The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 574 - The Lady In A Dream

Chapter 574 - The Lady In A Dream

Soon an item put on the table, the auctioneer smiles proudly as he presented the first item. Everyone watch eagerly while the auctioneer introducing the item, the first item is an exquisite hairpin who has the function as a protective talisman, the hairpin belonged to the emperor dowager of the southern kingdom that presumed was lost after the owner died who knows how Dongchen house gets their hand on that treasure.

Immediately the woman got excited, every woman loves a beautiful thing and Lory is no different, but liking and want it is two different things, Lory admired the handicraft but she has no intention to have it for herself, jewelry Is never her thing. Throughout the auction Lory didn't make a bid, nothing interests her for she lives with Zhao Li Xin she had seen so many precious treasures she becomes numb not to mention in her past life she also indulged by so many treasures from all over the world, in short, is hard to impress her.

Meanwhile, Yang Xi Ying make a bid for a rare thread that could hide one presence from a beast just like a camouflaged cloak, while Ming Yue Yin bid for a rare book from a legendary military strategist for the old Zhang, Lory guessed Ming Yue Yin used that rare book to appeased the old man angry when she returned.

Ming Yue Yin and Yang Xi Yin win the bid easily, they even outbid the royal family Yunmo with great disparity, everyone become warry with the mysterious person on the second floor, unfortunately, the gauze curtain blocks their view.

Only Zhao Yi Chen who is snicker while watching the clamor around him, these bunch of conceited people though they are above everyone else just because they sit on the third floor do they think they are above everyone.

Although Yang Xi Ying didn't have a high position like Ming Yue Yin however other than a governor daughter and Jiu Yun sect master wife she also the owner of Xi Lin tea house, at first she only has one tea house for the starter but with her cold hand, Ming Yue Yin help and Hei Shen Sect support in a short time Yang Xi Yin managed to open dozens of Xi Lin tea house branch all over Liang Zu kingdom and that's how she becomes the richest woman at Liang Zu kingdom and it also make Lory filthy rich too because she owned half of Xi Ling but sadly Lory never check her own money in a bank.

The people on the auction become warry with certain people on the second floor, they don't know who they are why they not afraid for raised their bid against the royal family. There's only two conclusions about them, either they are so formidable so they not afraid to provoke anyone or they're just stupid, either way the fact remains that they are richer than the royal family on the third floor. is quite embarrassing though, who knows what royal family would do after this auction.

Careless of what people thought Jin Hao and Bei Li Yan grew bored, none of the item good enough to impress them gradually they become disappointed, if not because the old map they would think is a waste of time attend this auction, similar like them Lory also bored after she finishes one pot of tea and amount of sweet pastry her eyelids become heavy before she knew she ends up doze off on Zhao Li Xin chest while the man himself play with her hair not once he shows any interest to the item that they offered nor the people that fight for the bidding. 

Fifteen-minute later the auctioneer opens the silver tray "This is the old treasure map they said it shows the location of the legendary sword from the great ancient King, we assure you this old map is real, we estimated the map aged is about two thousand years"

"The map looks incomplete" one of the guessed raised the question.

The auctioneer wryly smile "Yes, it's only a piece of it, but this map has high historical value, who knows what the future holds you might find another piece of the map and gain a precious treasure"josei

'What if not?' 

All the bidders think alike, who wants to bid a dubious map that has not been verified? Who knows if it's lead them to a treasure and where they could find the other piece of the map, are they going to search the whole world for something that might not be true?

They look at each other with frowned, it was clear that no one interested. The auctioneer look perplexed he glance at the manager behind the stage for guidance, the manager only sighs and nod. The Manager clasped his hand behind his back and let out a long exhales he remember that night, he doesn't know why he cannot sleep even though he lay on his bed for hours then suddenly a woman with a grey and silver cloak appears in his room, the weird thing is he doesn't hear the door is open and every window was locked.

The dimmed light candle and the hood hide the mysterious woman face, the reason he knows the person in front of him is a woman because the size of that person body, the woman body is petite she perhaps a very young woman but how could a young woman enter his room without his notice after all his cultivation is not shallow.

"Who are you?" the manager is a middle-aged man in his forty, he had been experienced ambush more than once in his life however he never thought he would be ambush by a single woman.

"What do you want? Who send you?" he doesn't dare underestimated his opponent since the little woman able to enter his room just like smoke.

The woman points her finger on the table "Take this item for your next auction" she said with a sweet but firm voice.

The manager stupefied when he saw the woman pale skin who look like a snow, he had seen fair skin before but nothing like this as if there is no blood flow within that hand.

"Is the old treasure map from the ancient King Lei Yu" the woman said.

The manager's eyebrows creased closely "Lei Yu? Lei Yu is only a myth…he does not exist?" he had heard the story about Lei Yu the first king who rules the entire world however there is no concrete proof about his existance, there is no inscription or scroll that record about Lei Yu life for many people Lei Yu is like a jade emperor who rules the heaven, he is nothing more than a mythology that people created to teach their children about wisdom.

The woman opens the small box, inside it there's a small piece of map mad from sort of animal skin, the map looks worn out and old, for someone who works in auction house he can recognize the real and a fake with a single glance and that map is real, at least that thing is really old.

"There would be two great power who will fight for this old map, if you concern about money, don't be….I assure you, you will gain more than you ever dream of" her voice is clear and smooth, he couldn't discern any lies or doubt in her voice nor worry or anxiety as if what she said is a fact, and that what scares him the most because he trusts her.

"How could I trust you? How would I know you will not harm me?" the manager clenched his fist while his logic and heart are not in line, everything about this is surreal.

The woman let down her hood because the poor light in his room he can't see the woman face clearly but one thing is stood out from her that was her long silver hair that covers her shoulder, her silver hair glistening when it touch the light, the manager was awe-struck never in his life he saw anything so beautiful like that.

the woman slowly closes the box then she walks toward him at a slow pace, gradually her face becomes clearer, the manager gulped subconsciously, the woman has flawless pale skin like snow in the winter with a pair of grey eyes and red lips, she is very beautiful but at the same time she looks odd, very very odd. He never saw this type of face, not in this continent or any other continent and he had almost explored the whole continents, but he never saw anyone like her, something suddenly hit him 'Is she human?'

The woman lifts her head and smiles innocently "Have a faith"

 The manager raised from his bed abruptly as a result he accidentally startled his wife who sleeps next to him, he was panting crazily and his chest moves up and down erratically, it took a few minutes before the manager realizes he is on the bed and is already morning, he wiped his dampened forehead and stunned how much he sweat, is he dreaming? He must be….

"Are you okay?" his wife worriedly ask.

The manager let out a deep sigh of relief "I'm good, I'm just tired…..just go back to sleep" he patted his wife's shoulder.

His wife shakes her head, how could she sleep after this "No, it's already bright outside I'll prepare your bath, don't you have a lot of things to do today" the manager wife get off from the bed then she wears her outer robe "I hope all goes well at today auction" she smiles while tying a knot on her waist.

The manager's expression gradually improves when he realizes it's only a bad dreaming, he was embarrassed by being scared of a nightmare at this age "Thank you…" he smiled warmly at his wife.

She feel relief when her husband acted like his normal self, she turns around to order the servant to prepare her husband bath but then she saw something on the table, she tilted her head confusedly she ask her husband "My dear, is this box yours?"

The manager who just get up from the bed suddenly froze, he turns around in slow motion, his eyes bulged widely "W…what…what did you say?" he stutters.

The wife stares at her husband with a puzzled look "This box, is it yours? I never saw it before" she show the box to her husband.

And the manager though his heart suddenly stops 'It's Real! Everything is Real!" his legs wobbly and he weakly sat down on the bed with an indescribable expression.

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