not to mention he guesses Lory was much younger at that time.

Zhao Li Xin didn't have time to think any further when the sound of deafening music assaulted his eardrum.

Lory also started with the sounds, she forgot how loud the music in the club could be.

Lory has never been a fan of clubbing places. If it wasn't for important reasons, she would never approach this place.

Not only this place is awfully noisy the food cannot be said excellent despite it being quite expensive and they only serve alcohol which Lory doesn't like because it is bitter and the smell of the smoke...she will need to shower thoroughly to get rid of the smell.

If the smell bothered Lory, One could imagine how Zhao Li Xin would feel. For someone with a special sense of smell like him, he could smell not only cigarettes but also alcohol, sweat, and various perfumes mixed together.

Zhao Li Xin's face was startled by the unpleasant smell. He reflexively covered his nose with the back of his hand even though he already wearing a mask. Thankfully Lory forced him to wear a mask and jacket moreover he didn't forget to wear gloves as well therefore this disgusting scent will not taint his skin. If that happens, he should bathe overnight to get rid of the smell.

Suddenly colorful laser lights shot into the air forming complicated formations and the DJ on stage played music that shook the entire room while on the dance floor, people danced as if they were in a trance or at least that's how Zhao Li Xin saw it.

He who had only ever been presented with the best dances in the imperial palace had never seen a dance that required bouncing while banging their head like a crazy chicken before, not to mention the music didn't sound like music at all, yet everyone followed the music excitedly the look they were intoxicated, in fact, many of them are.

Before Zhao Li Xin could comprehend the sight before him on the table bar half-naked women and men danced following the music while everyone cheered at the dancers. They threw money, screaming and shouting like they were possessed while some of them passed out on the table yet no one bothered to care.

'Is this a hell?' for the first time Zhao Li Xin shuddered at the level of degeneracy of this place.

Lory typed her phone then she got an answer right away.

'Second floor on the right corner'

Lory hung up and then looked up to the second floor after she guessed where the man might be. Lory then pulled Zhao Li Xin to go with her when suddenly a drunk man blocked her way.

"Hey, baby!"

Lory did not even flinch she shoved the man without glancing at him, she walked away while ignoring the drunk man's complaint.

"Come on Babe! we can have fun, bring your man, I don't mind!" the drunk man made nasty comments.

Under the hood, no one noticed the sharp glint in Zhao Li Xin's eyes. He took a coin from his pocket then pushed it with his thumb and it shot in rapid speed straight into the man's mouth.

The man's laughter suddenly stopped, he held his throat then started coughing and fell to his knees while desperately trying to breathe, making people around him confused.

Soon the man's face turned pale at the same time as his breathing got weaker and weaker and then his face turned bluish due to lack of oxygen.

Fortunately, a quick wit man saw what happened, he immediately put his arm under the man's navel and began to thrust his hands upward and inward for few times until the drunk man finally spat the coin out of his mouth.

Only then the drunk man was able to breathe but he and everyone else were confused about how the coin got into this man's mouth. Zhao Li Xin looks at the man and sneers behind his mask.

'What a lucky man'

Lory, who didn't know what was happening, went to the second floor with ZhaoLiXin, as soon as he arrived, Lory's eyes swept across the area and then found in the right corner a man wearing a dark red hoodie sitting with a laptop and beer on a table that was located quite far from the other tables.

The man looked to be in his mid-twenties with metallic gray hair and honey-colored eyes. He leaned back casually while enjoying the music while nodding his head to the loud music. Lory and Zhao sat opposite the man. He turned his attention to Lory and then glanced at Zhao Li Xin with a little curiosity perhaps because Zhao Li Xin's entire face was covered except a pair of his dark eyes, but from that alone, the man could judge that Zhao Li Xin was probably more attractive than his photo.

"How are you Miss Jane?" he shoved the envelope toward Lory.

Lory briefly examined the contents of the envelope. She didn't dare take out what was inside the envelope, afraid that someone would see their exchange. Lory only put her trust in Garrof that this acquaintance would not disappoint her, Lory then put the envelope in her jacket.

The man knew what Lory was worried about "Don't worry, this place is quite safe, you see that" he pointed at the camera in the corner of the ceiling "This is a blind spot, that's why the cost of this table is double than the other table" he waved his hand and the maid in a sexy buny costume comes.

"What would you like to order, baby?" he asked coquettishly.

"What do you like to drink? Like I said it will be my treat" he winked playfully.

lightsΝοvel "I don't drink, just iced tea" Lory usually hated alcohol but drinking in a sketchy club like this was even worse.

"What about him?" He looked at Zhao Li Xin warily. There was something about this man that made him feel uneasy and it had been a long time since he felt this way about someone, until the Dark Ages War ended.

Zhao Li Xin was silent for a moment and spoke in a low voice "Soda..."

But Lory immediately interrupted, "Mineral water, please~"

The waiter exchanged glances with the man after he gave a small nod, the waiter smiled, "Okay then" he flashed a flirtatious smile at the man before she turned around while the man stared at the woman sashay down the stairs.

Lory let him take his time enjoying the 'view' until his eyes shifted back to Lory. "So, I take it you have a new assignment for me?"

"First of all, what's wrong with your name?" Lory refuses to call anyone by that disgusting name.

"What, you don't think it suits me?" The man opens his arms seemingly proud of himself.

Lory sarcastically said, "If you are a sex offender"

"You have no imagination?" he disagrees.

"And you have too much of it" Lory rolled her eyes.

He waved his hand dismissively, "Then what task do you have for me?"

"I need you to find someone, his name is Ethan Hamilton he just ran away a few days ago"

The man's brows shoot up, his honey eyes widening "Hamilton? mean the Hamilton Family heir?" he gasped.

"That's the one..." Lory answered casually.

"I do hear rumors he was missing..." The man muttered.

"Can you find him?" Lory looks intently at him.

The man took a deep breath, "Judging from the risks, it will be very expensive because I have to compete with many dangerous people, you know?!" There was a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Who else looking for him?" Lory's expression deepens.

"For starters, the underground Guild, and the second is Argus..." he looked at Lory waiting to see her reaction.

Against his expectation Lory didn't look anxious at all and so did the man next to her who seemed more interested in whatever was on his cell phone screen therefore his opinion about Lory and Zhao Li Xin instantly dropped quite a lot.

"You don't seem to worry? I wonder if you are brave or stupid?" he said in a mocking tone, he assumed that Lory didn't know how dangerous the underground Guild and Argus were. Even though he owes Garrof but he will not risk himself for a wayward hunter.

"You better pay attention to what you get yourself into 'cause I will not work with stupid hunter," he said with a condescending look.

However, he never expected his rude comments would provoke the silent demon beside Lory. Zhao Li Xin averted his gaze from the phone, darkness gathering in his onyx eyes as he stared at the brazen man who had no idea how vast the heavens were.

The air suddenly changes significantly as if someone sucked the whole oxygen in the room he suddenly finds himself unable to breathe. His eyes nervously turn at the man with the mask. His heart was clenched by dread as Zhao Li Xin's gaze went through him like a blast of ice.

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