The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 175 - The First Kind

Chapter 175 - The First Kind

More people look up, the bird in the same size of a desert eagle, the bird feather is red from the top to the bottom it is such a beautiful bird, Lao Min Na face looks relief when the bird flies in front of her, she gives Zhao Li Xin complacent smiles.

Zhao Li Xin irked by Lao Min Na looks, the Phoenix used his wing to created flame then he throws a rain bolt of firebolt toward Zhao Li Xin but suddenly Jin Hao jump between the flame and Zhao Li Xin although he did not worry for his Lord safety still he furious with Lao Min Na boldness to fight against his Lord. ​​

Jin Hao released his icy long swords from his ring, he swings his sword swiftly and a cold windblown away the rain of firebolt, the phoenix didn't give up the bird then twirl in a high speed on the air he created a fire tornado everything sucks inside the tornado, everyone quickly run for cover including Lao Min Na subordinated since the fire didn't have eyes the fire killed everyone near it.

Zhao Li Xin created barrier with his Qi to protect him and Lory from the heating fire and the fire is blocked away just a few meters from where Zhao Li Xin stand then the bird let out furious squawk, Lao Min Na frowned although she knew Zhao Li Xin is strong but because of his poison, he should not able to maintain his power this long before his poison reacted so what change? josei

Lory squeeze Zhao Li Xin sleeve her eyes stare at the phoenix bird in awed, she heard about phoenix bord but she never saw it before with her own eyes, she doesn't even know if the bird is real or not so watching the fiery bird in front of her it's blow her minds, if only she has camera now!

"Don't be afraid!" Zhao Li Xin worries she would be terrified but Lory smiles excitedly at him

"No it's amazing!" she exclaimed excitedly.

The Phoenix flapping her wings again and everything was blown away, Zhao Li Xin carry Lory out of the main hall the other also do the same Li Mo Zhen hold Yang Xi Ying arms lead her out to the main courtyard, everyone scattered around the main courtyard including Lao Min Na people while the main hall crumbled with loud deafening Boom sounds, the dirt from the wrecking building float and spread in the air.

Lao Min Na stands proudly in the middle of courtyard with her phoenix fly majestically, she stares at Zhao Li Xin she wants to see him green with envy and regret not taking her to his side when he had the chance but unfortunately, Zhao Li Xin didn't give her a glance his eyes fixed with the woman beside him, he smiles in relief when he sure his woman is safe and sounds.

Lao Min Na gritted her teeth "If you don't want me to destroy this place, you better submitted on me" her eyes glint with blood lust then she shifted her gaze back on Zhao Li Xin "Why don't Hei Shen Sect do the same, I will leave the best position for you but of course, Immortal Tower only accept useful people" she smirked at Lory.

Lory's mouth pursed slightly even though Lao Min Na quip on her Lorry didn't feel offended, she just find it funny somehow she feel like she back on junior high again and the 'mean girl' bullied her, Lory unconsciously giggles her clear sound stunned everyone and they look at her as if she was crazy, Lory act like she's not affected by the tension in the situation.

"You, don't you feel ashamed hide behind your man all the time?" Lao Min Na mocked Lory who is wrapped safely by Zhao Li Xin arms.

Lory stifles "Don't you feel ashamed wanting something that not yours?" she raised her eyebrows at Lao Min Na narcissism.

Lory and Zhao Li Xin hands intertwined, Zhao Li Xin eyes soften when he looking at her big doey eyes they look each other lovingly while Lao Min Na hatred increased, Zhao Li Xin that she knows is a cold and selfish man since when she becomes gooey like this and who is this woman? How could he make him like this!

"As long I'm the master of Jiu Yun sect, we will never submit to a woman like you!" Li Mo Zhen glare at Lao Min Na.

"Humph, who wants to work with a malicious woman like you!" Elder Wang Ji also chides on her, he never seen a shameless woman like Lao Min Na.

Lao Min Na face turn crimson, she glared furiously at Lory she never thought that woman dare to talk back at her, such a weak woman dare to against her, how could she let her go!

"Xie Zi kill that woman!" Lao Min Na eyes turn hostiles.

Xie Zi the phoenix bird squawk loudly, Zhao Li Xin stand in front of Lory he gather immortal flame in his palms but suddenly a white bird with gold long tails flew from behind her, Lory didn't look surprised she even smiles a little it's been a while since the ancient tomb to watch him in action, normally they would fight side by side.

Girsha is smaller than a Phoenix but without fear Girsha squawk in thundering sounds who hit the phoenix bird like a shockwave.

Although he is not that strong but the phoenix bird also still young maybe he only hatched a few weeks ago, he can't be compared with Girsha aura who lives for more than a millennium, the Phoenix bird shiver until it plops to the ground his wing cover his head pitifully, tears fall from the phoenix eyes as if Girsha had bullied him.

Everyone who watch it dumbfounded they can't believe their eyes, how can celestial creature like Phoenix bird pressed to the ground by unknown bird, they all look at Girsha in shocked even the Hei Shen sect also startled they used to see Girsha come and go and play around Luo Ri Yi the bird is as mysterious as his owner but they never have thought the cute bird could overcome the Phoenix.

"You, what you have done?!" she shouted at Lory angrily, there's a hint of panic in her voice.

"Nothing…" Lory answer calmly, she didn't do anything is all Girsha doing.

Zhao Li Xin take one step in front of Lory, the fiery gold color flame emerged from his palms in one quick move he unleashes his flame toward the weak phoenix bird on the ground, Lao Min Na eyes bulged the celestial beast she painstakingly search for a long time is about to die, she screams in fright.

All of a sudden someone suddenly blocked Zhao Li Xin flame, the sound of sizzled loudly heard Zhao Li Xin frowned discontent but he did not dare to attack that person and leave Lory behind. When the fire dissipated a man with white and red silk robes appear the shield on his hand burn to charcoal he snorts while throwing the burn shield to the side.

At that time suddenly Jin Hao attack the man with heavy blow, the mysterious man raised his arms and block Jin Hao attack, another fight happened but what make Lory shocked is the appearance of the Mysterious man is almost identical with Jin Hao, same white hair, pale skin and refined face like they are mold by the same soil.

Lao Min Na return the scared bird back to her ring, she looks at Lory with vicious gaze itch Lory ignores it, she raised her hand and girsha perch on her hand smoothly then Lory smiles at Lao Min Na, Lao Min Na face turn red she knew that smile all to well it's the same smile strong people give it to her, it reminded her the old pathetic and useless she was. Lao Min Na clenched her fist then she gathers her Qi to throw an invisible punch towards Lory but swiftly Zhao Li Xin deflects Lao Min Na attack, the heavy launch hit back at Lao Min Na.

Lao Min Na pushed back and she rolls on the ground like a ball, then she lay face down in the ground, she coughing a fresh blood, Lao Min Na clenched her chest as if a mountain pressed on her body, The mysterious man saw what happened he immediately avoid Jin Hao attack then he jumps back at Lao Min Na side.

He carries her then jump into the flying beast who looks like a flying lizard, the mysterious man and Lao Min Na flew away leaving Lao Min Na subordinated running away saving their owned life but sadly they all killed by Jiu Yun sect members.

Everything becomes quiet afterward, some people who got hurt were carried away to get treatment and other Jiu Yun members who still strong clean up the mess around them.

Zhao Li Xin patted Lory's head "You not hurt?" he asked with dotting smiles.

"With you with me, not a chance!" she smiles back at him.

The two of them chat leisurely as if the last fight means nothing for them, is normal for Zhao Li Xin but it's not normal for someone like Luo Ri Yi, normal woman should be distraught by all of this even Jiu Yun sect members still look tensed, Li Mo Zhen and the elders amazed how strong her mental strength is.

"Who is that man? He looks like Brother Jin" she tugged Zhao Li Xin sleeve.

"They are….family," said Zhao Li Xin shortly.

Bei Li Yan walk calmly toward Zhao Li Xin but his expression turn warry "Milord, the misty lakes clan seems supported that woman"

"What is a Misty lake?" Lory got curious, not many people that can't make Bei Li Yan warry like that.

"He does not come from this continent, he came from Dong Shui continent and Misty Lakes clan is one of the top influential family in that place also very powerful," said Bei Li Yan.

"Since when Lao Min Na has a relationship with them?" Lory murmured.

"But at least we know where is that Phoenix coming from" Bei Li Yan let out a long sigh.

"Eh? It was given by that misty people?" Lory stunned, it just shows how deep the relationship between Lao Min Na and Misty Lake clan.

"It is, that stupid man given precious thing to an outsider, he really is stupid!" Jin Hao walks stomping her feet with upset looks.

"Well, your Brother never has a good eye when it comes to a woman, isn't he" Bei Li Yan chuckles teasing him with a sly smile.

Jin Hao scoffed but he didn't deny it, Lory notices Jin hao complicated looks even though she curious but she didn't probe further everyone deserved to hide one or two secrets isn't it and she also hides quite a lot.

"Are you sure that a phoenix?" Bei Li Yan look at Jin Hao suspiciously "How could miss Luo Bird subdue him easily?" phoenix bird is like a king of the beast other than Qi Lin and Dragon who have celestial blood other beasts should shiver in fear pr even faint when they face to face with the phoenix.

They look at Girsha and Lory who smile awkwardly, just like Lory the bird as Mysterious as his owner.

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