The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 136 - Night Raid

Chapter 136 - Night Raid

It's almost past midnight yet Lory and Zhao Li Xin were still embracing each other on the bench. They were disrupted when Girsha flew towards her and landed on her shoulder.

[A lot of people are coming this way and something big is following them] He said calmly.

Lory shifted her gaze to Zhao Li Xin and asked as casually as one would inquire about a guest, "Someone's coming?" 

"Hm….they are finally here," Zhao Li Xin sneered. He was not surprised by her question. Three yellow crystals appeared in his hand and he pierced them one by one on the ground to make triangle ends around the bench. He produced flames from his hand and ignited the three crystal until they glowed before the flame disappeared. A transparent shade then surrounded the bench like an invisible shield.

"Don't get off the bench, okay?" He warned.

Lory, who was still amazed by his powers, nodded in a daze. Her eyes brimmed with admiration for Zhao Li Xin which made him feel a little proud. Bei Li Yan soon appeared with the same three girls Lory saw at the Jiang Wei Kingdom's Palace. They still wore the same red uniform. Jin Hao appeared next with two-men in white uniforms like him, Wu San Bo followed with three men in grey and silver uniforms, and Jiang Jin Wei came from the moon gate with a few soldiers in silver armor and spears.

Last to appear on the manor's rooftop were a dozen men in black uniform, the shadow guards. Mong Ki and Mong Yi were among them. They all looked fierce and gallant. It was a quite spectacular scene. Lory's eyes widened as she was stunned and mostly excited. It had been a while since she witnessed this kinda scene.

It seemed like every King brought their best people with them. They all kneeled on the floor when they saw Zhao Li Xin, "Greetings, Sect Master!"

Zhao Li Xin's eyes were still fixed on the woman next to him. He tugged her hair behind her ear gently and his smile turned bitter. He prayed she won't look at him with disdain after this, "I'm not a good man, and today you might see the worst of me… I don't want you to see it but I realized I can't hide it from you cause it will not be fair." 

"I told you before, didn't I…? ...In the Jiang Wei Kingdom…?" Lory grasped his hand and kissed it softly. "If I have to choose between them and you, I'll always choose you!" 

Lory smiled gently at him. She was a kind woman but when it came to people she loved, she could be biased. This was the reason she released Lazarus. She did it to save her one and only brother yet put the world at risk.

"If they are coming to kill you, then it's proper for you to kill them first… I will not lose you!" Her expression became firm. If she still had her powers, she would also grab her sword and stand at the front.

The gloomy expression on Zhao Li Xin's face disappeared. It was as if the dark cloud hovering around his heart had blown away and sunshine glimmered with a bright light. He was always afraid she would someday hate him because of what he could do. It was the reason he had toned down a little after he met her. However, it seemed some people were starting to forget about what he could do. they were becoming bold enough to stand in his path. Lory's consent vanquished his hesitation. Today was a good day to kill!

Lory's words made the four Kings rejoice. It was she was like she was telling their lord to go all out without any restrain. Bei Li Yan gave Jin Hao a meaningful gaze. He always liked the young madam since the first time he saw her. His gaze told Jin Hao he was not wrong about her. Jin Hao Understood Bei Li Yan's gaze but he only stifled and nodded slightly. He had no other choice but to agree with him.

Meanwhile, Wu San Bo and Jiang Jin Wei were surprised by Lory's calmness. Her firm decision and tactful understanding was not something a young girl could master. Only people who had been through a turbulent life could have that kinda temperament, but they remembered what she said on the training ground. It seemed like there was more to her than what met the eye.

[Lory, there's a strong beast coming with them. I can feel strong bloodlust from the creature] Girsha frowned with disgust as all he could feel from the creature was 'Blood-blood-blood'.

[Is it strong?] she probe.

[It's fine…] Girsha answered casually. Lory was relieved when he said that as it meant she had nothing to worry about. She was also glad Ming Yue Yin needed to recuperate after the harsh training and she had been sent to the mountain's hot spring for faster healing. Fu Ying went too as her bodyguard so only the Hei Shen Sect members were inside the Manor.

Dozens of people with white robes soon entered the manor. they violently kicked the front gate and spread out to subdue anyone inside the manor, but they strangely couldn't see anyone as the manor seemed empty. Huang Yi Yi gritted her teeth. She wondered if Long Ming knew about their night raid and became a coward, enough to run from his own manor. If it was true, she would spread the rumor to make him a joke.

"Dear guests, we've been waiting for long…" two beautiful women in red robes welcomed them with bright smiles.

"Who are you?" Zu Gong and the others became vigilant.

"Milord is waiting… Please follow me…" One of the women gave a charming smile as the two girls politely beckoned. Their movement was clear and smooth. They didn't look anxious despite being surrounded by dozens of men carrying weapons. They were actually throwing coquettish smiles at the intruders.

The two beautiful women in red robes walked ahead because no one dared to step up first. Zu Gong and Huang Yi Yi had no choice but to follow them. The serene air around them only made them more agitated and they kept watching their surroundings in case they were attacked. The grip on their weapons tightened until their hands turned white, yet nothing happened. The ladies continued walking at a steady pace and would even giggle softly once in a while. This only made them more restless.

They passed the wooden hallway, walked to the courtyard, and passed the moon gate. The light brightened and the atmosphere became more relaxed and tranquil. There were two men playing chess on a small round stone table, a man playing the Gu Qin with a beautiful lady dancing in front of him, a couple on a bench leaning on each other, and a muscular man seated on a small stool watching everyone.

The Heavenly Jade Pavilion members were dumbfounded and they almost believed they had gone to the wrong place. Huang Yi Yi clenched her jaws as her eyes became red from anger. She knew they were doing this to humiliate them.

"It's already late yet Lord Long Ming is having a fun gathering," Huang Yi Yi sneered.

"You know it is late and yet you still thought to bother me," Zhao Li Xin didn't bother exchanging pleasantries.

Huang Yi Yi's anger escalated as she watched him. Zhao Li Xin had a perfectly carved face and the moon's soft light made his face contour more refined. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen in her life. She won't have minded making him her man if he had not ruined her plans.

If Zhao Li Xin heard her thoughts, he might have killed her instantly as he didn't like nor was he looking for a cougar.

"I might gauge out your eyes if you don't stop staring at me, " Zhao Li Xin said with an icy voice.

"Don't you dare talk like that to our Miss!" Zu Gong shouted with fury. He wanted to show them he was not afraid of Long Ming, but sadly no one took him seriously.

Bei Li Yan stopped playing the Gu Qin and the girl who was dancing also stopped. Bei Li Yan slowly rose from his seat as he covered his yawn with his fist, "Just say what you wanna say. We are tired and want to get some rest now."

"You killed my niece and nephew! I want you to take responsibility for their death!!" Huang Ni Yang could barely hold back her anger. She pointed at Zhao Li Xin as her nose flared with intense raged.

Zhao Li Xin smirked, "I did not kill your nephew… I killed your son, didn't I?"

His teasing words infuriated Huang Ni Yang but she was also stunned. She wondered how Zhao Li Xin knew about this secret. Only the elders and her father knew about this in her own sect. Zu Gong and the other elders were also startled and they wondered when Long Ming got to learn this. Did the Princess disappearance also have something to do with him?

"You, how could you…?" Huang Yi Yi's hands clenched under her robes as she reminded herself to stay calm.

"What else we don't know on this continent, Miss Huang?" Bei Li Yan casually poured himself some wine from the small table near him. "About your secret marriage to the Liangzu Emperor, your child sweetheart…or how you killed the previous Emperor's family leaving only one single girl to get the heritage from the sacred tree and marry her to your son but...this is my favorite…" 

Bei Li Yan smacked his lips after he drunk the wine,"…Dance of wildflower arts…"

Huang Ni Yang, Zu Gong, and the other elders were shocked further. He revealed their most elaborate plan that they had meticulously planned. How could Long Ming know about this and since when did he know about this? They looked at each other with fright, even the common Heavenly Jade Pavilion members didn't know anything about this scheme. 

On the other hand, all the other Heavenly Jade Pavilion members looked towards their elders for answers. They didn't want to believe it but the story was most likely true judging from the bad expression on the elders' faces. They were disappointed but there was not much they could do.

"This art is a big taboo and its practice was forbidden on the whole continent, yet you, the supposed upright and righteous sect, learned and practice this art. This is really an eye-opener…" Bei Li Yan sneered.

"You…" Zu Gong was tongue-tied. The Hei Shen Sect to know about this thing could mean there was a mole in his own sect.

"It's late…" Zhao Li Xin cut in with indifference. His little savior needed to rest and he could delay the inevitable any longer.

"Right…" Jin Hao rose from his seat and rested his bottom on the table close to it with a tired expression, "Did you come here to talk or what? We don't have much time." 

The provocation was enough to turn every Heavenly Jade Pavilion members' faces red. Huang Yi Yi waved her hand and a large beast appeared from thin air. The beast roared as it bared its sharps teeth. His claws scratched the ground and left deep marks. The Hei Shen Sect's shadow guards appeared once again and surrounded the manor's roof and trees.

[Seems like it's gonna be fun tonight!] Girsha chirped with excitement as he sat on Lory's lap while flapping his wings.

[And I'm not invited…] Lory pouted with deep disappointment.

Girsha also realized their insufficient power after she spoke. His little body dropped and he murmured with exasperation. [You and me sister…]

Huang Yi Yi and Zu Gong gave a triumphant smile since they had Lo Tie as their aide. Huang Ni Yang gave a sinister laugh as she pointed at Lory "I will make Lo Tie shred your SL*T to pieces. You know Lo Tie loves to eat the tender flesh of women!" 

Huang Yi Yi's laughter was loud and eerie as she expected Lory to tremble in fear.

[Yo princess! The beast wants to eat ya!] Girsha could not hold his laughter.

Lory expression was unimpressed [Get in line…]josei

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