The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 284 - Princess Is Angry

Chapter 284 - Princess Is Angry

Lory and Zhao Li Xin walk hand in hand through the hallway they pass the moon gated and enter Zhao Li Xin courtyard, Lory swing her hand playfully "So, don't you think you have something to explain to me?" she smiled softly but there's a threat in her eyes that make him feel nervous.

Zhao Li Xin clears his throat to calmed himself, in this entire world only her who can make him feel nervous "You mean…about Lao Min Na come to my place that night. ​​

"Hmm.." Lory smiles sweetly while tilting her head but the sweeter she looks the more anxious he becomes.

"Uhm…she came to asked me to support her in exchange she will prolong my life before he can cure me," said Zhao Li Xin "But I already healed by you so it's necessary and I don't trust her so I refuse her offer"

"Support her…" she emphasized the main point.

"Uhm…." Zhao Li Xin's faces suddenly become tense and only make Lory become more suspicious.

"Yeess…" she raised her eyebrows in waiting.

Somehow the alarm on Zhao Li Xin head make a loud noise, he can hear the sound ringing inside his head 'Danger-Danger-danger'

Zhao Li Xin had been through all the life and death struggle, facing the powerful human and the strongest beast, he was wounded and bleeding, his life is surrounded by blood and death but he never yields or fears but now….he wishes he can flee.

"She….she asked me to take her as….as my…consort…" he unconsciously gulped "But…but I said no, I refuse immediately, you already healed me and I love you since I met you the first time in that forest so I will not…."

He didn't realize they had arrived in their room, Lory halted her pace she turns around toward him then her smile becomes gentler "So if you are no healed and I'm not meeting you inside the forest you will marry Lao Min Na?"

"Huh….." Zhao Li Xin froze why she twists his words like that? but before he can explain the door swing towards him, he unconsciously takes a step back.


The door is slammed in front of him it almost hit his face, Zhao Li Xin still remains unmoving in front of the door with confuse

'What happened? What did I do?'

Zhao Li Xin push the door but the door is locked from inside than he checks another door and it was locked too, is he locked outside from their room "Lory, can I come in" he knocked the door.

Then he heard a cold voice from inside "NO!"

Zhao Li Xin feel dejected, he did not know what's wrong with his words, why she's so angry with him is not like she has an affair with Lao Min Na he didn't even remember if they ever have a civilized conversation other than mockery, ridiculed and threatened each other.

"Lory, can I get in…" he pleads pitifully in front of the room.

"No!" she answers firmly.

Zhao Li Xin sighs, he reluctantly leaves the courtyard, Lory is easy going person but when she's mad she can't be stubborn so pressing her only make her angrier than he decide to leave the courtyard in heavy pace, he looks downcast than lament to himself "He should have killed that Ying Xuan Xie' and another name added in his 'kill' list.


[Why are you being unreasonable…..] Girsha scoffed.

[I'm not, I'm just upset….] she lay on her bed while snuggling inside the blanket.

[About what?] he chided at her.

Lory pursed her lips [About something that would happen if I'm not here]

[That's what it called Unreasonable] Girsha sighs. He confuses why someone mature and wise like her can be unreasonable when it comes to love matter, but at least she acted like normal seventeen years old girl…. so dramatic.

She shifts her glance to Girsha and than she frowned [Are you the king of Arabia or something?]

Girsha has his own small bed wit luxurious pillow as his place and he is surrounded by colorful gems and gold he even wears a small gold necklace, so much 'bling' it hurt Lory's eyes.

[The Kids give it to me, I can say no you know] Girsha pretend as if he was a concern, the kids that he meant is the tiger, the monkey, and Qi Lin the three beasts had been worshiping Girsha with no end they even forgot they're poor master Shin Jiu.

[My poor disciple] Lory could imagine Shin Jiu's sad face when his useless beast left him for pampering their idol.

[I think you're boyfriend is more pitiful, you should not angry so much….] Girsha reprimands her earnestly.

Lory looks up to bed ceiling, she clapped her hand above her stomach with grimace [I know…. but he pissed me off]

[...….] Girsha sighs 'That poor boy'


Inside the pleasure house where woman dancing in a skimpy dress and the air fill with passion and lust, the flower petals scattered on the floor and red flower lampion hanging on the ceiling, the sound of women giggles in coquettish voice is floating on the air while the man intoxicating in wine. josei

But one lavish room is far from that, although the room is bright with red candle in paper chandelier but the air inside the room is dark and gloomy as if someone just died, Bei Li Yan sits awkwardly on his chair while across of him Zhao Li Xin sit on the couch with grim expression just like he want to kill someone.

"Milord, why are you here, If you need me I could come to you're manor" Bei Li Yan speak as gentle as he could, why his lord become like this again should he be fine when Luo Ri Yi around.

"No trouble…" he replied coldly.

Bei Li Yan cursed inwardly 'No trouble my ass!' when Zhao Li Xin come all his girls become panic, they know Zhao Li Xin hated the place like this, the music too loud, the perfume too smelly and the girls…..well he just hated girls in general but Bei Li Yan already warned all his girl when they're Lord come, don't make eye contact, keep your distance and move away slowly if that not work, just pretend to be dead.

"Why are you here Milord, is it because of the fifth Prince?" Bei Li Yan calmed himself than he smiles charmingly, his Lord must be have something urgent to discuss with him.

"Lo…ehm Ri Yi is angry with me, what should I do?" he ask with a serious face.


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