The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1229 The Start of Trouble

Chapter 1229 The Start of Trouble

Chapter 1229 The Start of Trouble

After having a good rest Lory feels much better, she rubs her eyes and stretches her limbs while staring at the road before her with a blank look untill her eyes catch the road sign written 'Welcome to Blue Mirage City'

[We arrive?] Lory yawn.

[En, I think we'll have to enter the city] Zhao Li Xin smiles seeing Lory awake.

Lory opened the mineral bottle in the compartment next to her and then took a sip. She continued looking around and saw several cars passing them from the opposite direction, it seemed they were already close to the city.

Lory took the white knitted sweater in the back seat because her jacket was damaged by her wings, fortunately, she had already prepared since that happened a lot.

[How does it feel to drive, are you used to it?] Lory looked at Zhao Lixin who looked relaxed while driving.

[Yes, this is easier than I thought] he said casually without any intention of boasting.

Lory didn't find it strange that Zhao Li Xin didn't have difficulty driving because it was easy, especially if she didn't feel over-cautious and anxious like she had in the past. Lory took her cell phone then called Garrof "Garrof, we've arrived. Where are you?"

"That's great princess, we are at the summer and spring Guest house, I will send you the location!" Garrof sounded happy.

"Okay," Lory hung up the phone then a second later there was a 'Ding' sound and Lory checked her phone.

Lory transferred the location from her cell phone to the car's infotainment system screen and then said to Zhao Li Xin [Garrof sent us a location to meet] Lory said to Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li glanced at the car screen before calmly turning his gaze back to the road, his subtle actions showing he had already gotten used to this and was as usual in a very short time. Lory thought it was no wonder that Zhao Li Xin tended to get bored quickly and if Lory recalled the past, Lucas's attitude also almost the same as Zhao Li Xin only he got more sense of duty compared to Zhao Li Xin who liked to delegate his job to the Four Palace's King.

Along the way, Lory saw many small restaurants, food stalls, and bars that were similar to old bars in the old days, and there were also several car reparation shops and blacksmith workshops. Lory also notices that most people around carry weapons on their back and waist which means most of them are hunters or maybe mercenaries or something.

Zhao Li Xin also watched the people around the place and with a simple glance he knew that most of the people in this place were not ordinary people.

"Interesting place" Zhao Li Xin muttered meaningfully.

"Yes, but this place is not as bad as Rodant City so it's quite good," Lory replies casually while watching children playing happily together in a shabby small park.

Zhao Li Xin had heard several times about Rodant City and knew what kind of place it was based on the information from the net. He was dumbfounded when he imagined in the past that Lory would roam in such a messy place.

[I can't imagine you will mix with the people in that terrible city,] He gives a reproachful look.

Rodant City is the most dangerous city in the world with the highest level of criminal activity in the world where there are various types of prostitution houses, drug dealers, and numerous gambling houses scattered all over the city and the only ones who control this city are mostly people affiliated with the mafia and gangs.

Lory sighed when she remembered an unpleasant experience in the past [wasn't there an idiom in your place that said, sometimes we have to enter Tiger Den to catch the Cub?] Lory grinned.

Zhao Li Xin looks sharply [The Cub you mean is information about Lazarus Right?!]

[Or anything related to Lazarus ...] Lory replies nonchalantly.

Despite Lory's carefree nature, she is a determined woman when she sets her mind to something she will not stop until she achieves her goal and usually she doesn't care what the consequences are.

[But....actually, it's not that difficult] Lory suddenly spoke in a melancholic tone while staring out the window [Think again at that time I got a lot of help from my uncle zargan and other connections and friends, Fargo and the others check it out too my situation repeated itself over and over until they were able to contact me again, moreover I had a Girsha protecting me all the time otherwise how could a seventeen-year-old girl able figure it out anything or what to do in this big world...and my father] the corner of her lips curl into a bittersweet smile [He must have to watch me all those time cause it's impossible for them to help me without my father's knowledge or permission after all he was their King] josei

The view outside the window brought her memories of the past when she decided to leave her home in order to change the inevitable fate, though it was only natural that everything would end in tragedy, however, her parents created a miracle for her and Lucas.

Zhao placed his hand on top of hers then he looked at Lory with unwavering determination [We will go home eventually...sooner than later, I promised you that.]

A slow smile spread across Lory's face.


__Elsewhere, a few days a go__

A black sedan was driving on a highway that could be considered deserted and in the car sat two men without speaking to each other, they were Jay and Clift who were driving towards Eagle Rock City but suddenly Jay's cell phone rang.

Jay and Clift's faces become tensed then Jay immediately answers the phone "Yes!"

"Dude, I'm in big trouble here!" Immediately a commotion came from behind the phone.

"Gavin, where are you?" Jay asked in hasted.

"I don't know, there's Dragxtarn following me here, Son of a Bit*h!" the sound of screeching car tires and explosions could be heard alternately.

"Hello...Gavin, are you okay, is Alfred Hubert with you?" Jay's voice was strained with panic because he could not afford to lose Alfred Hubert, he needed him to know what their enemy wanted from him!

Gavin didn't answer immediately but the phone line was still connected. Jay and Clift exchanged troubled looks, luckily Gavin finally answered the phone half screaming, "Yeah, he's with me...wait!" the sound of gunshots was heard repeatedly followed by the sound of something colliding possibly a car.

"Gavin - Gavin, are you there...Gavin?!" Jay called him repeatedly.

a few seconds later Gavin's voice was heard again "Contact Jack Quaid the guild master of Beast's Slayer guild, he will know how to find me!—" The phone abruptly hung up leaving annoying disconnected sounds.

For a moment Jay stared at his phone with an anxious look.

"Jay, how is the situation?" Clift's impatient voice snapped him back, jay then looked at him and spoke urgently "We need to go to Beast Slayer guild, right now!"

Clift didn't need any further explanation, he stepped on the accelerator and the car sped off at high speed.


Meanwhile, Lory and Zhao Li xin arrived at a guest house that was relatively nice and well-maintained compared to the hostels and houses they had passed before. It's just that this place is far from the hustle and bustle of the city center, so it's suitable for people like them who have to hide their whereabouts.

Garrof was seen leaning against the front of the car while paying attention to his surroundings just in case anyone suspicious watching him. When he saw Lory's car Garrof's expression instantly became relaxed and then waved his hand.

Lory parked the car in the garage and then got out of the car with Zhao Li Xin, then Garrof greeted them and bowed his head respectfully to Lory "Welcome, Your Highness, Mr. Zhao"

Lory answered with a wide smile and a simple nod, "It's been a while Garrof, where is Lloyd?"

"He has business at the guild nearby so he'll be late," Garrof answered as he raised his hand politely to invite Lory and Zhao Li Xin to follow him home.

As Lory followed Garrof he asked, "Is there a Guild here?"

"Yes, but the unique thing about this guild is that this guild was built by two creators and one gifted person," Garrof said in amusement while opening the front door for Lory and Zhao Li Xin.

Lory heard Garrof and was surprised "Oh, that's unusual"

"Unlike any other Guild this guild's main task is mostly to collect rare materials to make weapons that will be sold at high prices to other guilds or hunters," explained Garrof.

Once they got inside, Garrof courteously said to Lory that their room was on the second floor which was the main bedroom. Lory went to the second floor to store his things, mostly hunting equipment and electronics such as cell phones, tablets, and laptops. While Lory was arranging her equipment, Zhao opened the glass door to the balcony. He stood up, looked at the green mountains, then took a deep breath. The fresh air that was very different from the city air filled his lungs with a purity that made him feel fresher.

He then turned his gaze around the outside of the guesthouse which was covered in dark wooden planks and gray natural stone. Meanwhile, the interior of the bedroom also has the same appearance but has a very high ceiling with large wooden beams and is complemented by simple lighting and a large carpet under the mattress which is not that big for two adults sleeping together, even so, Zhao Li Xin wouldn't complain squeezing himself next to Lory.

Suddenly Lory's head peeked from the door frame [Li Xin, do you want to freshen up before we talk to Garrof and Lloyd?]

[I'll take a quick shower first] he answered then walked towards the bathroom at a light pace, he seemed in a good mood.

Lory continued to arrange her laptop on the table, she continued to turn on the laptop and then checked the latest news on the internet while waiting for Zhao Li Xin.

Fifteen minutes later, Zhao Li Xin had finished showering and changed into a long-sleeved turtle neck sweater and black pants after Lory helped Zhao Li Xin tie his long hair that had been growing longer than before when she was done Lory stared at her husband, who looked otherworldly gorgeous as if he was an ancient elf that graces human with his presence. Zhao Li Xin looks arrogant, aloof, and cold but exceptionally beautiful.

Lory sighed resignedly, she gave up trying to hide Zhao Li xin charm, for whatever happened she would be the one to handle it! Zhao Li Xin only needs to stand there and be beautiful.

[Come on beautiful, people are waiting for us!] Lory puffed her chest and snorted like a domineering monarch toward his beloved concubine.

Zhao Li Xin tilted his head in amusement as he wrapped his hand around Lory's arm coquettishly [This humble one will follow her majesty wherever she goes] his eyes stared deeply into hers for a moment Lory forgot about how to breathe.

Lory immediately calmed herself and then pretended to be angry [Don't you dare to seduce me now, people are waiting!] her whole face became as red as a tomato.

Zhao Li Xin's Expression becomes solemn [Then I'll save it for later]

[.....] Lory becomes speechless as she realizes she lost again.

Lloyd noticed Lory coming down and then half bowed to greet her "Princess - Prince consort" Lory waved her hand and sighed "Come on, don't be so formal guys, we are all friends here" Lory felt a little embarrassed by their attitude.

"Thank you, but I'm sorry, it looks like it will be a bit difficult," Lloyd said with troubled expression.

If all he was facing were other royal members, he might be able to treat them casually, but considering that the person in front of him was one of the last two descendants of the legendary Lucient family, and what made things worse Lory was also known to play a big role in ending the Dark Age's war and save King Lucas, it was difficult for Lloyd to treat Lory like normal person even though he had tried, even an easy going man like Garrof cannot act arbitrarily in front of Lory.

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