The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 499 - Mother’s Diary II

Chapter 499 - Mother’s Diary II

Lory still in shock her both hand cover her mouth as if she try not breathing too hard, she didn't saw this page, what had happened, why she only knew now!

Lucas rubs his forehead with befuddled expression, the new also make him feel a loss. He took a deep breath then slowly flip another page.

"My first premonition is when I six years old, I don't know if that a vision or something else but I saw myself, my older self lay on the ground and a look in pain while an older man hold me in my embraces, a man with purple eyes and bluish dark hair.

The vision is not clear all I can hear is me begging for something, perhaps my life. I convey this dream with Arthea and seek for her wise opinion, The great Seeress told me that it's depend on me how I interpret the vision and she remind me, even for a Seeress the future is not certain so at the end it will up to me to reveal the truth of my own vision.

Then I took a lot of research guidance by my vision. To start, I know the identity of the man. No one in the Verrion has genuine purple eyes and Bluish dark hair other than Lucient heir, then I conclude that there's a possibility that the Lucient heir is the one who hurt me someday"

"from other Priestess I learned that Lucient Heir is ridiculously strong especially after they got the God blessing and inherited the god's sword so my plan is to get rid of him before he got the God's Sword"

Lucas read the page with a pensive look, he does remember one time Uncle Zargan said the meeting between his mother and father is intense, he thought it was in romantic meaning but now he realizes that probably what his uncle mean is an intense fight. Lucas's mouth slightly curved, he admires her mother's bravery and he wishes he could saw his father face at that time.

"Go, Mom!" Lucas snicker.

On the next page, Lorenna's writing is messier as it shows her mood on that day, the ink is thick and the paper slightly wrinkles, it seems she was in a terrible mood at that time.josei

"I LOST! I can't believe it I lost from that man name Marcus!

"That man is so arrogant he dares to spare my life and told me where to find him later if I want a rematch, Hump I will make him sorry for underestimating me!"


"That man is cheating, how could he fight me without wearing his clothes, that's not appropriate!

Although….is my fault to disturb his bathtime, but still he need to learn about decency!

And What he means I need to compensate him because I take advantage of him, what advantaged, he sullied my eyes!"

Lucas shook his head with sorry look "My poor mother, Baadd Father!"

Lory who also peek from behind feel speechless, in her memory his father is like a tall mountain, strong, brave, calm, and wise. She never thought that once upon a time his father is so brazen to fight in nude. If he did not read this she will never believe it.

"I don't know how he found me but he insists to take along with me, hump, I will ruin his proposed to get God's word, I will make him regret to take me with him!"

"This man is annoying he attach to me like leech but his friend is nice….they are very nice"

Lucas smiles warmly "So this is how you courted mother…. I admit you are very patient man" His expression turns warm as he reminiscence his parents when they still together.

Lory rests his arms on the back of Lucas's chair while propping her chin, just like Lucas she also reminiscence how they used to be before her mother passed away. 

Lucas turns more pages and learned how their parent get together, how her mother leaves her identity as priestess and leave Djevelskrin for good so she can follow his Father. It's a heart-warming story it make him continue smiles when he read pages after pages, Lucas flip another page then he suddenly frowns.

"I dream about an eclipse again, this is the third day I dream about this. I don't know what this means but my heart is unsettling, I feel something is not right…..I hope I'm wrong"

"The dream become clearer, I saw the moon and the sun shining bright at the same time….well that's against the science but then I see darkness, complete darkness and I stop breathing. I don't know what happen, but Marcus awaked me with an anxious face, he said I'm screaming… what is wrong with me"

Lucas's grip tightly on the edge of the diary as his frown gets deepen in every word.

"I got the news that I'm pregnant!! I'm so – so – so happy, if I don't remember I'm pregnant I would have make double somersault on the air now, and my silly husband was froze like a mannequin for the long five minutes. Goodness we are so blessed!"

"The dream is become more vivid, sometime I can't distinguish between real or fake. I dream about a dark snake with yellow eyes and A dragon breathe of fire then everything turns to ashes, this is a nightmare"

"I'm pregnant with twins, I'm so happy but my heart feel heavy. I'm scared"

Lucas's heart beating faster, he takes a long deep breath to calm his nerves. Lucas brushes his long fringed from his forehead with his hand then he straightens his back. He feel reluctant to flip another page but he needs to found out what happen with his mother.

"Next week is supposed to be my due date, I'm pregnant with boy and girl can't you believe that there is two precious life inside of me, is like a miracle. Lately, I notice Marcus is quieter, sometimes he looks like he lost in his mind, I try to ask but he said don't worry, but how could I'm not worried. The truth is I've been a worry for a very long time, the fear and anxiety are not diminished but instead is increasing the same time as my babies' growth. And the dream still hunting me….I don't know what to do?"

Lucas saw tears mark on the paper, and his heart sunk when he caresses his mother's tears mark. He can't imagine his mother feeling at that time, having two babies in her womb while hunted by bad premonition along the way. She must be terrified, not for herself but for them, for him and Lory.

Lory press her lips together and tears roll on her cheeks, she wipes the tears immediately with her hand then let out a long exhale. The next page is even messier, the tears mark is larger it even ruins the ink leaving a smudged on the paper.

"I saw it, I finally understand what that dream means. When I'm in labor I saw it, my child my precious children. How can they do this to my children, this is not fair, they never do anything wrong so why! WHY – WHY – WHY!

I will never accept this, I will find Arthea, I will return to Djevelskrin"

His mother written is not the same as before, it's too messy and full of scratches as if she pushes the pen vigorously until it almost tore the paper, the pages behind it can't even use to write anymore. Lucas skips the ruined paper until he found his mother writing again.

"Five weeks later I went to Djevelskrin and Marcus insist to came with me, the Archknight brothers wairing for us in the nearest town, this is the biggest compromise we can have with the Archknight since they were reluctant to let us go on our own, and they only give us three days before they catch up. Such a good brother, we are so lucky"

This time his mother writing back to normal again, Lucas hope there's no bad news waiting for them, and yet his heart can't stop thumping. Lory who leans behind him also feel anguish, she unconsciously bites her lower lips.

"We met with Arthea, she told me about the prophecy of the moon and the sun. the moon and the sun are the depictions of my twins, one would be shine as the symbol of new beginning, prosperity and glory while the other will become the light in a dark night and become the symbol of hope and protection. They would bring significant change for the world but the moon and sun cannot shine at the same sky. One must fall so the other could rise.

Basically She wants me to choose which child should I sacrifice so the other could live! She said this is the will of God, but what God ask a mother to choose which child she should sacrifice. I can't do that! I refused to do that!"

The room overly quiet, he can't hear anything but his thumping heart, Lucas feel his body become numbs as he inhaled a cold air into his lungs. He read the mother writing again wishing he was wrong but unfortunately he's not. Lucas suddenly feel dizzy and he has an urge to throw up, he covers his mouth as he struggles to calm his erratic breathing.

"Marcus didn't talk for three days and he hadn't been sleeping for weeks, none of us sleep after that. I hold the two little bundles on my hands and I can't stop crying when I thought about the future that awaited them. The calamity would befall on Verrion and darkness will take over the world, The God would demand a sacrifice of Lucient heir, One should be sacrifices and the other will continue the Lucient line and rule Harland.

That's why they give me twin, the god wants me to preserve the Lucient line, then FU*K them. I will save them both, whatever it took, whatever the cost, my children will not be sacrifices!"

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