The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1225 Next Adventure

Chapter 1225 Next Adventure

Chapter 1225 Next Adventure

The next day Lory woke up early as usual, Zhao Li Xin was already dressed neatly and sitting at the table drinking tea. The sky started to brighten when Lory finished showering and getting dressed, she put the laptop and tablet inside her backpack as well as high-grade potions and emergency equipment while his clothes and other necessities were stored in another travel bag.

Lory put on a leather jacket as she was tying her hair, suddenly she got a sense of deja vu, Lory looked at her reflection and her memory took her to the time when she left Cestine Palace for the last time.

"Are you ready?"

Lory snapped back from her reverie, she turned her head toward Zhao Li Xin "I'm ready!"

Zhao Li Xin slung the travel back over his shoulder as if it were weightless, then he stretched out his hand towards Lory, "Shall we go, princess?!" Zhao Li Xin's face glowed as the sunlight illuminated his beautiful face.

The warmth of his gaze erased the small wave in her heart, she knew this trip was different from before this time she did not leave the people she loved instead she returned to them, eventually.

lightsnοvεl Lory grabbed Zhao Li Xin's hands and smiled brightly "Let's go!"

When Lory and Zhao Li Xin came down the stairs, the entire Hamilton family was there, even Marsha Edmund's wife, whom they had never met, was waiting for them. However, Lory could see the tiredness on the woman's face, she was sure she was guaranteeing the safety of her only son.

When Marsha saw Lory coming down the stairs, she rushed towards her and held Lory's hand tightly. "I haven't thanked you for everything you did for Ethan and Lilly" Tears streamed down the dark green eyes that looked like Lory's contact lenses but Marsha's eyes had a yellowish tint so it looked brighter."I will do anything to find him and keep him safe" Lory reassured her.

Marsha didn't know if Lory could do what she said but she wanted to believe it, Marsha nodded her head "Thank you, for everything...thank you Mr. Zhao" Marsha extended her thanks to Zhao Li Xin as well that Zhao Li Xin acknowledged with a faint nod.

"Miss Jane, this might help you." Edmund handed him a golden brooch with the symbol H on it then Edmund explained "This is a brooch to show you part of the Hamilton family, with this you can withdraw whatever amount of money you need from the Hamilton fund, just show it to any bank and the manager will help you if you need to withdraw a lot of money"

Lory looked at Edmund in surprise, "Are you sure about this?"

"For everything you have done for our family, this is the least I can do for you" Edmund's eyes flashed with determination.

Lory understood his feelings so she didn't argue with him "I immediately called you as soon as I found out something about your son" Lory clenched the brooch and then put it in her pocket.

This time it was Lilly's turn, she hugged Lory tightly and then whispered in her ear "Be careful on your trip and call me some time okay?"

"I will" Lory patted Lilly on the back.

Lilly then turned to Zhao Li Xin, she steeled herself then said, "Mr have to look after Raven okay" Lilly acted tough, if only she didn't hide behind Lory.

Hugo shook his head helplessly and sighed, while Zhao Li Xin nodded politely again, but this time he had a faint smile on his cold face.

Lily was dumbfounded for a second, this was the first time she saw Zhao Li Xin smile at her and she had to admit that his smile was captivating but it didn't change the fact he was still scary.

"Okay, don't stall them any longer, it's not like we won't see them again!" Hugo's voice reminded them.

Everyone laughed then they accompanied Lory and Zhao to the courtyard door of the manor where his car was waiting. Zhao Li Xin put their things in the back seat then Lory as usual was in the driver's seat. Lory opened her car window and then waved to the entire Hamilton family before finally driving her car through the Hamilton family's iron gate. josei

Lory glanced in the rearview mirror one last time, a smile spread across her face then she stepped on the gas pedal and the car sped faster on the gray asphalt.

Lory had already connected her cell phone to the car before she pressed the call button on the screen, not long after Garrof picked up the phone.

"Hi, Princess" came Garrof's cheerful voice.

"Garrof I am leaving Eagle Rock city, where are you?"

"I'm in Blue Mirage city, I'll send you the location," said Garrof.

"Okay, see you there" Lory pressed the power off button on the screen and a moment later replaced by a map. Zhao Li Xin was amazed to see a modern navigation system for the first time.

[This car picture is us and this green stripes is our direction and this red circle sign is our destination,] Lory explained patiently.

[What a great tool, there will definitely be no more lost people in your world, right?] Zhao Li Xin showed his admiration.

Lory grins [It depends, someone could even hacks your navigation system and directs you to where they want, when that happen you'll be screwed]

Zhao Li Xin shoots a look of surprise [You can do that?]

Lory laughed mischievously [Everything that is computerized can be easily hacked as long as you know how, that's why you need to learn an actual map]

Zhao Li Xin looked at Lory curiously [Do you know how?"]

[I'm not as good as Luc or Jay but I'm not bad] Lory humbly said.

[It seems like there will be a lot of things for me to learn] Zhao Li Xin muttered.

During their journey, Lory taught Zhao Li Xin about everyday technology and also discussed the social, politics and world view of people in this world and compared it with the world of cultivators.

Three hours of the journey passed and they didn't run out of things to talk about, they only realized how far they had traveled when they realized that the barren and desert landscape had changed into luscious green hills and rows of tall pine trees.

"Don't you feel a bit cold?" Lory closed the window and then opened the panoramic roof above them. Zhao Li Xin raised his head and his eyes were greeted by a vast blue sky and white thick clouds moving in slow motion and then a flock of birds fly in rhythm through the white cloud it was a trully beautiful and serene sight.

[Our destination is still far away, let's find a rest stop to rest and I need to relieve myself...] Lory checked the GPS and was immediately disappointed because the nearest rest stop still takes an hour, Lory sighed [You know I can control all water in the world but unfortunately I can't control the water inside me...]

Zhao Li Xin looked at her and teased [You mean your tears?]

Lory looking back at Zhao Li Xin squeezed her chest [Awww, you so sweet, but no, I mean my pee...I need to pee now!] Lory grimace at the same time she increases the car speed.

Suddenly their car swayed due to potholes in the road asphalt. Lory complained when she discovered the damage on the road. she had choice but to slowed down the car, [Control your self, Lory, just a bit more]

[Why the transportation department didn't fix this road!] Lory complained.

[Don't be angry wife or you going to pee yourself!] Zhao Li Xin sincerely comfort her.

Lory clenched the wheel [Uugh, I need to distract myself, Talk something else!]

Zhao Li Xin turned his gaze outside then noticed that several abandoned buildings that were already in disrepair and several wreck cars parked were covered in dust and leaves.

Zhao Li Xin also realized that Lory's world had not fully recovered from the apocalypse that almost destroyed his world. seven years is a very short time to return the world to the way it was before. If it weren't for the existence of Gifted people and the 'Creator' plus advanced technology it would be impossible for them to rebuild part of their civilization in a short time.

The music suddenly changed to a woman's voice "Hi everyone, in two weeks we will celebrate eight years of our freedom after the death of the black dragon Nazareth, so let's celebrate with a massive festival which will be held in ten major cities, for tickets contact..."

Lory changed turn of the radio then mutter "Eight years..."

"I have to admit, your world's ability to recover is extraordinary... in just... eight years you have succeeded in rebuilding your life and restoring social order, although it is not perfect but it's more than enough... to be honest, I am not sure the same thing can happen to the Cultivators world" Zhao Li Xin spoke haltingly using Harlandish.

Lory pursed her lips "Yes, but because of that people move on too fast, I'm afraid they started to forget the struggle of the past..." Her mood dampened as she recalled so many young people in the nightclub.

"But not all of them...there are some people like the old Man Hugo and Garrof right" Zhao Li Xin gently stroked Lory's head.

"You right, there are a lot of young people like Maddy and Lilly" Lory felt better but then she realized something "Your Harlandish is getting better, Li XIn!"

The corner of Zhao Li Xin's mouth quirks up "Thanks to the many TV shows the teacher recommended to me, oh, and lately, I've been caught up with interesting shows"

"Oh, what kinda show?" Lory wondered what TV show would catch this demanding Lord's attention.

Zhao Li Xin tried to remember then said with an amused expression, "It's a show called 'Too Hot To Get Married'" he ended it with a light chuckle as if he remembered something funny.

Lory's mouth twitched, "Please tell me it's not a reality show"

"It's a reality show" answered Zhao Li Xin swiftly.

"Darn it!" Lory cursed but because of that she almost peed herself.

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