The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 549 - The Storm Is Coming

Chapter 549 - The Storm Is Coming

Lory and Girsha had been together for a very long time they understand each other too well when Girsha said something is not right Lory would take his words seriously, she will not dare to brush it off. Unbeknown by anyone Lory stealthily climb to the crow nest, she surprised the watcher that guard the crow nest.josei

Lory raised her finger on her lips and wink at the watcher, she signs him to be quiet and leave his post to her. The watcher who is also a Hei Shen sect member didn't dare to reject the madam of Hei Shen's request so he bows his head deeply before he climbs down. Lory sighs then she enters the crow nest then Girsha flew toward her and perched on the side of the crow nest railing.

Lory clenched her hands on the railing, she takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes, at the tallest place of the ship the wind blows strongly it make her hearing buzzing by the sounds of wind, but it's not bothering her as she concentrates to pick up something unusual inside the wind. Lory tries to grasp any slight movement around her.

She suddenly opens her eyes then she looks at Girsha with widening eyes [Something is coming!] she anxiously said.

[I know, something terrible is hiding behind the cloud] Girsha let out a long exhale, he hopes he was wrong but sadly he is not and he doesn't feel happy about it.

[It's big Girsha, can we handle it, can this ship handle it?] Lory bites her lips in panic.

[Even if this ship is not breaking but doesn't mean it can be flip isn't it?] Girsha also becomes restless.

[I don't know, I don't know if there's any array who can make this ship safe?] Lory squeezes her head with both of her hands as she becomes frantic.

[Could be I'm wrong, my power still in recovery so perhaps I'm wrong, maybe I'm wrong?] she hopefully said.

Girsha squint his eyes [Could both of us wrong then?]

 Lory hit her head on the railing then she grunts exasperatedly [Nooo….]

 [Stop complaining girls, we should do something before it's too late!] Girsha smacks her head with his wing.

"I really cannot let you out of my sight, can I?" Zhao Li Xin gracefully stands on the ship gaff while looking at her with complaint.

Lory quickly raised her hand "You can mad at me late but for now, we have a big problem!" Lory's eyes went round as she said in frantic.

Because Lory is not someone who is easily panic, Zhao Li Xin certain that whatever the problem is, it must be dire. Lory stretches her arms towards him "Help me climb down, we need to talk with everyone!"

Zhao Li Xin carries her in his arms, he only needs bounce his steps twice before he lands smoothly on the deck.

"How the view up there?" Bei Li Yan joked.

Lory shakes her head "Not good, we need to gather everyone, Right NOW!" she sternly said. 

 Mong Ki and Mong Yi realize Lory is being serious so they scurry away to called everyone in their cabin, Zhao Li Xin gathers everyone inside the tent, Lory drinks a warm tea to calmed her down but her hand clenched the teacup tightly. Not long after Ming Yue Yin, Yang Xi Ying, Li Mo Zhen, and Jin Hao came in a hurry, they all exchanged a glance then stare at Lory who look somber.

Lory take a deep breath, she put down her teacup then clasped her hand on her knee then say: "Everyone, I will say this quickly, there is a thunderstorm coming towards us"

"This ship is very sturdy, thunderstorm should not break this ship easily" Jin Hao rubs his chin.

"Is not just a storm is level five storm perhaps higher" Lory lean her back as her face scrunched up.

"How did you know? Are you sure?" Yang Xi Ying worriedly asks.

"It's my Gift, Girsha power is coming from wind, he could feel the change on the wind and he blesses me with the same power when he becomes my guardian, both of us felt the same so it cannot be a mistake, although I hope it does?"

"Uncle, what do you think? Can this ship hold up?" Ming Yue Yin shifts her glance at Zhao Li Xin.

"How big is the storm?" he throws the question back to Lory.

"Well…expected, heavy rain, lightning, and…..waterspout, big waterspout…..and probably more than one" Lory sigh she take a sip again.

"Let me be clear, the waterspout you mean Is the tornado that forms from water?" Bei Li Yan twirls his index finger on the air mimicking the tornado movement.

"Yup!" Lory raised her eyebrows.

"FU*K!" Bei Li Yan cursed "Well, I mean FU*K!" he slammed his fist on the air.

Lory withstand her tired head on her hands "Yeah, this is FU*KED UP situation"

"Lord Long Ming, if we strengthen your ship with talisman and array, can that be helped?" ask Li Mo Zhen.

Zhao Li Xin is the only one who remains expressionless in this situation, he crosses his legs leisurely and stroke Lory arm to comfort her, he contemplated for a second then tilted his head slightly "The basic of this ship is already stronger than any normal warship, I already plant talisman to protect from heavy impact and array used to block from various attack but….against mother nature, I'm not so sure" Zhao Li Xin let out a long exhales.

"But, we still have advantages because we knew before the storm is coming," Zhao Li Xin said calmly.

"True, rather than worry about what we couldn't do let's think about what we can do!" Li Mo Zhen nods in agreement.

"Agree, what we can do for now?" Jin Hao twiddles his fan.

They all stare at Zhao Li Xin simultaneously, his expression remains the same as before is not like he is not worry but his logic told him there is no used for being worry, and worst came to worst he will transfer Lory to the mystique realm even though she would hate him forever for doing that, being hated by her is better than not have her at all.

"We need to add more weight for the ship so is not easy to blow away, strengthen the mast, also the lower deck, and the most important thing is we avoid Lang Guan passage and move to Wei Cu island, the water is deeper in there," said Zhao Li Xin.

"But if we avoid Lan Guan passage it would take another two weeks to reach Gui Hong continent, we might not make it to the auction" Jin Hao expression turn sullen.

"Lan Guan passage had to many reefs because of that the passage is a lot more dangerous, if we stuck on that place during the storm we would be screw" Li Mo Zhen expression deepens.

"My people already reached Gui Hong continent, they could delay the auction for some time but a bit for long" Bei Li Yan shakes his head worriedly.

"Let's worry about the storm first, we think about the other later" Zhao Li Xin tapped his finger on the arm couch.

"Yes, milord, I will talk with the crews right now!" Mong Ki cupped his fist, he left in hurry then follow by Mong Yi.

"We should be prepared too" Ming Yue Yin clapped his hands.

"Uhm, I'm coming with you, we should change our dress too it's gonna be a cold day" Yang Xi Yin follows Ming Yue Yin to her chamber.

"I shared warm jade and fire crystal to appeased the coldness to everyone" Jin Hao also left.

"I put array that prevent everyone from overboard" Li Mo Zhen clenched his fist eagerly before he left.

Bei Li Yan saw every left one by one with their own mission, Bei Li Yan ponder what he can do then he mutters to himself "I sent messaged to my people to make preparation to stall the auction" he shrugs then left. 

Only Zhao Li Xin and Lory left under the tent, Lory was relief that everyone maintains a positive attitude, it should be expected since none of them is ordinary people, still, she can't appease her worry.

"Li Xin, in your mystique realm…..can we transfer everyone there?" she is quite hopeful but Zhao Li Xin's next word make her heart drop.

Zhao Li Xin shakes his head "No, there's only two humans who can enter that realm and that is me and you" his eyes stare tenderly onto her beautiful eyes.

She hung her head dejectedly then slowly lift her head "Then promised me, no matter what happened don't transfer me into the mystique realm" she gripped his hand strongly. She already could guess what Zhao Li Xin about to do, she can't let that happens.

"Lory, I can't risk your life" a faint line appears between his eyebrows.

"NO!" Lory shriek "Don't do this to me, I'm begging you!" her eyes were glossy as she tightens her grip desperately.

Zhao Li Xin heart aching watch her like this but he persisted in his decision, nothing is more important than keeping her alive.

Lory sees the determination in Zhao Li Xin eyes then she becomes panic "No, please Li Xin, I already live my life with regret and guilted please don't add my pained like this, I don't want to another survivor again, you know how my father dies, please don't do this to me! PLEASE!" she bent and plead with tears stream on her cheeks.

Zhao Li Xin can't stand watching her like this, she wrapped Lory in his embraces "Fine, fine I'll do whatever you say, don't cry, please don't cry, please my dear…it's my fault, I'm sorry…." He coaxed her incessantly until Lory stops her cry. Lory desperate pleading is striking him like a thunderbolt, he felt someone rip his heart out of his chest then stomped it on the ground, he never felt so tormented like this before.

He knew he was doomed, he would bend for whatever her wish weather is crazy or not, Zhao Li Xin feel perplexed for he had mixed feeling about his situation.

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