The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 296 - It’s Time To Rest

Chapter 296 - It’s Time To Rest

Yuan Shao has seen men doting they're wife or their concubines with sweet words and gentle manners but he never seen anyone doted his lover like Zhao Li Xin when he didn't talk to Lory his eyes are rigid and cold just like the last time he talks with Zhao Li Xin but when he talks with her his eyes sparkles like stars in the night sky, his demeanor becomes soft and gentle and the way he wrapped his hands around her Yuan Shao could see how much he care and protective with her, he wondered if someday he would find a woman who make him feel like that?

His eyes subconsciously move to the woman who wears man's robes who are sitting on the chair while sipping her tea when she notices Yuan Shao's deep gaze towards her she looks at him with scowled, Yuan Shao doesn't feel annoyed even the slightest on contrary he is amused and his heart suddenly race. ​​

"Let's call off the day, its almost sunrise" Lory said to Zhao Li Xin.

"You right and you didn't sleep!" he said in worried "Let's go home and have a rest right now" Zhao Li Xin raised from the couch she help Lory to stands.

"Clean this up," Zhao Li Xin said to Mong Yi.

"Understood milord!" he nods his head firmly.

Zhao Li Xin suddenly lifts lory and carries her in 'princess carry' Lory shriek a little, without waiting everyone he jumps from the holes and bounce between the roof, Ming Yue Yin and Yuan Shao can only see Zhao Li Xin after imaged and his figure disappeared in a distance.

Ming Yue Yin yawn "I need to go home too" she stretched her arms upwards.

"Let me send you off," he said.

"Don't bother, I can't let someone else fiancée get too close to me," she said with teasing smile.

Yuan show face turn dark "I don't have fiancée," he said with clear annoyance plastered on his face.

Ming Yue Yin make cheeky smiles "But that's not the rumor had said" Ming Yue Yin jump out of the hole with her female bodyguard follow, she also jumps between the roof before she completely disappeared. Yuan Shao watch her with a complex feeling his mood suddenly down, he didn't realize the news about him and Yang Wei Lan has spread inside the city, it seems he has to make it clear right away, the idea Ming Yue Yin think he has fiancee make him feel very uncomfortable.

He takes a deep breath and so he jumped down to the ground where his subordinated approach him in hasted "General, what should we do with all this damaged?" the soldier looks defeated, there were three stores and fives houses destroyed because the fight not to mention the street and small stall around it.

"Hei Shen will pay for all the damaged" yuan Shao said while walk past thought them.

"All...all of it?" the soldiers gasped but his General already walk away.

Not long after Bei Li Yan leaves the half-dead Xie Quan Yi on the ground, Xie Quan Yi's face was beaten beyond recognized his robe is tainted with blood and his lavish robes are tattered and cover with dirt, their's no trace of his arrogant appearance from before.

Wu san bo also finished killing all the sacred Mountain peak and the whole beast, his spear is cover with blood he let only two members of the sacred mountain peak alive to take care Xie Quan Yi and send the message to Sacred mountain peak society that Hei Shen is not someone they can trifle with.

"Are you done?" Wu San Bo stores his spear inside his spatial rings, he walks calmly toward Bei Li Yan. Bei Li Yan fixed his robes than he tied his messy hair with lace "I'm good now" he make charming smiles.

"By the way, what is Luo RI Yi doing at Drunken Flower?" Wu San Bo scratches his nose, too much dust around hin it make his nose itchy.

"I don't know but I'm dying to figure it out" Bei Li Yan chuckles lightly.

Meanwhile, they talking they ignore Xie Quan Yi half body sink on the cracking ground, he make faint groan as his consciousness gradually disappear, Bei Li Yan and Wu San Bo forgotten about the miserable Xie Quan Yi they leave with calm pace while continuing their discussion about why Lory is at the Brothels. josei


Lory was carried by Zhao Li Xin all the way to their Manor, the warm from his embrace and the cold breeze make her doze off when they arrived at the manor Lory already fell asleep, the corner of his mouth slightly curved upwards, the servants and housekeeper wants to greet him but Zhao Li Xin reprimand them with his cold glare.

When they see Lory sleep peacefully in Zhao Li Xin's embrace they immediately hold they're tongue, Zhao Li Xin make a long stride to they're conjoined room, he stops for the moment to decide where he has to put her, his bed or hers? After contemplating for two seconds he put Lory on his bed, maybe its because his possessive nature toward her Zhao Li Xin wants her to be as close as possible if Lory let him, he wouldn't mind carry her everywhere with him, unfortunately, she refuses strongly.

Zhao Li Xin put her down gently on the bed then he takes off her shoes and her outer robes than he cover her with blanket, Lory shift her body to the side and pull the blanket to her chin than she snores faintly, Zhao Li Xin heart turn to mush just by looking at her sleeping so peacefully.

Zhao Li Xin sits on the bedside, he tugs her hair behind her ear, Lory suddenly squeezes the blanket and mumbling "Lucas…please...."

Zhao Li Xin frowned, he caresses her cheek softly with his long fingers the warm from his touch calm her down and her breathing become stable again, almost every night Lory would have nightmare sometimes she mumbling with the language he couldn't understand, sometimes she's crying in her sleep when that happened he would embrace her in her sleep that's why in the morning Lory always find him beside her.

She always asked him why he's watching her sleeping is he not feel bored, but Zhao Li Xin never told her the real reason he was there is because he doesn't want her to cry all alone in her sleep although he can't do this every night, but he tries to be there as much as he could.

Someone lightly knocks on the door, the knock is so light so only Zhao Li Xin could hear. He pulls down the bed curtain to cover her than he slowly opens the door, Mong Ki cupped his fist than he whispers to him "The third prince is here"

Zhao Li Xin nods his head solemnly, he closes the door than he transfer his qi to the bird statue that hanging on the top of the front door the eyes of the bird glowing with red light and red transparent shell engulf the whole room, Zhao Li Xin activated his array so no one can get in when Lory is sleeping inside.

After he sure she's safe, he turns around and walks away with Mong Ki. Girsha was perch on the tree branch watch Zhao Li Xin figure disappeared behind the moon gate courtyard, he flapped his wings than he turns to white orbs and he slips to the room without a problem, Girsha landed smoothly on the lavish pillow he used to sleep courtesy of the tree beast.

Girsha could feel the array surrounding the room, the array will not react to him because the binding soul between her and Lory, the array can't recognize him the array might be taught he is Lory or at least some part of her so the array didn't reject him.

Girsha looks satisfied with the array that protected his princess [Not bad boy…] he stifles than he snuggles on his pillow.

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